Yeah at ridiculous resolutions, with crazy amounts of AA. Problems that don't occur on consoles. Your concerns aren't valid.
Great idea.Fuck OS's. It doesn't even need a GUI. Go with a 50mb command line version.
It states that it's a rumor
Fuck OS's. It doesn't even need a GUI. Go with a 50mb command line version.
Great idea.
cd games
cd knack
Boom, done.
Big heap RAM2. Flexible memory is "heap"(Well, I don't know what's that, so probably DevGaf could help with this one.)
Optimize the OS Sony. There is no reason it can't be done with 2 GB. I thought 1 GB was a bit extreme but the PS Vita's OS made me believe it's possible. 3 GB just seems a lot for a little.
Yes when they confirm that announcing 8 GB for games was to make them look better than Microsoft infront of the world and that there is 4 GB alloted for OS instead of 3.5GB. Meltdown continues and Sony Fanboys continue to say. " THIS MUST BE FALSE" LMAO.
That's something I don't understand either. 1.5 for the OS, cool. An additional 1 GB for 'additional features'. Ok... But then another 1 on top of that being blocked off for no apparent reason? If Sony was going to block off all this RAM, as much as the One, I wouldn't be as mad if they actually DID something with it. There's a reason the One has so much RAM blocked off such as kinect integration, all the TV functionality, 3 OSs, etc. I fail to see what feature on PS4 necessitates that potentially more is corralled off.
yes hence "pseudo-confirming 2 CPU cores reserved as well"
5gb as of right now is plenty for anyone. As for year 4... we'll see. But Microsoft and Sony both have the means to cut the bloat out of their OS. So year four may see increases for both.
The sony fans that have been taunting microsoft fans with "LOLOLOL 5gb of ram lolol" have egg on their face and they should. Both systems are powerful and can still improve with better tools and firmware upgrades. In fact we may be hearing about a bump in MS specs soon. Or maybe not. Rumors are rampant this time of year.
I'm off to work. So for real, i'm leaving this thread now. Until my boss leaves and I get on my phone.
what the fook is this thread? NO really, I'm actually asking what the hell is going on? Is this a joke? Are people hear seriously upset about some arbitrary numbers getting changed and technical points the majority of gaming forum staff don't even comprehend?
Whoa? the amount of pages here I thought something seriously happened, and as I keep scrolling through, I just get more and more disappointed I still have to be labeled with a group called "gamers"
Utter nonsense...This is not some defense to Sony, but man, what developers are actually coming out and complaining about any of this? if it's 4gb, 5.5, 6.5gb, what does that really matter if the games come out looking amazing? So far, Sony seems to have the more powerful system, but the gap is only measured by the content, and we all have to wait for that to happen still. Really, just turned my stomach coming in here. The fook is wrong with this place? Wait till the games come fellas...That's all there is to it..
5gb as of right now is plenty for anyone. As for year 4... we'll see. But Microsoft and Sony both have the means to cut the bloat out of their OS. So year four may see increases for both.
The sony fans that have been taunting microsoft fans with "LOLOLOL 5gb of ram lolol" have egg on their face and they should. Both systems are powerful and can still improve with better tools and firmware upgrades. In fact we may be hearing about a bump in MS specs soon. Or maybe not. Rumors are rampant this time of year.
I'm off to work. So for real, i'm leaving this thread now. Until my boss leaves and I get on my phone.
Ok, i see, thanks for the answer.I canceled it almost a week ago purely for financial reasons and not being able to justify buying into it day one.
Once I saw someone bring up the pre-order canceled meme I knew I could actually sell it as being real because I did have cancellation emails. I really just wanted to see how many people would eat it up.
Great idea.
cd games
cd knack
Boom, done.
Not cancelling my preorder but this is a pretty big deal. There is no reason at all the OS should be using 3.5GB of RAM.
Not cancelling my preorder but this is a pretty big deal. There is no reason at all the OS should be using 3.5GB of RAM.
Just asked o_sharp, and he told me that Eurogamer might have some misunderstanding here.
1. The system OS will not use flexible memory.
2. Flexible memory is "heap"(Well, I don't know what's that, so probably DevGaf could help with this one.)
3. On DevCon, SCE said they will try to get more RAM for gaming from system OS. But it's quite hard, because PS4 should do multi-task like recording and live-streaming, etc.
