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Fuck Lucas for Star Wars, because the biggest travesty is...

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Hollywood Square
... We got no Indy 4 now! And if you guys haven't seen Harrison Ford lately, he's like two breaths away from death. Sean Connery looks younger. For real.

Thanks a lot Lucas!
Willco said:
... We got no Indy 4 now! And if you guys haven't seen Harrison Ford lately, he's like two breaths away from death. Sean Connery looks younger. For real.

Thanks a lot Lucas!

This is 2005. Even if Ford was in the same shape he was 20 years ago, they'd still just CG up all the action anyway.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
ManaByte said:
Indy 4 is Spielberg's next movie.
After his Munich Olympics flick.

I'm still hoping someone comes to their senses and decides not to make it. Last Crusade was a perfect closer, and now Ford is in no shape to do it well and I can't stand the idea of him being partnered with some younger guy who could feasibly take up the mantle. Just leave it be.


posting on contract only
Die Squirrel Die said:
This is 2005. Even if Ford was in the same shape he was 20 years ago, they'd still just CG up all the action anyway.
When they make it it's supposed to be with stunt doubles, models, and all that crap like the old movies.


Hollywood Square
Yeah, Spielberg is still doing the Munich flick. And I haven't heard whether or not Lucas has approved the new script, but the fact that he has any kind of say about the quality of the written language on paper is another reason why he shouldn't be allowed to live.

Seriously though, the time has passed. Harrison Ford looks awful.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Unfortunately, Lucas did give the thumbs up to the latest script and said in interviews that Spielberg was committed to shooting it next year.


Spielberg has said he wouldn't do it unless it took place in the late 50's or early 60's where Indy is much older because he refuses to do "cartoon Nazis" after Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
jett said:
No it doesn't. The Indy series should be left alone.
Yeah, we were left with the perfecting ending to it.

The End

lame. :|


demon said:
Yeah, we were left with the perfecting ending to it.

The End

lame. :|

The final shot of the four of them riding off into the sunset is perfect.

You suck dick.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
jett said:
The final shot of the four of them riding off into the sunset is perfect.

You suck dick.
No, the dialogue sucked dick, as do you. That last line...the VERY LAST LINE...of the series reveals to us that Indy was named after a fucking dog? Give me a fucking break. And riding off into the sunset? Can we get any more cliched?
demon said:
No, the dialogue sucked dick, as do you. That last line...the VERY LAST LINE...of the series reveals to us that Indy was named after a fucking dog? Give me a fucking break. And riding off into the sunset? Can we get any more cliched?

I thought it was perfect! What would you put? A nazi jumping out and pop a cap in their asses?


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
galeninjapan said:
I thought it was perfect! What would you put? A nazi jumping out and pop a cap in their asses?
Me? To end the trilogy, I would have revealed that Indiana was in fact named after a dog. Oh wait, beaten to it!

but enough of this, now. I don't want to nerdify my friday night any more with an Indiana Jones debate.
demon said:
No, the dialogue sucked dick, as do you. That last line...the VERY LAST LINE...of the series reveals to us that Indy was named after a fucking dog? Give me a fucking break. And riding off into the sunset? Can we get any more cliched?

Actually the last line was, "Yes sir. Hyaaah!"


Hollywood Square
I really don't see anything wrong with The Last Crusade despite being inferor to Raiders. And I know I'll take heat for it, but I like Temple of Doom more (than The Last Crusade, not Raiders). I know it's an unpopular choice, but I love that goddamn movie.


The Last Crusade has always been my favorite movie. I recently watched the entire trilogy back to back...and my opinion has only been reinforced. First time I watched Temple of Doom in more than 10 years, too. Damn that film just fucking sucks. Worthless.




Btw, Last Crusade's ending owned.


I know the ending...

Alistair Jones (Indy's son) observes a sunset; burnt Nazi flags and destoyed eqipment litter the ground. The ghosts of his dad and grand dad stand next to him. Also, he doesn't know who his mom is, so all the Indy women are his moms. They're there too.


I could see the prequel hate.

...but how could you hate on the best Indy film ever? There's nothing bad about last crusade.


Willco said:
I really don't see anything wrong with The Last Crusade despite being inferor to Raiders. And I know I'll take heat for it, but I like Temple of Doom more (than The Last Crusade, not Raiders). I know it's an unpopular choice, but I love that goddamn movie.

Well, you loved Spiderman, so, no, I'm not surprised.


I think the whole Indy 4 movie will be fully prerendered, which will look absolutely crappy.But the fans will love it.


Tabris said:
I could see the prequel hate.

...but how could you hate on the best Indy film ever? There's nothing bad about last crusade.

Yes there is. Brody goes from being an intelligent character in Raiders, to a bumbling simp in Crusade. Same goes for Sallah. There was way too much comedy in Crusade, and took away the sense of adventure in the film. Not once in the film did you ever think that Indy was in any serious danger, you knew some stupid act would pull him out ( ie his dad scaring birds or the whole ricocheting bullet in the tank thing) Crusade was in the beginning of Spielberg's weak period in film making. (This also applies to films he produced). But don't feel too bad. Crusade is still a better third chapter than Jedi.

