Yeah, I imagine they're doing it to try and prevent abuse of the system, but all this extra work might be a lot for a small group like them to handle.
- Read report about player x
- Download video
- Watch video
- Think about video, decide if they did something wrong. If yes, flag them as trouble
- Read report about player x again
- Download video
- Watch video
- Think about video...flag them again
- Read report about player x a third time
- Download video
- Watch video
- Finally ban the person
Realistically, no one's going to get banned the first time they do something, or I would honestly hope not for something "silly". The steps I listed seem reasonable to access if someone would be banned or not (by the dev's own rules), and that's probably 5-10 minutes of one person's day.
I know the team is super small, and I know they're busy trying to fix the game. That doesn't leave much time to (a) worry about how many reports they're going to get or (b) handle updating the game if they're all going through reported players.
I really hope them the best for this, but there's a lot to do.