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FRIDAYTON MK II: 5.5 million bears and salmon create unholy allliance to sack SONY HQ

Based on what? I'm not saying this is good news or not a big deal, but there's no evidence for the 7GB/1GB split that I know of.

No, you're right. There wasn't evidence. I guess my assumption was just piggybacking on others. Not to mention I was hoping that was the case.

I don't think I'm alone in wanting a light OS and an overkill amount of ram for developers to play with.


It may have no bearing on anything. But these numbers often get used as talking points even if they only have abstract meaning for some people. For those expecting a future-proof juggernaut -- even if they have no idea what any of these numbers mean -- this is undeniably a cutback if true. Particularly if 3.5 GB is set aside for the OS.

And all I'm getting at is that -- again, if true -- a "LOL, you guys thought all 8 GB would be usable for gaming" just seems silly.

I understand what you are getting at but at the same time, even from the rumors saying the OS footprint was going to 1GB with 7GB being usable, people had to have known the full 8GB wouldn't be usable. That's like buying a new HDD for your PC. The box might say 1TB, but in reality you only get access to like 930GB of it. Over time, Sony and MS are going to find ways to make the OS footprints slimmer and open up more RAM for devs to use. In the end though, none of this is going to matter at all once the games come out and we start comparing those.
Why not? E3 was the pinnacle for Sony, and that's when a lot of people preordered. Since then MS has been working to get better, and Sony has been slowly slipping. Framerate issues on launch titles, unknown noise levels of the tiny form factor, and personally no launch titles that get my panties wet. Could it just be that this has muddied which console people are most interested in.
I'm sorry, but what the fuck? Microsoft has literally been playing catch-up this entire time, and still has the weaker GPU and uses 5GB of slower RAM compared to 4.5-5.5 of faster RAM for PS4. I fail to see where Sony slipped up.
I'm a bit disappointed tbh this feels like a knee jerk reaction from Sony if true. I know things will change in the future but I don't really care about a bunch of OS features, I just wan't to play the best games with as few limits as possible. I already don't care about XB1 OS features, as long as Sony's OS is smooth and I have the suspend feature I'm good.
Holy shit, almost everybody that posted a pre-order cancelled image in here got banned. Also a lot of other people like Gestault too. Thread is a freaking graveyard. At least 10 or so fallen members.

Let me ask another pertinent question:

How can tablets like iPad/newer androids manage to multi-task (albeit limited) when the total amount of RAM being 1GB? On the PS4, last I checked, there is no true multi-tasking (like browsing and gaming at the same time with a divided screen or browsing and watching netflix etc simultaneously). In general, most people keep multiple tabs and multiple programs open (not background stuff) but seldom use more than one thing at a time. The most common combination is listening to music along side browsing, editing pictures or the like.

Are we really expect people to do more than 2 different things at a time (360 attained cross game, chat and custom soundtrack simultaneously with a meagre 32MB OS)?

Yes, I am keenly aware that they use their own mobile apps that are less resource intensive and occupy far less space once they are relegated to become a part of the background process. So the question is, why can't we have it for PS4 (and xbone) for that matter?

The only feature innate to PS4 which could be a resource hog is remote play via vita but even then, PS4 won't simultaneously be playing one game while streaming another.
Background recording and downloading dude. I expect the PS4 to record 15 minutes of 1080p video footage now. That takes a lot of RAM, because writing to the HDD at all times is not very healthy. Also when you play a game while the rest is being downloaded in the background I expect the RAM to also take a part in this, because the HDD is already heavy in use to play the game, so stuff is probably downloaded into RAM first and then saved on the HDD when there is time.

So at worst the PS4 OS basically needs to able to run a game, stream the game to Vita, download the rest of the game, record the game and run multiple apps like browsers, Skype and Netflix at the same time. I think that's why there is so much RAM, it doesn't need it at all times, but is has to be there in case the user goes all out.


You sound pretty sure - is your "insider status" cleared with a mod? (no offense)

I don't know about his insider status being cleared. But what I can be sure of is he's not a Sony fanboy. The guy was calling BS on a lot of the technical details that were released for Quantic Dream's The Dark Sorcerer demo.


Junior Member
Dear god, has Cerny-sama returned from his hyperbolic time chamber training on the moon, to defeat the bears on the night of the crescent moon?!

OT: So do we have any confirmation either way. Is the source of this article still the Killzone slide, or is there a better source. Did Sony ever comment on the matter? Are we still at 3.5GB reserved for OS, or is it speculated at 2.5GB? Please tell me these assertions have actual evidence for a 70 page thread.


with so many people developing for PS4, you'd think we'd know something concrete by now, but nope, just contradictions vague statements, and trolling.