Willco is right on this one. Raiders >> Doom >> Crusade.
Tedesco! said:
Willco is right on this one. Raiders >> >>>>>>>> Crusade >> Doom.


How anyone can think Temple of Doom is a better film than Last Crusade is beyond me. Temple of Doom had Short Round for christsake!! And the film just seemed to lack heart, no pun intentended. I mean Crusade had Sean Fucking Connery. 'Nuff Said.


ManaByte said:
Spielberg has said he wouldn't do it unless it took place in the late 50's or early 60's where Indy is much older because he refuses to do "cartoon Nazis" after Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan.

cause i mean those have such fleshed out nazi roles.


Kung Fu Jedi said:

How anyone can think Temple of Doom is a better film than Last Crusade is beyond me. Temple of Doom had Short Round for christsake!! And the film just seemed to lack heart, no pun intentended. I mean Crusade had Sean Fucking Connery. 'Nuff Said.

I agree- Temple pales compared to Last Crusade. Do you ever feel Indy is ever in danger in any of the flicks? The poinbt is it's supposed to be a fun adventure, not a serious one.


Shantyman, how does Doom pale? Please explain.

Its just so much more fun to watch.

The scene were Indy learns that his dad fucked the blond first > any moment in Doom.
Tedesco! said:
Shantyman, how does Doom pale? Please explain.

Well, I don't know Shantyman's thoughts on the subject but for me, Temple just seemed to be missing the magic that made Raider's so much fun. It seemed to take itself too seriously at times. I didn't like the pairing of Indy with the Kid, and Kate Capshaw can't hold a candle to Karen Allen, imho. Short Round was annoying on his own, but Willie Scott was just an annoying character. Plus, it has zero Nazi's!!! :)

On the other hand, I felt that Last Crusade was just more fun. It was back to the roots of Raiders, with a more light hearted feel. We got to see a flashback that showed us how Indy became the man he is, we had no annoying kid, but we did get to meet Indy's dad, who, oh by the way, is played by Sean Fucking Connery. The Nazi's returned, which seem like such a great protagonist for Indy, who was seeking the Holy Grail, a relic we can all relate to as opposed to the stones from Temple of Doom. The Grail is more on par with the Ark of the Covenant. The action sequences are better and the mood isn't as dark nor does it take it's self too seriously. Did I mention Sean Connery?? :)







Star wars IV > Jedi~AT-ATs >>> (Empire-AT-ATs)
Raiders is as good as movies get

Temple of Doom has a great opening a dull middle and a fantastic ending.

Last Crusade while let down by its climax is an excellent movie.

I have high hopes for the next one. Speilberg rarely makes bad movies.


Tedesco! said:
Shantyman, how does Doom pale? Please explain.

Stupid child side kick? Check. (Asian humor based on broken english even in the politically incorrect 80s is dumb)

ANNOYING female lead? Check.

Lame villains? Check. (Mola Ram sucks!)

Lame white "heroes" who show up to shot the dark skinned villains in the end? Check. (they should have stuck with Nazis)

The interplay between Junior and Papa Jones is awesome and genuinely funny. How you can pretend the humor is not forced as well in Temple is beyond me. Temple is fine, but I think Crusade is better, much better.


This is why I've hated Star Wars the last five years...knowing these goddamn prequels pretty much fucked me out of a semi-timely Indy 4 (which should've happened a decade ago), and probably an Indy 5 as well. Fuck Star Wars, fuck Lucas too.

But I still want Indy 4. Quite frankly, they owe me. There's plenty of ways to get around Harrison's age...it isn't like he was the one dragging himself underneath the truck anyway. As long as he can still walk normally, he's fine...makeup can fix the rest. The question is the script...they've gone through a ton of 'em, so I gotta think the one they have decided on is at least half decent. So yeah, I want Indy 4...fuck anyone who feels different.

As for the order of the Indy movies, it's never been that clear to me. The three movies are different enough that you could rank 'em in any order, depending on your tastes. I think Temple was a bit too dark and got pretty slow in parts, but subsequently I think Crusade was far too light. I think Connery gives Crusade the slight edge for me, though anyone who says Temple doesn't have classic scenes is on coke...the feast and the sacrifice scenes stand tall with any top scene in the series.

Of course for me Raiders blows 'em both away overall...it's about as close to a perfect movie as I've ever seen, and stands alongside Jaws as my favourite movies of all time.


I don't know shit about shit
ManaByte said:
Spielberg has said he wouldn't do it unless it took place in the late 50's or early 60's where Indy is much older because he refuses to do "cartoon Nazis" after Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan.
I agree. If they have to make this movie, cartoon commies sound way cooler. I mean look at Rocky IV
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