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FurryGAF |OT| They should have sent a veterinarian


The reactions in there after you had posted that were so amazing.
I almost thought your avatar was that tiger that would scare some people off for a second.
beau said:
星犬 said:
wbcat said:
犬ビコ said:
うごうゴウ@2日目西も-39b said:
ガウェイン@オソノ cant remember if I ever posted this said:
I thought these AC:NL clothes were interesting.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Here's the post where Boss Doggie originally put that comic, and the reactions come right after it. I don't really get it; I guess people were freaking out over it more because it was a Boss Doggie post than anything else.

Which is weird because I'd totally understand the reaction... if it was a muscle-themed art. But it's a harmless 4-part image.
We're being out-posted by the MLP thread, man.......... BRONIES.

Also, I'd like outsiders viewing this thread to know that the furry fandom isn't all about pictures of shirtless, muscly animals. It's just this particular thread. It's kind of odd :/ (If I'm brutally honest, I think the thread title should be changed. This is almost 0% about the furry fandom and more of a muscle fetish gallery)

I know that opinion will be unpopular, since it seems that most of you fall in the Muscly Animal fetish camp. But meh. Just wanted to air it out.
Well it's you guys fault for not posting much art. :p

It's because they probably don't know that this is actually a "Furry Artwork" thread. Hence, why I suggested a topic title change.

Like me, most are probably expecting it to be a thread about the furry fandom, but it's actually an art gallery thread with almost no talk at all about stuff going on in the furry community.

Maybe it's because there just aren't many furs on Gaf. And the few that are here all seem to have the same kink (It's either a massive coincidence, or all you guys know each other and have come from the same place lol).
Hi, so... What do you guys talk about in here?

I've been mostly ignorant to any kind of furry affinity in the past, but recently I've been reading more into it. Still pretty clueless though.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
It's because they probably don't know that this is actually a "Furry Artwork" thread. Hence, why I suggested a topic title change.

Like me, most are probably expecting it to be a thread about the furry fandom, but it's actually an art gallery thread with almost no talk at all about stuff going on in the furry community.

Maybe it's because there just aren't many furs on Gaf. And the few that are here all seem to have the same kink (It's either a massive coincidence, or all you guys know each other and have come from the same place lol).

Ah no wonder.

You should check out the old thread, I think it's in first page. Explains a lot as to how this thread was made :p

Though it can go both ways. It's not like we don't talk a lot here.
You should check out the old thread

I did. It was full of drawings of muscly, shirtless animals lol.

What do you guys talk about in here?

Not much really. Aside from the Muscle Posse, the gaf furry community is pretty quiet.

We did have a brief chat about meets and conventions once. That was as close as we got to discussing furry stuff :p

Maybe it's because there just isn't much to chat about, I dunno *Shrugs*
It's a big forum, after all... I did suggest offtopic, but haheh.

So, what's down in your town? Here in US, Labor Day is next weekend. May just stay in, but if I know my relatives, there's some event or something happening.

Also, favorite show you've watched recently?
Hi, so... What do you guys talk about in here?

I've been mostly ignorant to any kind of furry affinity in the past, but recently I've been reading more into it. Still pretty clueless though.
Nothing much really, feel free to ask anything or start anything though, lol

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I get the impression that "furry" is not the the primary identity of most posters here, and there's not a lot of subculture shop talk thanks to that. If more people show up who spend a lot more time on a variety of specifically furry activities, the chat topics would probably grow.

If there's a bias towards posting art of muscle anthro, that appears to be due to personal enthusiasm of a few posters. I don't think it's really grounds to declare the thread is specialized towards the wonders of bara bara bara, any more than declaring GAF to be a Sony forum because a lot of people can't stop looking into Mark Cerny's beautiful yet mysteriously baleful eyes.


Still without luck
There is a lot of muscle furz because Ookami and Corrupted are the ones posting art. That's what they like. The issue is no one else is willing to post as much.

As far as calling this an art thread, I don't really agree. Yes that's clearly a focus here, but that's a focus of furries in general. Not many of use are very involved in the fandom so we don't talk about conventions or suiting or whatever else.

Hi, so... What do you guys talk about in here?

I've been mostly ignorant to any kind of furry affinity in the past, but recently I've been reading more into it. Still pretty clueless though.
We talk about whatever. Usually art, sometimes pokemon or whatever topic comes up.


I'd post more art, but I only feel comfortable posting stuff that I've personally commissioned, and there's a number pin-ups in there I wouldn't put on GAF in any case. (Mostly PG-13 stuff actually, I'm kinda a prude by furry standards.)


Aww no full body of the samurott pic?
nope that's the full image I'm afraid.
We're being out-posted by the MLP thread, man.......... BRONIES.
Isn't that because they're a much bigger force than we are?

Hell I don't really even post much compared before :p
yea, its just been mostly me for a few months now.

I can't really add much to what's already been said and also I think I might just quit on this gaf community for now .
Alright, this thread needs less muscle and more not-muscle art.

Alectorfencer said:
Tanks said:
Centradragon said:
Firefeathers said:
Kilaq said:
Tamyra said:

...a Sony forum because a lot of people can't stop looking into Mark Cerny's beautiful yet mysteriously baleful eyes.

I have no idea what you're... talking... about...


Its been a fun 5 months but later furrygaf.
sorry chuck
I'll stick around just a bit longer if I need to clear anything up but I'm off to bed.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Those "laughing x" pics give me the impression that they are kissing. Even the "laughing beastmen" morenatsu pic has that look


Hmm? What happened?

Nothing really, I just finally give up on trying to be here. Its pretty hard having to wait until it reaches around 2 a.m. my time and beyond just to even think about posting, going into the chat, etc. let alone look at anything furry related. There's too much preventing me from being in this community and I feel its best I just take my leave.
Coming out of the chat room, am I the only completely straight furry here?
It's a conspiracy, I tell you! *rainbow-colored cage falls from ceiling, trapping everyone*

But really, feel free to suggest anything. I'll talk if there's anything to talk abt. that I can offer my opinion on. Heck, I'd even go back to the other one and drudge up a few.
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