All you need to know is:

1. Developers are happy.
2. No one is complaining about the amount of RAM.
3. There was no huge down grade or rouse pulled on developers.

That's all.
All right so I'm just going to slip this in here somewhere

I apologize to anyone anywhere if I used 7gbs available to devs as an argument for PS4/X1 comparisons

I did it somewhere just not sure if it was on here

Personally think 3 gbs is a bit much for an OS so still would've liked a better solution from MS on X1's but I suppose if it's lightening fast we can't complain

Would like clarification about when that extra 1 gb devs can use on the PS4 gets used

PS4 better be lightening quick with its potential 2.5 gbs reserved for OS

That being said it is a smart play by Sony overall as I do want some of those features that Sony couldn't implement last gen


I don't think the 4.5 - 5.5GB has anything to do with "flexibility". It's limited to 4.5GB on current dev kits due to the 11th hour switch from 4GB to 8GB. The dev kits were built thinking the shipping console would only 3-3.5GB available to developers, so a total of 4.5GB available on dev kits made sense so they would have some headroom for unoptimized code. After doubling the RAM, suddenly shipping consoles would have 5.5GB available but the dev kits still only had a max of 4.5GB. Once developers have the new dev kits in hand, it'll be 5.5GB for all games, all the time.
Weren't sony going to have 4 gbs of ram before so if this is true we would only have had half a gig of ram for games before they doubled it, somehow that doesn't seem right
I don't get why people think this puts the PS4 and XB1 on equal terms. The RAM reduction does suck if true, but there are other parts of the system where is still has advantages. Why are people ignoring that?

But yeah, i hope this isn't true.


36 pages, Jesus Christ . . . My reaction to this news being possibly true . . .

What can you do? I was hoping for 7GB of usable GDDR5, but whatever I gotta PC, games will still look good, I'll live. That OS better be immaculate though.
What if tomorrow MS announced some amazing new OS feature (something like simultaneous PIP 8-person video party chat while watching a let's play on you tube and playing a game on the other half of the screen while taking satellite photos of your house oh wait how'd that get in there while creating shareable textures downloaded from your living room furniture while allowing virtual high-fives via Kinect) and it became that new hot shit, like Miis or custom soundtracks or achievements or party chat or cross-game invites, and they suddenly found that they couldn't implement it without borking the entire OS?

They are simply hedging their bets.

Sony is "about games" not always-on Kinect features no one wants or will make a difference. With vastly superior hardware, there is no reason for them to be scared of anything MS does.

XBone got a ton of shit for the 3GB reserve. "1GB for each OS, lolz"

It wasn't that bad, they got much more hate for other stuff.

Xbox One rising from the ashes like a phoenix.


Of course we all wanted 7GB for games/1GB for OS, but to compete with MS, they have to leave the door open for OS expansions in the future.

You all remember how haphazardly the PS3 OS has been put together over the years?

In-game XMB wasn't a launch feature
Neither were Trophies
and many more

Because Sony needed to compete with what MS were offering.


All you need to know is:

1. Developers are happy.
2. No one is complaining about the amount of RAM.
3. There was no huge down grade or rouse pulled on developers.

That's all.

Would you say developers are happy about the ram on both systems?
I don't get why people think this puts the PS4 and XB1 on equal terms. The RAM reduction does suck if true, but there are other parts of the system where is still has advantages. Why are people ignoring that?

But yeah, i hope this isn't true.

Hell, even the RAM is still better on PS4. 5GB DDR3 /= to 4.5-5.5GB GDRR5. Throw in a superior GPU, and I don't get what everyone is pissing themselves for.


All you need to know is:

1. Developers are happy.
2. No one is complaining about the amount of RAM.
3. There was no huge down grade or rouse pulled on developers.

That's all.

Yes but they refrained\not allowed to say how the RAM is divided, and Sony has kept mum. It's a non-issue practically but image-wise it does make a dent. And they are making it to be a issue by not offering this info by themselves and being forthcoming earlier.
The OS memory footprint on both consoles diminished over the years so it wouldn't surprise me at all if they end up freeing even more memory for devs over time.


4.5 GB to devs, 1.5 GB to OS, 1 GB reserve for devs, 1 GB reserve for OS.

Pretty much what everyone expected. No issue here.
I'm a bit disappointed tbh this feels like a knee jerk reaction from Sony if true. I know things will change in the future but I don't really care about a bunch of OS features, I just wan't to play the best games with as few limits as possible. I already don't care about XB1 OS features, as long as Sony's OS is smooth and I have the suspend feature I'm good.
You don't have to worry. Devs are happy. That's all that matters. The rest is future.
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