That was a terrible performance. Jeez.
yeah, that shit is embarassing ..
That was a terrible performance. Jeez.
Indicud is so far my most hyped release this year. That Q/cudi/rakim song is gonna burn buildings.
And gaf hop do y'all have any recommendations on beat making programs?
Rakim.Rakim? You mean Rocky? lol
escha & des put together some good ones a while back, i sub to pretty much all i see there
sh1t sucks
oh shit its des birthday today?happy birthday Des![]()
is it so bad that i want a ratatat and cudi colab album.INDICUD
I told y'all.
You guys need to set your expectations a lot more lower. Be a lot more realistic in this day and age.
Definitely thought that Des was older than me somehow. I'm 23 as well.
By the way:
Pretty sure me loving MOTM1 so much is a complete fluke. Some kind of wiring in my brain gone bad. Some kind of rip in the fabric of reality. A slight wobble to the wheel of time that sent one corrupted thread off into the world that changed what should have been.
The album is shit. You know it, I know it. Shit, deep down even Siddx knows it.
MotM1 > Below the Heavens > The Cool tho.
Backwards ass list. Flip it.MotM1 > Below the Heavens > The Cool tho.
Lol I like how you added Bronson in thereWe're all allowed to like some weird shit, now and again. Some like Cudi, some like Macklemore, some like Bronson. It's a thing.
Flockaveli > Them all!Backwards ass list. Flip it.
You liking that trash ass album really confuses the shit out of me. I wasnt surprised at some of the people who liked it but i thought you were just fucking with me at first.
Ace, that GoldenAge 2 is so fucking dope. I need more of this shit. Both 1 and 2 are now mainstays on my car iPod.
Gotta update it later this week. Meanwhile just change with and they'll all work. found the link for this mix but the domain has expired![]()
There you go Macca.Flockaveli > Them all!
fuck you spindashing
spin why u gotta crush my dreams like that