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Full Spectrum Warrior demo is out (PC)


AA not working but it still looks very good. :D






Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Did the Xbox version have the realistic setting? I haven't tried it yet, but I remember them talking about it being PC only way back when.


works for Gamestop (lol)
The Xbox version does indeed have the Army version of the game, which is accessed via a cheat code. I dont think the PC version has the Army version but I'm not sure. The PC version will have online co-op and a couple bonus missions that's exclusive to the PC


the army version of the game is much more interesting than the single player. indoor sections, disarming corpses, securing pedestrians, randomized enemy locations + a more realistic combat simulation (ie. no 100% cover areas. you're always vulnerable to a stray bullet,)

it's a shame that these features were dropped/highly simplified in the final release. it's a good game, but it could have been so much more than the glorified puzzle game it turned out to be. i'd play the army version more, but it's nowhere near as polished, and there just aren't many maps. plus, those sound effecs are grating.


I downloaded the demo, and i must say, this game is pretty fun. It is hard, though. You make 1 mistake and you're toast.
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