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Gabby Douglas' mom weighs in on hair controversy

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G***n S**n*bi
Yup, a lot of self hatred. It's funny all of these black women talking shit and worrying about their hair wondering why they can't get married.
ruh roh.. when the pipe bombs start dropping that's my cue....

I personally don't like natural hair because of all the shit they still have to put in it. Smells weird and stays in my clothes. At leas the women I've been with. It's very goopey.

Not even 100% sure people know what they are referring to when they say "natural". There's nothing "natural" about that picture being requoted over and over again as some great example.

They aren't doing it right then.


Not even 100% sure people know what they are referring to when they say "natural". There's nothing "natural" about that picture being requoted over and over again as some great example.

i don't think they realize exactly how much work something like that takes

natural hair can be very easy to take care of... until you get to a certain length and you're spending lord knows how long and lord knows how much money to get it to look like hers does


G***n S**n*bi
Not even 100% sure people know what they are referring to when they say "natural". There's nothing "natural" about that picture being requoted over and over again as some great example.
It's a hell of a lot more natural than putting another human beings hair on your head, or from a horses ass, or scalp burning chemicals leaving you with receding hair lines in your fucking 20's.

Don't defend this shit, man. Some things just aren't worth defending. This is one of those things. Period.


Waking up with half of your hair matted and the back of your head locked and going out of the house that way is never "presentable" in any culture or race.

With hair as long as Esparanza's, she has to twist that stuff every night and wake up in the morning to do her Miss Jesse's routine. That takes time!

Hell, even with a weave you can just wrap it up, sprits your hair in the morning, then just walk out of the door. That's a huge factor for many women.

all hair has to be cared for, of course you're gonna get matted hair after a while if you sleep on it.

If a woman takes good care of her weave because it's a Remy yaki perm that costs 80$ a pack, and doesn't give a crap about her own hair underneath, then she has a problem.

edit: nvm photobucket acting stupid


It's a hell of a lot more natural than putting another human beings hair on your head, or from a horses ass, or scalp burning chemicals leaving you with receding hair lines in your fucking 20's.

Don't defend this shit, man. Some things just aren't worth defending. This is one of those things. Period.

Not defending anything really. I just don't like natural hair personally but in this case specifically, it simply shouldn't matter. She's an athlete and needs to be as comfortable as possible to perform at her best. She should be able to wear her hair however she feels.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
You didn't bold the most important part.
article said:
Douglas lives and trains in Des Moines, Iowa, with a host family, Hawkins reminded Fashionista.com. "She lives with a white host family and they don’t know anything about taking care of her hair," she said. "And there’s no black salons in their area — not one. We had to work really hard to find a stylist to come and do her hair

I know that feel, when i was in Sydney i couldnt find a single place that took care of Black hair.
Even a simple hair cut became a mission, because they cut it like they are cutting err white hair i guess, and it ends up looking like shit(or they all just sucked).
I eventually just gave up and started growing an afro....so far it hasnt hindered my jobs or anything, i guess because i try to keep it presentable.

i don't think they realize exactly how much work something like that takes
natural hair can be very easy to take care of... until you get to a certain length and you're spending lord knows how long and lord knows how much money to get it to look like hers does

Whats the length that natural hair becomes hard and expensive to take care off....my hair is pushin id say 90mm and its a sinch to take care of, wake up, shower, comb through, pat down and done(of course i have to wake up 10 minutes earlier but hey)
My sister got hers to 300+mm in high school and all she had to do was add some cocoa butter, and that was about it.

What do im guessing african-american women do to their natural hair that takes so long and cost so much money.
Unless you are doing Curls, Kinks or Twists i see no reason for natural hair to be expensive or overly overly time consuming.

I personally don't like natural hair because of all the shit they still have to put in it. Smells weird and stays in my clothes. At leas the women I've been with. It's very goopey.

Not even 100% sure people know what they are referring to when they say "natural". There's nothing "natural" about that picture being requoted over and over again as some great example.

Ughh, again i think i just dont meet enough black people with Natural hair, even though my whole family insists on Natural hair(It all started with mom).
Beyond the butters which dont smell bad(cocoa butter has a delicious smell) what exactly do these chicks put in their hair.
Also, curls are borderline Natural(i dont consider it Natural), so i dont think they really count, i know chicks with curls usually need more products.

I dont know what you mean by there is "nothing natural" about the chick with afro being re-quoted, to me it looks like your run of the mill afro, not sure what products she uses but her hair doesnt look shiny, whats so unnatural about it.

P.S She must have the meanest comb on earth.


Whats the length that natural hair becomes hard and expensive to take care off....my hair is pushin id say 90mm and its a sinch to take care of, wake up, shower, comb through, pat down and done(of course i have to wake up 10 minutes earlier but hey)
My sister got hers to 300+mm in high school and all she had to do was add some cocoa butter, and that was about it.

What do im guessing african-american women do to their natural hair that takes so long and cost so much money.
Unless you are doing Curls, Kinks or Twists i see no reason for natural hair to be expensive or overly overly time consuming.

i was referring to the style of fro that esperanza's is in

that can take a while to do, especially in the beginning when you're first learning

depending on the texture of your hair (there is a bit of a range), you're going to be looking for different types of moisturizers, doing lots of detangling, conditioning, stretching, and recurling.

it gets easier to handle with time, but it's still a a bit of a process


Natural hair is the best, but it takes work to get it into those unique forms that look best imo.
Hell, even harriet tubman braids take hours to do.

And i hate the afro look i see on so many brothas.
Makes you look like you just took your finger out of a socket.

Caesar, with a tapered side and back for me.
Our faces can carry that look well for the most part.
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