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From Tupac to Rosa Parks: KY county clerk Kim Davis says "Only God can judge me now"

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They asked him earlier about it and said he had no knowledge of this news story and had no comment. Might be another day at least before he has an official stance on this.

Yep, I saw that and laughed. He's definitely aware of the issue's existence, but at the time probably wasn't up to date on the developments. I'm looking forward to seeing which way he chooses. The calculations on this one are such that one position is poison in the general, while the other position is poison in the primary.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Still no comment from Trump, eh? This is a pretty big fork in the road.

I don't think he is going for the Evangelic vote, more for the Racist and Clueless vote. While there may be some overlap, I suspect he will shrug it off, in that way of his, if asked.


I don't think he is going for the Evangelic vote, more for the Racist and Clueless vote. While there may be some overlap, I suspect he will shrug it off, in that way of his, if asked.

If forced to guess, that's my hunch too.

Where this comes into play and makes it potentially damaging for the general is a situation where he gets the nomination and evangelical turnout is down - even if it's just by a few percentage points - because they think he's okay with "Christian persecution."


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
without a doubt, book publishers are already calling her.

"How I fought the government and lost"


Wait, that's not spun enough. Also not playing the victim enough.

"My Fight Against the Godless Heathens: How I was forced into jail so I could practice my religion"

That's closer.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Not a fan of this. She's already being treated like the Rosa Parks of oppressed white Christians.

Not sure how anything else could have been done.
In part it was also about preventing others from doing the same thing. She is only the most visible of the fuckwits, not the only.


Well now she's really been turned into a hero/martyr for the right... Great.
Don't understand the comments like this. Should she not be punished at all because otherwise she will be a martyr? Because I think that is a worse outcome; to let someone who willfully breaks the law go unpunished.

No matter how light of a punishment she got, she would be deemed some sort of hero. I'm not really concerned with how she's viewed other than as an example to others who would follow in her footsteps.
Reasonable discussion on facebook about this and I am faced with this argument:

But surely you can see her position. If someone came to me at work and said, "change of plans, we are no longer in graphic design, we are now going to be performing abortions" I would say, "Like hell I am". Then they would say "Then you need to resign", to which I would respond "Like hell I am". She just got thrown into the deep end of this pool and she doesn't want to lose her job but she doesn't want to violate her beliefs.

Seriously? I am trying not to be rude here people, let me be reasonable!
Well now she's really been turned into a hero/martyr for the right... Great.

The right really don't want to attach to this issue. It's an incredibly awkward place to be in. She's a Democrat, so the GOP won't touch her, and the majority support gay marriage and think she is breaking the law, so I doubt it's a martyr nobody but the really stupid and short sighted televangelists might pick up.


Reasonable discussion on facebook about this and I am faced with this argument:

Seriously? I am trying not to be rude here people, let me be reasonable!

"We're fucking designers!!!!!! Not doctors or even have medical training? Are you fucking dense?"

Just, from the top of my head.


I'm glad she was jailed; willfully disobeying a court order is contempt. The state is not a theocracy, justifying the denial of duties under the authority of a religion is absurd.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Reasonable discussion on facebook about this and I am faced with this argument:

Seriously? I am trying not to be rude here people, let me be reasonable!

I love when people compare things to problems that don't exist.


Reasonable discussion on facebook about this and I am faced with this argument:

Seriously? I am trying not to be rude here people, let me be reasonable!

I would say something about the fact her job binds her to society and that she is a vessel for performing actions demanded by those social forces. That's her only responsibility.


All the crusty GOP candidates crying Christan persecution.
Posting my support for this action!

Enough with the nuts in government. Are we not a nation of laws? Your average day citizen gets away with far less, this person was getting PAID to do nothing.

Religion is not an excuse. Are we to let terrorists go free because their religion said it was OK to kill Americans? No. Religion is not an excuse.


Every single republican candidate has excitedly lined up behind her. I think this woman's past is a pandora's box you don't want to sit on, to be honest. They just aren't being strategically smart. They've created a base that only wants blood and they can't be given honey anymore.
This isn't true. Lindsey Gharme said she needs to do her job.

