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Sucks at poetry
So I was doing some doodling last night in #EFF and came up with this:

http://sadpanda.us/images/1133212-AGUF5PB.jpg (NSFW for boob)

I'm not really a furry, but this was a lot of fun - and Hito and some others in IRC were a huge help with direction and such. Still sketchy but it'll be finished up later.

also, Hito.. DAT PM

haha, I sent you a reply.


Holy hell, I had no idea this thread existed. Makes me wonder how many seconds a thread based on my own fetishes would last before being shut-down, erased, and perma-banned.

Anyways... I accidentally fell into #EFF, help I can't get out D: it's because you people are too nice!

this isnt a fetish thread
edit: but nice pic



Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
pretty sure i speak for most people in here...

lol... I think it's more accurate to say this, like any other mainstream thread/website, is not a place for posting explicit and NSFW material.

Everything is a fetish to someone, it kinda turns into whack-a-mole trying to explain that this is a fetish, and that is not.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
And here I was starting to think PonyGAF's irc channel was the dual mode furryGAF channel. Unless that's what you're talking about.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
CHEEZMO™;41113745 said:
You never noticed the second room in the topic? Thats were we hang out in furry mode.

I think the little web widget I was using cuts the top of the screen off.


Obsidian fan
No one truly knows. Apparently I went missing in the middle of the night and turned up 2 weeks later at the bottom of a crusty furpile in the back room of some dive bar with no memory of how I got there. When I handed myself in to the auhorities to bring an end to their missing persons search for me they did some tests where they found damage to my eyelids and several puncture marks on my arms.

It seems this is how it happens for most of us. We meet up sometimes and swap stories, or welcome new, confused people into The Pack and try and figure out the mystery behind what's going on. To this day my mind still shuts down whenever I hear gabber music above a certain BPM. I think it's a result of what They did to me. To us.

We may never know the truth.
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