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Fuck you Blizzard, Someone already made Starcraft 2


and it's called Warhammer 40k

Maybe I'm going off prematurly, but after my first multiplayer game I'm going to have to say this game is a winner.

Awesome graphics and style, kickass unit formations, incentive to be offensive, custom colors for your units ect ect ect.

Fuck why didn't I take any screenshots.

ah someone please move the thread.


Dawn of War is awesome but they need to work on the unit moves some. They get stuck quit a bit when trying to move them across the map. It's great having some of the stuff from 40k though.


open_mouth_ said:
is there any sort of resource management in this game?

2 resources.

1 is uhhh forget what it's called. But anyways you get it by capturing strategic points. the more points you have the more income you get in. This is the primary income.

The second is energy, and you get it just by building certain buildings, more buildings the more energy.

Least that's how Eldar worked.


Ferrio said:
2 resources.

1 is uhhh forget what it's called. But anyways you get it by capturing strategic points. the more points you have the more income you get in. This is the primary income.

The second is energy, and you get it just by building certain buildings, more buildings the more energy.

Least that's how Eldar worked.

hmm... interesting. I'll probably give the demo a shot and hopefully it's good enough to tide me over until SC2 comes out :)


Also what impressed me is that certain big guns will actually blow away troops. They'll be tossed around, so your squad is all seperated... not fun when it happens to you.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Isn't that the game bishop worked on?

Did he threaten to take away your hentai? You can tell us.


Mama Smurf said:
Isn't that the game bishop worked on?

Did he threaten to take away your hentai? You can tell us.

Ya I should be getting paid or something for this. Viral marketing for free isn't cool.


Banstick Emeritus
har de har

Thanks for the kind words, Ferrio. BTW, you're thinking of requisition and power, the two resources for all races, not just the Eldar.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
open_mouth_ said:
hmm... interesting. I'll probably give the demo a shot and hopefully it's good enough to tide me over until SC2 comes out :)

Has Blizzard ever officially confirmed SC2?


they call me "Man Gravy".
Bish actually worked on this game? Impressive

I gotta say though, I've been pretty excited about this game ever since I started reading the previews in PC Gamer (got a free subscription to it). This upcoming RTS season is going to be great with warhammer 40k to sustain my Starcraft fix and Lord of the Rings to sustain my post-Warcraft fix. Geez, who even needs Blizzard anymore?


first thing i thought when my motherboard crapped out on my lastnight was, fuck no more doom3 and warhammer40k :( :( :(

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Played some of this last night myself and -Starcraft 2?- was the first thing that popped in my mind after finishing the training tutorial for the space marines myself.

Though I MUCH prefer the way this game handles resource gathering and power generation to the old ways. Customizing and upgrading unit squads is rocking, and the Orks are hilarious.

I know nothing about the 40k universe, but I dig this game. Amazing considering I'd rather give myself a lobotomy with a spoon than play another 'scavenger race' RTS, but like WC3, this one oozes personality and flair to keep my mind off the hamster wheel junk. Very entertaining.


Banstick Emeritus
Newbie said:
Hey bishoptl, how finished are the units and structures in the game, are they pretty much final now?
More or less. Lots of polishing and optimization going on. I think you guys will like the finished product.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I ignored this even when I had the opportunity to join the subscribers-only beta on fileplanet, but i'm downloading now to see what all the fuss is about! Bishop - what role do you have in this game? I never knew you worked in videogames :)


Hmm, any game compared to SC gets me interested, but a game that gets hyped as a worthy sequel gets me all antsy in the pantsy.

When can we expect a demo/open beta?


Banstick Emeritus
I run the balance group. Basically any complaints about units being over-/underpowered land on my desk...we and the designers figure out the signal to noise ratio, then decide what should be nerfed/powered up and what's just uninformed bitching from n00bs who don't know how to play RTS games. ;)
calder said:
When can we expect a demo/open beta?
Open beta is on Fileplanet right now.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
So you're the one who'll either get praised or bitched at endlessly? Pretty high pressure.

Must be cool though.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Brandon F said:
PThough I MUCH prefer the way this game handles resource gathering and power generation to the old ways. Customizing and upgrading unit squads is rocking, and the Orks are hilarious.

Yeah, I'm really excited to play as the orcs. One of the major reasons I was so interested in War3 was the original planned called for races to gather resources in wildly different ways (i.e. the Undead would have "corpses" as resources and the Legion would use something different). I think it's a good idea for different races to behave in wildly different ways and, while it makes balancing significantly harder (why it was scrapped in war3), it makes the game overall that much more interesting.
oh yeah, how strong is the single player aspect of the game. The online games i've played have all been pretty rockin', but if there was a nice single player to back it up I would definitely buy the game.