Edit: Kim Davis didn't win her job on Democrats vs Republican, she won on the fact that she was the daughter of the previous county clerk that held the position for over 30 years. She could have run as part of the hacky sack party and won the clerk job.


Reasonable discussion on facebook about this and I am faced with this argument:

Seriously? I am trying not to be rude here people, let me be reasonable!

Say that a more apt analogy is that again you are a graphic designer. You specialize in making graphics which incorporate circles and the color blue. Board of directors comes in and says "Hey we are gonna need to work with squares and the color red also". You say you don't believe in those colors. You then get shit canned and someone else is hired because your beliefs have no place in that scenario.

Also ask them if they support shariah law being established.
Say that a more apt analogy is that again you are a graphic designer. You specialize in making graphics which incorporate circles and the color blue. Board of directors comes in and says "Hey we are gonna need to work with squares and the color red also". You say you don't believe in those colors. You then get shit canned and someone else is hired because your beliefs have no place in that scenario.

Also ask them if they support shariah law being established.

I basically said the analogy was crap (in a nice way), made a better, and said said of theirs that 'if that were to happen, they would just fire you and you could then sue them because the hell?

Also mentioned Saudi Arabia as a country with religious laws.


I basically said the analogy was crap (in a nice way), made a better, and said said of theirs that 'if that were to happen, they would just fire you and you could then sue them because the hell?

Also mentioned Saudi Arabia as a country with religious laws.

Most excellent.
Reasonable discussion on facebook about this and I am faced with this argument:

Seriously? I am trying not to be rude here people, let me be reasonable!

Uh...I'd say 'reasonable' left the building with a quickness there. That is such a bizarre comparison.
Not a fan of this. She's already being treated like the Rosa Parks of oppressed white Christians.
We'll see how long she keeps her brave vigil. I doubt we're looking at a new Mandela here.

Also ask them if they support shariah law being established.
I'd wager that Fiction's friend believes that there are towns that have been taken over by Muslims who already practice Sharia law.


I basically said the analogy was crap (in a nice way), made a better, and said said of theirs that 'if that were to happen, they would just fire you and you could then sue them because the hell?

Also mentioned Saudi Arabia as a country with religious laws.

Ask them what they think of this.



She believes that she should be free to let her religious beliefs dictate how she does her job at a job that specifically disallows that. Did she actually think that laws would be changed specifically for her so that she can continue to be a bigot?

Lets see how long she can sit in a cell.
It still blows my mind when people say "Kentucky didn't vote for same-sex marriage!!" as if they truly don't know that the Supreme Court is higher law to interpret the constitution, and can rule state laws unconstitutional. It doesn't matter what Kentucky voted for if there's already final word from the Supreme Court on the laws that exist, but they keep mentioning that Kim was just abiding by the will of Kentucky over and over.

Yep, just reviewed this with my high school sophomore son tonight as part of a test he's taking tomorrow. The Supremacy Clause. The US Constitution is the highest law in the land. Like, duh. But, hey, let's have actual elected officials hold government office who don't know this.

Aren't they sworn in? Hold your hand in the air and swear to uphold the laws of the Constitution? Basically, by not upholding the US Constitution she was going against her vow, which she swore on a bible, to do so. Again, hypocrite.


Reasonable discussion on facebook about this and I am faced with this argument:

Seriously? I am trying not to be rude here people, let me be reasonable!

A reasonable compromise would be for her to delegate to other people for that function. That way same sex couples are able to seek marriage licenses and she doesn't have to do something her bigotry prevents.

But she cannot serve as a roadblock.


Going back pretty much to the founding of the Republican party Southerners saw it as the party of the North. After the Civil War and Reconstruction, it was virtually impossible for a Republican to win an election in the South for nearly a century. As time went on and the national Democratic party evolved, there ended up being a lot of tension as southern Democrats held views that increasingly diverged from those of the national party.

