He went ignorant kind of, not like CL
Download Zero Heroes, his best project out of like, the two I downloaded. Fairly good representation of what he's about too.
My pleasure! [
U have a tape deck? U could also get one of those iPod radio things... Altho I couldn't enjoy mine since the quality sucked so bad
ASAP better than Schooboy? Hilarious. I'm out GAF-Hop, I can't live with that one. Sorry.
I have a car that has no direct audio input for my music players. I really don't want to have to burn CDs to listen to music in the ride, so are there any practical options for modding the setup to accept an input from a device?
I have a car that has no direct audio input for my music players. I really don't want to have to burn CDs to listen to music in the ride, so are there any practical options for modding the setup to accept an input from a device?
I'm thinking of getting a Cowon J3, anyone have one or Cowon products in general?
Leaning away from an IPod since the hdd on my old one crapped the bed and took around 80gb of music with it to hell.
considered getting one but settled for a sansa. But from what I heard they're quite superb. a bit expensive for my taste. Sansa have an amazing sound (or had, mine is quite old) and are cheap as hell so i honestly don't see a reason to drop 300 on a player when I can have an excellent sounding one for 50.
new XV is about to drop in a bit
Eh, need some music for the car anyway. It's free after all...
any other good free car music that's more bearable than Wocka Flocka?
His first tape* was excellent too, forgot the name, it's the one with the original Mirror's Edge without that awful Mike Posner chorus.
EDIT: Everybody's Nobody.
*the first I heard.
I'm thinking of getting a Cowon J3, anyone have one or Cowon products in general?
Leaning away from an IPod since the hdd on my old one crapped the bed and took around 80gb of music with it to hell.
I've got the d2. I love it, but thats because I love things with so many options and freedom. You can put flash on it, change the skin, do crazy skins, full 5 band EQ and other crazy audio settings, bookmarks, drag and drop file (none of that itunes shit), FLAC and other good audio sources, amazing sound quality, extenedable memory through SD cards, AMAZING battery life.
The Cowon D2 was literally ahead of its time, it may be a bit dated by now but I still rock the shit out of, I hardly ever have to charge it. The J3 is probably a bit different Cowon really know their shit when it comes to audio quality thats for sure.
On another note, stream Smoke DZA's album, procuded by Harry Fraud:
dope production, just wish it was someone else other than Smoke DZA spittin over these.
actually, after listening to this a bit, Smoke DZA's no that bad... still undecided.
Thanks man, Im definitely going to go with Cowon, battery life seems to be amazing for most of their products.
have the same problem and use one of these (not that model though:
Most of them only transmit in mono and finding the perfect frequency can be a bitch but besides that it's almost perfect.
Pretty disappointed in the new XV- can't speak to the lyrics yet, but the beats are a huge step down from his past 2 efforts.
Pretty disappointed in the new XV- can't speak to the lyrics yet, but the beats are a huge step down from his past 2 efforts.
Yeah it's not terrible, and he hasn't regressed lyrically or anything... But the lack of seven is immediately noticeable.Does it compare at all to Zero Heroes?
In 2011, Tim Dog pleaded guilty to grand larceny for conning a woman in an online dating scam and was sentenced to five years probation and ordered to pay restitution. The case was featured on the June 15, 2012, episode of Dateline NBC
I'm I the only one listening to Reks' new album? Yup, thought so.
Naw, but you're the latest
LTTP here, but I can't fuckin' wait for this.So blu is going to release a new EP with Exile as well as re release a mixed and mastered Give me flowers.
There is still hope.
god damn I need that Ugo Ogugwa in my life, shit is fucking hilarious and hype as hell at the same time
Uh, does liking Kanye West's Mercy make me a bad person?
God that song is catchy.
(I'm a pretty casual hip-hop fan, admittedly.)