I was gonna post this in Pop-GAF (because, frankly, you guys scare me

) but I figured this would be the more appropriate place.
I am so fucking disappointed in Iggy Azalea right now.
I liked Ignorant Art
I was feeling "Pu$$y"
I checked her youtube shit.
A little rough around the edges, but I saw what appeared to be some unrefined talent and some genuine thirst.
Just get her hooked up with a decent producer to refine her, and we could have something interesting, I thought.
But this new mixtape? Wack. Just wack.
Been pushed back lord knows how many times, and when we finally get it it's only 6 tracks...three of which we've already heard?
I stood by Iggy when Banks shaded her ass for making the freshman list, but ever since she hooked up with TIP she's done nothing but prove Banks right.