Eventually this tension led to a slow drift of the South away from the Democratic party. It started with the South occasionally voting for third party candidates for president starting in 1948, then finally for Republicans (particularly as the Republican party, seeing an opportunity, began openly courting Southern voters starting in the 1960s). At that point the South tended to vote Republican for president but for conservative Democrats otherwise. However, slowly the Republicans made inroads in lower level elections as well, partly by conservative Democratic lawmakers switching party affiliation to Republican. In the 1990s, the Republicans finally broke through and began dominating Congressional elections in the South as well.

Since then the changes have been filtering down to still lower level elections (state legislatures, county offices, etc.) but the switch still isn't complete, so you still have Democrats who are quite conservative holding elected office at the local level and people who vote straight ticket Republican or nearly so who identify as or are registered as Democrats.

To make a long story short, the South was historically dominated by the Democratic party, and as the politics of the party and the region have diverged, there's been a lag in terms of identification which means that many southern Democrats hold views that are far more in line with the national Republican party.

First off this is awesome and thanks.

Second off, I might regret asking this but what the hell are southern Republicans like in that case?


Reasonable discussion on facebook about this and I am faced with this argument:

Seriously? I am trying not to be rude here people, let me be reasonable!
It's more like working at McDonald's, and then being told that it will sell the shamrock shake all year long.. Instead of just March


A federal judge put Kim Davis in custody of U.S. Marshals today after the Rowan County, Kentucky, clerk repeatedly flouted the law by ordering the county office to refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Dominic Holden reports that Judge David Bunning, a Bush-appointee, “did not believe it made sense to fine Davis because he did not believe it would compel her to act.”

Yesterday, Davis’ attorney, Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel, appeared on “Crosstalk” to defend Davis, claiming that she is simply trying to do her job, or at least, her job as she sees it. He even likened her to a Jewish person living under Nazi rule.

When host Jim Schneider of VCY America asked why Davis won’t resign, he said that the county’s residents support her and “she’d probably be able to win the governor’s seat right now rather than just the clerk of Rowan County. She’s there to do a duty, a job and the job duty was changed.”

“Does that mean that if you’re Christian, don’t apply here; if you’re a Jew, you gotta get — what happened in Nazi Germany, what happened there first, they removed the Jews from government public employment, then they stopped patronizing them in their private businesses, then they continued to stigmatize them, then they were the ‘problems,’ then they killed them,” Staver said. “The fact of the matter is, she has a right to this employment and you don’t lose your constitutional liberties just because you are employed by the government.”

Don’t make me laugh. Some people will call this ruling a triumph for the rule of law, a matter of harsh but necessary justice. It is no such thing. As I wrote in a piece earlier this week, the rule of law requires both lawful enactment and lawful enforcement. Justice Kennedy’s opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges is nothing more and nothing less than the establishment of Justice Kennedy’s world view as a new state religion — a religion with teeth.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16


Ask them what they think of this.


These people that say these things don't care about religious freedom as a principle, only how it applies to their religion's religious freedom. This is because they know in their hearts the other religions are wrong. Therefore there's just no reasoning or pointing out the hypocrisy. The design is impressive, designed so that the way some people practice their religion allows them to be quite shitty human beings without question or self reflection and it's justified in their minds.


All the time in the world now to reflect on all her failed, sinful marriages now that she doesn't have to shout at "the gays" anymore.



dogwonder • 9 hours ago
Keep in mind when she took the job there was no requirement to issue licenses to gays, now they've changed the terms and conditions of her employment without her consent. That's constructive dismisal in most nations. Some unelected judge decided to change her job description without her consent, he's the one who should be in jail.


oh god
Dude, we cannot have everything right with our candidates. He said the right thing about the border and illegals, but I WISHED he said “Id put landmines at the border”, but he didn’t , did he?

This would be amazing:
To: demshateGod
“Talking” about her won’t help her.

What do you expect Trump to do?
Back his big escalade to jail front door.
And free her by pulling the door off with a chain?
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