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G.O.G Updates refund policy (VERY Pro-consumer!!)


GAF's Pleasant Genius
So basically I can get free games for life now from there if I finish the game within 30 days?

This seems like a dumb business move.

Not really, very smart if people do not catch on the obvious fine print and do not start massively complaining once they get the first refund request rejected:
Aka, how to gather great PR, but still have things relatively the same in practice:


Remember, you HAVE to ASK for the refund and they MIGHT accept the request or not... their big policy change is that they allow you to ask them about refunds more often.
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This might come back to bite them in the ass, but there's no refuting how pro-consumer those guys are.

For sure.

As much as its important to protect consumers, in the case of games, 30 days is way to big of a window and I think this could hurt GOGs relationship with IP owners/publishers.

I feel like a two week window is pushing it.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
For sure.

As much as its important to protect consumers, in the case of games, 30 days is way to big of a window and I think this could hurt GOGs relationship with IP owners/publishers.

I feel like a two week window is pushing it.

Is anyone reading the “we reserve the right to refuse the individual refund request” bit at all ;)?
there are no limits but instead, we reserve the right to refuse refunds in individual cases.
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If someone does such a huge pro-consumer move that it will end up ruining their business and not being there anymore for people to buy products from, then it was an anti-consumer move all along :messenger_dizzy:


GAF's Pleasant Genius
If someone does such a huge pro-consumer move that it will end up ruining their business and not being there anymore for people to buy products from, then it was an anti-consumer move all along :messenger_dizzy:

They are making a big fuss about giving you permission to ASK them for a refund, they are not guaranteeing the refund :LOL:.

I like GOG.com, I really do, but they are blowing smoke up people’s butt here.


They are making a big fuss about giving you permission to ASK them for a refund, they are not guaranteeing the refund :LOL:.

I like GOG.com, I really do, but they are blowing smoke up people’s butt here.

I wonder what their reason for not refunding would be then? I guess "even if you played it" could have a 2 hour time limit that they aren't saying, like Steam.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I wonder what their reason for not refunding would be then? I guess "even if you played it" could have a 2 hour time limit that they aren't saying, like Steam.

They can make it up as they go, they hold your money thus the power. I am sure they have a thesaurus handy ;).

I cannot find l a clear burden of proof they must meet in order to be allowed to refuse your requests anywhere, nothing to hold them to. Good luck suing them ;).

People are treating this as if they announced that you only pay if you agree to after 30 days of playing the full game 😂.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
I see it, but from GOGs point of view happy customer = more money for GOG.

If someone is only asking for a refund every 2nd month, thats a decent amount of money saved if youre buying new releases.

I know why it is good for them. They have not added any risk at all to their business save for possibly a tiny bit of relatively cheap Customer Support tickets/staff and garnered users goodwill that cannot believe the deal is so so good for consumers... when actually GOG has changed nothing in practical terms 😂.


Opening the dialogue, why do you think that? I can certainly imagine some will milk the teet for delicious free milk but it's not entirely different from what a lot of digital services do already (e.g. Audible, see my post above).

It's only games that tend to offer such paltry returns for digital products. I think we've become too accustomed to these negative viewpoints that all gamers are maladjusted villains looking to take advantage of the system.

I think for gaming to mature we must venture forward into the dark night, eyes open to the possibility that we may be the heroes we've been looking for all along. It's up to you Fuz. Will you answer the call, please?
You can already make a copy of the file from GOG and refund. So, who wants to pirate can already do it effortlessly. And let's face it, if you want to pirate you don't go to GOG, you just go to a pirate site/torrent and get what you want. So, piracy it's not the problem.
But 30 days are enough for anyone to finish the game and maaaaaaybe have a change of heart about it.


Gold Member
GOG continues to be by far the best storefront on PC. If only more big games would support it :(

Also, I think people are blowing this out of proportion. As written in the OP they can still decline refunds, and they probably will do so with people who are clearly abusing the system.
Not to mention that GOG seems to be built around the idea that people who just don't want to pay for games simply won't do so. Witcher 3 (and later this year Cyberpunk) are DRM free from day 1 because they know people who want to pirate them will do so anyway and people who pay for games won't suddenly turn into pirates because a new release is on thepiratebay on day 1, I think the same logic applies here.
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