Going through my backlog, I just finished a listen through Danny Brown's XXX. What a good ass fucking release. He's not all that great a lyricist, and his shit doesn't get you to thinking or anything like that, but he doesn't even pretend as if that's the case. The dude just entertains with frequently hilarious lines, and a style that actually throws me off. He manages to sound like three or four different dudes throughout the whole album. For fucking real, I had to keep checking if I was hearing a feature... I wasn't.
Also, I gotta go ahead and co-sign Siddx's Tyler comment. I can't stand any of OF's production, save for Frank, really. Tyler's shit is the epitome of 'garageband.' Left Brain's alright at times, and Jet Age needs to chill the fuck out and actually compose a coherent track. I don't even know who produces for Frank.