Words I Never Said + Techo/Dubstep/Wubstep whatever electronics bullshit is popular that week in Lil Whoopi land.
Real Talk:
Also, finally nabbed a job GAF HOP. Fucking perfect job really. Working as a technician at a retro arcade. Same pay as my last job, don't show up til 10:00AM, work directly under the owner and he told me I'll spend most my days playing arcade games for free and surfing the net. So to celebrate, oxy, medium grade dro, some phenegrin pills (promethazine, smart mans uber syrup combo) and the usual xanax. Good feels man.
Fucking luck. Bout time I got some. Oh yeah, house got robbed last night - sorta. Probably some druggie I know. My high ass left he door unlocked. He probably came over early to try and sell my some oxy or something, I usually holler for people to come in. I guess he came in, noticed I was still assed out and helped himself to all the money in my wallet (~$500), all my dro (which sucks because there is no boutique grade in Cincy right now

, all my xanax (luckily my 2 dr. method worked out to get my other script filled today) and all my oxy. MOTHER FUCKER. If not for this job I'd be beating a dude into the pavement tonight. There are 2 people, who literally are 50/50 suspects. Both are known to show up early, and both would let themselves in (it's usually cool like that, I just slept mad late and was KO'd off last nights binge) and they saw my shit laying out and took it.
So instead of investigating and figuring out which shithead stole my stuff, I gave one dudes address to some crazy, legit CRAZY, motherfucker who wants to kill him for knocking up his wife, and the other dude I got fired from his job and dropped by his pain management doctor. Scorched earth policy.
EDIT: Worst thing is, aside from there being no boutique grade dro in the city, the bastard stole my fucking
jar. You can take a mans money and drugs. But don't take my fucking dro jar. I loved that damn jar and I'll never find one like it.
My renters insurance will cover the cash and more. Already got in touch. Should get a check before the weekend.
Also, the hot ass Italian chick I'm banging right now's baby daddy is coming home from a 5 year bid in a week. Sucks. I really liked that pussy, but I'm not gonna get anywhere near that drama. She was a cool chick too. Shame she got knocked up by a goon.
EDIT 2: He was locked up for manslaughter. His nickname back in the day was monster. I watched this dude
disintegrate a pitbull with a sawed off back in high school. True nut job. Seriously.