Reminds me, I wish someone would take another shot at alien: colonial marine's multiplayer. It was a lot like L4D and while it definitely wasn't perfect, it did good at capturing the paranoia of being hunted by xenomorphs. Constantly swerving around and eyeing the walls and ceiling for a sneaking alien was tense.AJ Mason is an alien. Her green guts after Jason punches through just proves it. #Xenomorph
I had Dead by Daylight on OC but never even touched it. I rebought it on PS4 to play with friends but I'm wondering if Friday the 13th would've been a better option for us.
From what I understand DBD has more content, plays better while Friday has a lot of jank but it has fan service, better atmosphere and tension. Am I correct there ?
Also is Friday 60FPS or 30FPS on consoles ?
Even if I have friends elsewhere?
Anybody have any idea which version of the game has the biggest community? I want it on PC but if the PS4 version is getting more action then I'd rather go that direction.
I can't tell if your being serious or facetious.Even if I have friends elsewhere?
I actually quite like the teamkilling aspect of the game. Adds another level to the meta. Yeah, when they're working in cahoots with Jason it can be a drag, but the added tension of having to keep an eye on a loose cannon within your 'team' can be fun.
Had an amusing game last night. A group had assembled all of the parts for the car and left them all lying by it. I'd heard on the radio that they were getting ready to go in the blue car (4 seat) so I beelined towards it, hoping for a lift.
When I got there, everyone else had scattered, leaving the gas, keys etc on the ground. So, I got everything fixed, got in and drove off hearing their howls of frustration over chat.
Dick move? Certainly. But while playing that character, it's precisely what I would do. Twas delicious.
I helped them out in the next round, keeping Jason busy while others made their getaway.
I recently had a game where I somehow collected both keys. I then ended up dying in some remote location where nobody could find me casually.
I recently had a game where I somehow collected both keys. I then ended up dying in some remote location where nobody could find me casually.
I put about 27 hours into the game and had a bunch of fun, but I think I'm kinda done with it. There needs to be more variety in terms of maps and gameplay modes.
PC is definitely the most active platform.
Have had this before as well. Only I managed to escape by boat, with them still on me. Oh well.
Yeah it was only a matter of time before the same 3 maps became boring. And I think I can finally say now that's it's been a month, with still no patch in sight for Xbox, I can see the playerbase getting fed up with it.
I usually don't do things like that but since the greed was there, I decided to just rp my character.
Depending on their definition of soon this is either very good or very bad news.
oh cool, another game with a report feature that likely will never be utilized.
Just give the person the option to boot when they betray in the Halo series. Makes me wonder why more devs haven't implemented stuff Bungie has done regarding griefers since last gen.
The maps need to be a touch more randomly generated or something.
Moral of the story, please use a fucking Mic if you're playing online lol.I've killed players on purpose before and didn't feel bad.
Sometimes there have been too many players waiting by the car while you and others are fixing it up. These are usually the non-voice chat types who always seem to try to jump in despite not helping with anything. The first to run to the woods when Jason shows up and someone is trying to install a part.
Multiple times with these types of players I've installed the last part only to see them all jump in and take off without me. Thats why I always make sure to drop a baseball bat near the car or boat. If they aren't chatting, and are just waiting I assume they will betray me and the other players, so I often warn them they aren't coming with us, and if they still don't leave I put them down.
Also, when a silent someone runs into a house and tries to nab all the loot and doesn't help with deadbolting or locking doors I will knock them around because I assume they will betray me.
I've been betrayed too many times. If I don't have a solid line of communication with the player, and they aren't helping and choose instead to wait and let everyone else do the work they're not going to help me, or the others I'm working with then allowing them to live will most likely be detrimental to my survival.
Moral of the story, please use a fucking Mic if you're playing online lol.
They need to fix the Packanack roof glitch now. It's getting ridiculous to have it happen each match now.
That would be kind of fun.Think someone said it here before, but Jason really needs to be able to hide in cabinets and outhouses and not have his music play.
I haven't seen it yet, but I'm going to look it up on YouTube for how to do it just so when I'm a counselor I can kill everyone who uses that exploit.
So does this mean it's gonna be pushed out in a patch after the one we're still waiting for? Hope not.
Well there is a trophy for doing that called, "Chad is a Dick"
I recently had a game where I somehow collected both keys. I then ended up dying in some remote location where nobody could find me casually.
Really? I was playing AJ. Haven't even checked the achievement list for the game.
Not sure what platform you're on, but some of the fixes involved in this patch are also regarding the memory leaks and random crashes. so PS4 and X1 would hopefully get it by end of the week or early next week.
Are quitters even punished? PS4 users fucking suck.
Had a good match going as Jason and the host leaves seconds before I kill the last person.
I recently had a game where I somehow collected both keys. I then ended up dying in some remote location where nobody could find me casually.