Of course I do: https://youtu.be/nHbajQ8U8Fw?t=28s
Not sure how any of this applies to what I said. I was quoting people who explicitly acknowledged they were disregarding scientific evidence (from reputable sources) and going with their feelings instead. Not people saying "well actually the science isn't that clear because <real argument with evidence>" or anything like that.That last sentence wasn't necessary. I am a huge proponent of the scientific method, but using "scientific evidence" as a blunt weapon to end an argument is certainly not scientific. Science can only thrive when people can have an open, unbiased discussion and doubt is its core prerequisite.
Well, sure, but this isn't relevant because it's not like there's even a profit motive to be had here. Someone being skeptical of a drug because "big pharma is sketchy" might (though often, it actually doesn't) make some sense, but we're talking about rinsing meat... lol.Edit: To be fair, you linked a source with further information after the quoted text, so that certainly can be helpful for the discussion. It's just that I've read an interesting article today that raised some good points on why many people are so skeptical about experts / "trusted sources" / "scientific proof" etc. Let's not pretend that there (unfortunately) are / were lots of cases where scientific results were quoted or published in a biased way by corporations or governments (or even overly ambitious individuals) for their benefit alone. There have also been lots of forged results that were shown to be wrong later on. And of course there also have been tons of honest mistakes in interpreting empiric evidence by honest scientists in the past.
Only when I want to fill my sink with germs.
The burden of proof always is on you (the general you, but also the specificNot sure how any of this applies to what I said. I was quoting people who explicitly acknowledged they were disregarding scientific evidence (from reputable sources) and going with their feelings instead. Not people saying "well actually the science isn't that clear because <real argument with evidence>" or anything like that.
Why would I want to wash the tasty blood off my steaks though?
Out of the fridge
Onto a plate
Olive oil + salt
Let it sit until it gets to room temperature
Cook that shit up
you should definitely not let food sit
that's unsafe food etiquette
defrost in the fridge the night before if it's frozen
What the hell is some water gonna do? Vinegar is made by microorganisms too 😦I will fight your entire family.
I also have this bottle of disinfectant I use to wash the stainless steel sink with after I dip the raw chicken into the bowl of vinegar and water.
Because otherwise it's sterile right
apparently this thread IS a PSA
maybe a mod can actually add that to the topic: PSA DONT WASH MEAT: EVEN IF YOU HAVE EXPERIENCE
http://amazingribs.com/tips_and_technique/mythbusting_letting_meat_come_to_room_temp.htmlI mean, no, but that's because I cook my meat.
With all due respect, you are woefully misinformed. You are not supposed to cook refrigerator cold steaks unless you like them burned on the outside and undercooked on the inside. Letting a steak come up to room temperature before cooking is bog standard practice.
Holy shit. Pretty damning.http://amazingribs.com/tips_and_technique/mythbusting_letting_meat_come_to_room_temp.html
It's a myth. Don't do it.
People should never be dismissed just because they rather believe their intuition (or feelings / common sense / experience / tradition / reasoning etc.) than a reference to some expert's argumentation.
Hahaha, so true..... What
This is the kind of absurd anti-intellectualism that gets Trump elected. "Screw your "evidence" and "experts", I go with my feelings!"
gee wiz. anyway, there's a reason they always illustrate a raw chicken underneath a running faucet. the same reason why I wash my chicken in a bowl or ziplock bag full of water and vinegar. It makes it easier for me to handle and it does not follow the examples I've seen from every source saying not to wash because water droplets can fly blah blah blah. I don't have to worry about that. But yeah invoke Jesus, call me a climate change denier and an anti-vaccine whatever because you disagree and I won't change.Even after being shown scientific evidence you guys cling to your positions. You're no different than anti-vaxxers or climate change deniers.
Washing meat is not only unnecessary, it's potentially unsafe, especially chicken as you increase risks of campylobacter food poisoning.
