This.UT99 GOTY or bust.
This.UT99 GOTY or bust.
Here come the killzone 2 gifs!
Game is sexy
ill admit the game is damn good looking. but it handles like a fucking brick. its soo awful.Here come the killzone 2 gifs!
Game is sexy
God Killzone 3 was such a disappointment from Killzone 2....I brought that up in the LTTP thread in Gaming.
Killzone 3 took everything away that made Killzone 2 (servers,full clan support, weapon setup) good, just to chase dat cod crowd.
@Net_Wrecker, I feel ya, but FEAR at the end of the day falls apart feelwise in that your character still feels like a gun on a swivelstick rather than a dudebrah with a gun.
Last one they made was MW3, which I just got a couple weeks ago. The campaign was better than BLOPS and MW2 IMO, and I dig the small refinements made to MP leveling. Maps are nice too, but I didn't start really playing til I had both the Content Packs, so who knows, maybe they sucked before then. I don't even know which ones are "stock".
I know they shit one out every year, and I should hate that, but I've played the fuck out of every one and got my monies worth. /shrug
Yep... Shameless paper chase.
should have come out much later, it needed more time in a lot of respects. Polished, playable game but nowhere near as memorable
BF3 audio is great, but I still think COD has the best gun models. That Remington logo on the side of the ACR is sweet.
sudoku is awesome. don't you dare talk shit about squares and numbers.lets all talk about how we all like to do sudoku puzzles you feel me
I thought this thread was mentioned to be a place for us to talk about hip-hop music.lets all talk about how we all like to do sudoku puzzles you feel me
goat single player: Half-Life 2
goat multi: Quake 3 (UT2k4 also acceptable)
Fuck off.
I didn't realize it leaked. I was planning to just buy it when I first heard about the album though.lolol its actually not bad
Also, Aesop Rock's Skelethon leaked surprised theres be no talk about it, its pretty awesome
I didn't realize it leaked. I was planning to just buy it when I first heard about the album though.
Hmm, last I heard from him was that Hail Mary Malon album, thanks for the heads up.I've only listened to it once so far, its def in AOTY contention for me at the moment. ZZ top is such a damn good song.
Sailor Moon...
I didn't watch it religiously but I watched it every chance I could get as a kid. Nephrite's death was probably the most traumatic moment of my childhood, outside of Optimus Prime's death
Fuck your fancy smancy modern FPS games, I stick with Blood as my favorite FPS of all time.
New Aesop Rock is floating around... haven't listened, but the general thoughts are that it's solid. A feature from Kimya Dawson though is intriguing to me. Guess them two are working on a project together right now.
Don't give me no faces and tell me how you really feel.
Lol i basically posted the same thing a few posts up. Not hating tho, especially w/ that Jesse avy.
You should really give it a listen, so good.
This is the god damn truth. My friend and I used to play 1 on 1 dial up matches on this game every Sunday night for like 3 hours. So good.Fuck your fancy smancy modern FPS games, I stick with Blood as my favorite FPS of all time.
Half Life 2 isn't all that. Good night
Amazing. I can't jerk off to it as is with all of the cuts back to the rapper.
First album from dude after hearing him on that new Alchemist album. Kind of boring but not bad.
His style is an acquired taste although the album has many songs that anyone could appreciate imo (Snow, Ridin Around, Don Shit, Raw Deal). Personally I think the album is amazing. There are some eh tracks but overall it's beyond solid, and the production is great.
Half Life 2 isn't all that. Good night
music gaf still goin strong late into the night
Damn, I didn't know album was self produced.His style is an acquired taste although the album has many songs that anyone could appreciate imo (Snow, Ridin Around, Don Shit, Raw Deal). Personally I think the album is amazing. There are some eh tracks but overall it's beyond solid, and the production is great. It really convinced me I need to get an MPC, moreso than any album I've heard before. From what I understand, he collected samples over the years and hooked up the loops/drums when it was time to record. I know I could do something like that. Probably not as dope, but I want to make 90s style gritty NY beats on an MPC before I die.