Spent a good portion of my 4-day weekend playing this, and I'm still having shitloads of fun. I'm level 36 on Steam at this point, so I don't give a shit about XP or anything which helps. I had an absolutely mind-numbingly frustrating round as Jason where the last two counselors left were Chad and Buggsy, and I swear to god I chased them in circles for 15 minutes before they fucked up and I picked them off. Buggsy had three pocket knives, and the guy playing Chad was RPing hard to the point where I legit wanted to find him and strangle him with a sweater.
It felt so fucking good to finally kill them though, and Buggsy getting mad and rage quitting after was icing on the cake. After that I played a round as Deborah and it was my turn to piss Jason off with pocket knives and melee weapons. I had the guy playing him so upset that he was screaming into his mic. We had a good laugh in the lobby after.
On PC at least, so many little things have been fixed that I rarely have any issues anymore. I did try it on PS4 at one point this weekend and that platform seems to be smoothed out quite a bit too. I don't know what it is about it (license aside), but I can't remember the last time I've been so engrossed in a game. I wish everyone was having the same experience with it.