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Fruit is amazing.

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Once my dad brought durian into work, a semiconductor company. He kept it in the refrigerator in the lounge area. Later that afternoon several employees reported toxic fumes emitting from the lounge area. When my dad heard that they were going to evacuate the building and bring people in with hazmat suits, he immediately knew what happened and reached out to the supervisor to explain that it wasn't toxic odors employees were smelling. It was his durian.

It was the first and last time he packed durian for lunch.

Hahahaha. Come on, man. Your dad should had known and this is coming from a fellow durian lover.


For some reason I always tend to pig out on carob pods. I don't even understand why, since the damn things don't even taste that good. I just feel the need to devour all of them.


Fruit is great. I had a smoothie a few nights ago with pineapple, strawberries, a nectarine, water and a splash of ginger cordial. Tasted amazing.
The only thing that sucks about fruit is the inconsistency. Sometimes you'll have watermelon and it's the best thing ever. The next time it'll be slimy and tasteless. Same with strawberries. It's a gamble.

For this reason I tend to avoid fruit entirely. :(
I used to eat an apple a day but then I developed an allergy.
I still eat one from time to time because I really like good apples, but I regret it afterwards.

Edit: I really like good mangos. The ones flewn in. They're shit expensive, like 5€ a piece but its worth it.

I live right next to a few strawberry fields and its like the best thing ever to go in there and eat a ton while collecting and end up having eat double the amount I actually buy in the end :D Unfortunately its only for a few weeks each year.

Oh and lychees. Amazing.
So it's a psychedelic fruit then? Because you were definitely high.



Yeah, I find both watermelons and melons a bit hit-or-miss, flavour-wise, though when they're good, they're really good. I stopped buying strawberries after a couple batches turned out basically tasteless except for sourness. Ain't got money to spend on crappy fruit.

I used to avoid persimmons after a particularly nasty one, but apparently they switched breeds and the new variety isn't pucker-inducing even when unripe.


Durian is the God Fruitess.

Eating durian is like dining on a buffet of only the richest, most tart cheesecake you will ever find, lying down afterwards for a thirteen-hour beauty sleep while digesting it then waking up to have the creamiest shit in your entire life, only to glance down at the toilet water and discover that you're squatting above your plate at the banquet table, having never left the buffet in the first place.

Surprisingly accurate....


I found out last year that I was allergic to peaches, it really surprised me because I'd never shown any allergic reaction to them in the past. Symptoms were IBS like, dizzy and I broke out in hives.

Some of you may already know the deal with this, but for those who don't.. It involves hay fever, something I suffer with every year which is at the root of my allergic reaction to peach. There is a protein in peaches very similar to that which is in birch pollen, which is the main problem with me now eating peaches. Why its only started being an issue now, I don't know.

The list of foods it could potentially limit me from is quite extensive! Things you might not expect such as peppers, carrots, apples, pears, cherries, bananas, kiwi. celery, strawberries, avocado, wheat, potato, many different nuts etc.

I also love fruit, peach is the only food I've found that I am allergic to, hopefully it will stay that way :)

I don't like the typical Western fruits (Orange, apple, banana etc.) except for pears.

But pomegranates, pineapples and grapefruit I'm a fan of. Also slices of lemon and lime with water.

Also I'm assuming the definition of fruit as being the sugary fruits only.

In Turkish culture we're all about that watermelon, melon, peach, apricot, plums and sour cherry.

gore trigger should have spoiler tagged life ruined
The only thing that sucks about fruit is the inconsistency. Sometimes you'll have watermelon and it's the best thing ever. The next time it'll be slimy and tasteless. Same with strawberries. It's a gamble.

For this reason I tend to avoid fruit entirely. :(

You gotta know where to look, man.

Whenever I have me some honeydew, I KNOW that I'm going to eat that shit and orgasm in my mouth. Everytime.

Same thing with lemons and limes, you literally can't have an inconsistent lemon.
This thread is great. Fruit is great. In the last year for some reason I decided I can't live without orange juice. Gotta have High Pulp though. I want it to feel like I'm eating an Orange meal. Love chewing my juice.


Fruit is amazing. Bless you, fruit, you sweet tangy thing you.

It's also amazing fruit evolved to be delicious so it can germinate and grow. It gets eaten to survive and thrive. That's nuts!

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Neo Member
Fruits are amazing. Most of the posts already listed some of my favorites, so I'll just add green mango to that. They are sour, but add a little salt and pepper, and they taste soooo good.


Hot Texas Chili
Fruit is amazing, but I'm allergic to most fruit save for berries.

I eat them anyway, and then suffer, eat and suffer. Eat.
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