Same. What I mean is that while most people consider Ed and Al to be the main characters of FMA, it's really Ed, Al, and Mustang (at least, in the manga.)Auron_Kale said:@GaimeGuy
There are times though that I think Roy & Al swap spots for #2 & #3 main character. :lol
Haha, you think Ed vs. Greed was special in the manga/brotherhood? Wait till you see episode 14 for the best so far in brotherhood, and there are still many, many fights that are much more awesome left to come.Rhino said:Just got caught up through episode 13 and HELL YES!
Watched FMA all the way through + movie and so far I'm enjoying the Brotherhood a LOT more.
Also the Greed + Ed fight was SICK.
Regulus Tera said:Roy's a jerk.
Regulus Tera said:Roy's a jerk.
He's a jerk for wanting to avenge his best friend? For all he knew, she did it.
[manga spoilers]FSLink said:I do dislike [manga spoilers]:Yeah, I know, typical manga reader with complaints. I still love Brotherhood, but it's just a bit disappointing since I was expecting it to be really faithful to the manga.that they're changing around stuff a bit too much, but hey, I guess it's to be expected due to the pace. The whole Ross thing just doesn't have as much an impact with all the foreshadowing, was that in the manga too? I remember it being like "holy shit" because it came out of nowhere and they didn't tell you anything. I suppose that sort of thing works better with the monthly format of the manga, but still. I guess some people are still fooled though...:lol But I heard Ross is coming back real soon...
firehawk12 said:I don't even know what to spoiler anymore, since I'm just watching the show. I'll just say that as a form of deflection, Roy doing what he did the way he did it makes a lot of sense.
StoOgE said:Ep 17 won't be out here till Thursday..
but as someone who watched the original series, I thought it took a hit in quality and never really figured out why.. this series (to this point) is MUCH MUCH stronger.
Probably because everything after Greed was completely made up for the first anime and horrible.StoOgE said:Ep 17 won't be out here till Thursday..
but as someone who watched the original series, I thought it took a hit in quality and never really figured out why.. this series (to this point) is MUCH MUCH stronger.
Cloudy said:It better be a trick >_<
GaimeGuy said:Probably because everything after Greed was completely made up for the first anime and horrible.
duckroll said:I don't think ti was horrible at all. Different != bad.
GaimeGuy said:Probably because everything after Greed was completely made up for the first anime and horrible.
B.K. said:He's a jerk for wanting to avenge his best friend? For all he knew, she did it.
Zalasta said:I agree. Although I hated how they used Trisha Elric as Sloth. In fact, I thought the whole explanation of how Homonculus was made was pretty lame. I completely lost interest 2/3 into the series. At that point, there was no question which is the better told story. The way how things are coming together in FMA, it's really brilliant, I just hope it finishes strong.
About your minor character spoilers (don't worry, you can read this, as you already know everything there is to know):Plywood said:As someone who didn't read the manga I find all of the changes for the better. I also don't recall alkahestry in the original anime.
Also (minor character spoilers):Thats all I can remember of the top of my head besides the aforementioned Trisha being Sloth.Basque Gran had a somewhat bigger role in the original show, in this one Scars kills him and thats the end of it.
Yeah, the movie was a mess and ruined the bittersweet ending of the first anime while expanding upon the horrible (spoiler on the last arc of the first anime)duckroll said:Well, obviously the manga story is more coherent and in depth, since it's the actual story planned out from the start by the author. I enjoyed the alternate take on it in the original anime even with the shortcomings. Great animation and music, along with some pretty interesting battles at the end. The movie was pretty much a total mess though, aside from the insanely awesome animation in the Gluttony/Wrath/Al battle.
GaimeGuy said:About your minor character spoilers (don't worry, you can read this, as you already know everything there is to know):In the manga we don't even see him fight scar. In fact, we see Gran during some flashback aciton sequences from the Ishbal war (I believe he also showed up in Ishval flashback scenees in the first anime, too), but that's it of him in the manga.... well, except for an omake made after his awesome action scene that shows a hilariously anticlimatic and uneventful death at the hands of Scar. I don't remember how he died, but I think he simply tripped into Scar's right hand or something :lol
I guess Arakawa decided to make a spectacle of his weapons specialty once she got to some flashbacks where she could use him and then when people began speculating "How could Scar have beaten him?" she did the one panel omake :lol
duckroll said:Well, obviously the manga story is more coherent and in depth, since it's the actual story planned out from the start by the author. I enjoyed the alternate take on it in the original anime even with the shortcomings. Great animation and music, along with some pretty interesting battles at the end. The movie was pretty much a total mess though, aside from the insanely awesome animation in the Gluttony/Wrath/Al battle.
Funny thing is the original FMA anime series started off pretty weak too until the nina arc, so i didn't really get the backlash this series was getting at the start.BlueWord said:Just got caught up to Episode 16, enjoying this a lot more than the original anime. The manga always had the superior story, glad to see it's getting the superior anime, as well. The first ten episodes were a little boring, but the series seems to be hitting it's stride.
I didn't care for them at the start of the manga either, but lin xao develops into a really awesome character.After a few great episodes it has gone back to being pretty dull. Can't say I particularly care for the new characters thus far.
Seriously, it's like everyone completely forgot what the first 12 episodes of the first FMA series were like.Lafiel said:Funny thing is the original FMA anime series started off pretty weak too until the nina arc, so i didn't really get the backlash this series was getting at the start.
Yeah prettty much this.Regulus Tera said:Never read the manga before, but it seems too obvious to me that.Hohenheim is the Philosopher from the East/West
Mr. Durden said:Yeah prettty much this.
To me it's still weird that dispite all they can do with alchemy, that they can't transmutate a new arm/leg for themselves.
You should mentino that your spoilers have to do with stuff that hasn't been covered yetTacitus_ said:
GaimeGuy said:dick?![]()
Regarding your comments:TheOddOne said:![]()
Watched episodes 17 and 18 back to back.
17 had some pacing issues, too slow at some parts and comedy didn't fit well. 18 does improve a lot and tells more of the story.I'm glad Diana didn't really die and in the back of my head i knew it would be out of character for Mustang to kill her. I have not read the manga but i hope we see more of Diana in the upcoming episodes. My memory is kinda fuzzy but didn't mustang kill Winery's parents in the first FMA? I found the story in about them being killed by a ishballen in this version kinda disturbing.