I've played a bunch of skirmish battles with all four races, and I gotta say I'm stoked. It's actually more of a traditional RTS game than I'd expected from what I'd read earlier, but I still REALLY like the way it blends offense and resource gathering. Turtles die hard in this game, which is good, because it makes me go against my usual instincts and become a better and more versatile player.

The graphics are pretty decent even on my laptop -- P4 2Ghz with a 16-meg Radeon Mobility -- and the presentation is a hoot. Chaos and Orks have hilarious voice acting, the character designs all come over from the tabletop game well, and the over-the-top violence is sweet. Dreadnoughts squashing Chaos Marines like pop cans and throwing their blood-dripping corpses over their shoulders = BIG FUN.

Also really like the ability to upgrade/customize/reinforce squads on the fly. Chaos Obliterators with the Warp Flame upgrade = MORE BIG FUN. And you don't ever wind up with little stub squads with like two guys left, you just click-click-click to send in reinforcements and they're back up to strength.



Newbie said:
oh yeah, how strong is the single player aspect of the game. The online games i've played have all been pretty rockin', but if there was a nice single player to back it up I would definitely buy the game.

The SP game has only one campaign, with the Space Marines in the lead. Pretty substantial, but I think not as long as the three StarCraft solo campaigns put together. The cinema dialogue from the Ork bad guys rules, though.



Update: My Squiggoth is gleefully munching on cultists and my Warboss just crunched a Chaos sorcerer commander in his power claws. What a fun game.

There's one disadvantage to the StarCraft. I believe no units in that game can actually eat other units.



Those Ork peons sound exactly like Golem. Meh.

The mech-like vehicles maiming enemy troops and structures is a glorious sight.


Banstick Emeritus
Hooker said:
I'll pirate it when it comes out... no money for you bish :p


Now where's my tag, it's been long overdue ;)

EDIT: My uncle is totally hyped about this game. He went nuts when I told him I know one of the guys who is a part of the game. He asked if I could tell you guys that you've done a great job (he's an RTS noob though, I'm downloading it as we speak)


So bishop, if you're related with the balancing issues, what is considered the "best" race now?

I've only played Eldar, so far they rock..love the voices.


I don't see many similarities between Starcraft and WarHammer40k, at least not enough to say WH40k is Starcraft 2. The atmosphere is similar, but I think that's it. There is no resource mining in WH40k, you have to take over areas to get more resource. The pacing of WH40k also seems to be slower than Starcraft.


WarPig said:
Update: My Squiggoth is gleefully munching on cultists and my Warboss just crunched a Chaos sorcerer commander in his power claws. What a fun game.

There's one disadvantage to the StarCraft. I believe no units in that game can actually eat other units.


The Defiler can eat any Zerg ground unit to restore 50 mana.


Man, it's stuff like this that's really starting to make my computer show its age... I'm pretty much sitting right on the minimum requirements, and boy does it show. I've got every graphics setting turned to the absolute minimum, and the game still starts chugging once I've built a couple squads of troops.

I did like what I saw, though, and I'd love to actually have a computer capable of good framerates. I love how the fights aren't just the units standing still and whacking away at each other with the same attack animations until they die, and the complete lack of having to concentrate on any sort of mining also scores big points for me. But alas, I don't see myself upgrading any time soon. :(


Some of the Space Marines sound like mooninites =)

My only problem with this game is that it seems like some people could get too good. I mean there is so much to micro manage that I can see myself getting creamed a fair bit if I didn't play this game seriously.


I tell you one thing, they didnt start the PR train on this game early enough. They brought it by to show us like this week, and next month it's review time. I wanted to pimp this shit. I'm looking forward to it like a motherfucker.


This better be bloody StarCraft 4 with elements of Half-Life 6 thrown in for me to put up with fucking Fileplanet. >:|

Starts off at 500KB/sec, which I like, then quickly plummets to 40K. It's still slowing down, and I have a day left now. !#!#*()


djtiesto said:
I hope they come out with a Total Annihilation 2 soon... best RTS ever!!!

I played it for a couple of hours and was not exactly amused so to speak. It runs great (1280*1024, everything maxed out) but I'm not feeling the "control bases and get funds" like in Ground Control. I want resource-management :/


I love this game, but apparently I suck @ it because I just got owned by the SMs using the Eldar race. It's fun but I kinda question the balance of the races. Or maybe it's because I suck lol. Anyway, Bish is there any chance you'll gimme some hints??? ;)


Two questions that I had after playing two games.

1) Can you see other people's mine fields? How do you handle them?

2) How do you handle infiltrating units?
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