4.According to his research for now, which he is not so confirm about it. So, probably, when you recording a 15 minutes video, the data is in ram. Only when Share is pressed, then data will flush into HDD. The game will need to pause for gpu suspension for throughput. live-streaming is in ram.
Wait...if anything wrong, will I get banned? X_X NooOooOoOooo
Let me ask another pertinent question:
How can tablets like iPad/newer androids manage to multi-task (albeit limited) when the total amount of RAM being 1GB? On the PS4, last I checked, there is no true multi-tasking (like browsing and gaming at the same time with a divided screen or browsing and watching netflix etc simultaneously). In general, most people keep multiple tabs and multiple programs open (not background stuff) but seldom use more than one thing at a time. The most common combination is listening to music along side browsing, editing pictures or the like.
Are we really expect people to do more than 2 different things at a time (360 attained cross game, chat and custom soundtrack simultaneously with a meagre 32MB OS)?
Yes, I am keenly aware that they use their own mobile apps that are less resource intensive and occupy far less space once they are relegated to become a part of the background process. So the question is, why can't we have it for PS4 (and xbone) for that matter?
The only feature innate to PS4 which could be a resource hog is remote play via vita but even then, PS4 won't simultaneously be playing one game while streaming another.
Let me ask another pertinent question:
How can tablets like iPad/newer androids manage to multi-task (albeit limited) when the total amount of RAM being 1GB? On the PS4, last I checked, there is no true multi-tasking (like browsing and gaming at the same time with a divided screen or browsing and watching netflix etc simultaneously). In general, most people keep multiple tabs and multiple programs open (not background stuff) but seldom use more than one thing at a time. The most common combination is listening to music along side browsing, editing pictures or the like.
Are we really expect people to do more than 2 different things at a time (360 attained cross game, chat and custom soundtrack simultaneously with a meagre 32MB OS)?
Yes, I am keenly aware that they use their own mobile apps that are less resource intensive and occupy far less space once they are relegated to become a part of the background process. So the question is, why can't we have it for PS4 (and xbone) for that matter?
The only feature innate to PS4 which could be a resource hog is remote play via vita but even then, PS4 won't simultaneously be playing one game while streaming another.
Not cancelling my preorder but this is a pretty big deal. There is no reason at all the OS should be using 3.5GB of RAM.
A rumor doesn't pseudo-confirm anything
None of you guys complaining honestly thought devs had access to ALL 8GB, right? I mean, right?
15 min intervals of 1080p gameplay footage being recorded and rendered will require a lot of RAM, especially without affecting gameplay.
Isn't that exactly what they're going to be doing? Optimizing over the years.
So, I missed the show. Are only 4.5GB or 5.5GB available for games? And is this bad?
Their was rumors of either an upclock or swapping out the boards with the devkit boards which contain 12GB of RAM. Though none of those have clear leads and its best if you just ignore them, for now.Yeah, I missed that. We may be hearing about a bump in Xbox One specs soon?
So, I missed the show. Are only 4.5GB or 5.5GB available for games? And is this bad?
so is the majority of the thread then just tongue and cheek and more humorous than complaining? I really got a complaining vibe from reading through 4-5 pages, can't tell if sarcasms or not..You're overreacting to overreaction.
*buckles 10-point seatbelt*Yeah, I missed that. We may be hearing about a bump in Xbox One specs soon?
Their was rumors of either an upclock or swapping out the boards with the devkit boards which contain 12GB of RAM. Though none of those have clear leads and its best if you just ignore them, for now.
Their was rumors of either an upclock or swapping out the boards with the devkit boards which contain 12GB of RAM. Though none of those have clear leads and its best if you just ignore them, for now.
About 1GB, but it would be beyond wasteful to keep all of it in RAM when the hard drive is easily fast enough.
15 min intervals of 1080p gameplay footage being recorded and rendered will require a lot of RAM, especially without affecting gameplay.
Being able to switch between games seamlessly (and other apps) is a very important feature for me. the rest of the RAM is plenty. Current gen has 0.5GB for fucks sake. The leap next gen is HUGE-especially with GDDR5.
It's the worst.
This is really, really bad. MS must be partying right now. The GDDR5 just can't win from the bear+salmon alliance. It's over.
This is really bad. OUYA just won the console war in result of this.
May as well pack all of our bags and go home.