Cooking the meat is what gets rid of the bacteria, not washing it. Christ.
apparently this thread IS a PSA
maybe a mod can actually add that to the topic: PSA DONT WASH MEAT
.... What
This is the kind of absurd anti-intellectualism that gets Trump elected. "Screw your "evidence" and "experts", I go with my feelings!"
gee wiz. anyway, there's a reason they always illustrate a raw chicken underneath a running faucet.
How about this hypothesis: People like you and me might have just become too reliant on referring to experts' arguments for justifying politics that in quite some cases clearly have not benefitted a considerable portion of the public. This created a blind spot where it became all too easy for many of us to dismiss dissenting opinion statements just because they were not backed by the (suddenly almost exclusive gold standard) position of a broadly accepted pundit. Instead, we should have engaged in a genuine discussion on a level playing field where people respect their opposites' background.This is the kind of absurd anti-intellectualism that gets Trump elected. "Screw your "evidence" and "experts", I go with my feelings!"
I hate it when people put words into other people's mouth. Nobody said anything about it just being a matter of opinion.I love how he left out scientific/medical evidence and pretends this is just a matter of opinion.
Uh oh. Maybe disposable bags aren't such a bad idea after all CA.Dirty reusable grocery bags could pose a foodborne illness riskan outbreak of norovirus in a girls soccer team was traced to a contaminated reusable grocery bag [93].
Well, what was the food? Was it something that could have been improperly prepared?Uh oh. Maybe disposable bags aren't such a bad idea after all CA.
Lol yes they spray chickens with pesticides and hormones after they pluck themdepends; if i'm buying local free range chicken for example, I don't wash anything, but if I'm buying some chicken from a mystery source, yeah, because the skins are loaded with pesticides/hormones.
you should definitely not let food sit
that's unsafe food etiquette
defrost in the fridge the night before if it's frozen
Nah. My family has always cooked it straight from the fridge and it's always beautiful.You need to cook it right away once it hits Room Temp, this much is true. You cannot refreeze or put it back in the refrigerator. However trying to cook a cold steak is just asking for the temps to be all messed up.
Letting meat get Room Temp immediately before you cook it is standard operating procedure in any restaurant and in most homes.
:lolIn my opinion, which is as valid as empirical scientific data, it's okay to wash poultry. Bacterias can be ignored if you pray real hard they won't affect you, you know. Don't judge me, it's my feeling and I'm sticking to it. What do "experts" know anyway?
*throws meatballs around the room":lol
You can't see germs, how could they exist?
Sounds like a liberal hoax to me.
In my opinion, which is as valid as empirical scientific data, it's okay to wash poultry. Bacterias can be ignored if you pray real hard they won't affect you, you know. Don't judge me, it's my feeling and I'm sticking to it. What do "experts" know anyway?
Why would I want to wash the tasty blood off my steaks though?
you should definitely not let food sit
that's unsafe food etiquette
defrost in the fridge the night before if it's frozen
It's a myth. Don't do it.
Foremost important part is to make sure you take them out of the fridge ~20 minutes before you actually start cooking them
Remove the steaks from the fridge and allow them to come up to a slightly warmer temperature
Before you start, get the steak out of the fridge and allow it to come up to room temperature about one hour before cooking
You must have a pretty sloppy butcher if there's blood on your steaks.
Wash... meat?
I cook the meat. If bacteria manage to survive that hellish ordeal, then more power to them, they won. Survival of the fittest, yo.
Nah, I've been cooking steaks long enough to know it makes a difference and isn't "unsafe". Pretty much every top chef does the same thing. Who should we believe? Some of the top chefs in the world, or the schmucks from amazingribs.com?
Gordon Ramsay - How to cook the perfect steak
Heston Blumenthal - How to cook the perfect steak
Anthony Bourdain - How to cook the perfect steak
Jamie Oliver - How to cook the perfect steak
If there is shit on the meat, even if you kill all the bacteria, you are still eating shit.
I wash my meat when I cook btw, if you can't tell.
What....?If there is shit on the meat, even if you kill all the bacteria, you are still eating shit.
I wash my meat when I cook btw, if you can't tell.