Dexter is above True Blood because Dexter had promise unlike True Blood when it was always about sex and fangs (which isn't a bad thing). Need to pick True Blood back up and finish Dexter for the completionist is me.
true blood is garbage tier. so is game of thrones.
Justified is absolutely one of the best television programs currently airing.
wait, for real? i dont even like medieval fantasy nonsense but Game is some good shit
are you watching this last season though? i didnt make it past ep 4, shouldve left that show in the bushes
wait, for real? i dont even like medieval fantasy nonsense but Game is some good shit
see i dunno tokus
a) side cast barely exist (at least last season let the sniper dude do his thing)
b) each season barely feels like it connects to the next, in terms of an overarching plot - still the formula of new season = new villain, build him up then tear him down by the end (that blonde psycho guy falling apart was the worst)
c) the meat of the show is the tension between dude from deadwood vs shane from the shield and the latter's kind've all over the place last season
are you watching this last season though? i didnt make it past ep 4, shouldve left that show in the bushes
I heard Rome is awesome, but haven't had time to watch it yet.
This is a really simple breakdown. Barely connected seasons? The show changed drastically going into season two. Relationships are maintained between seasons, characters re-emerge and sometimes in more prominent roles etc. I also disagree about that being the meat of the show. The meat of the show is how your past, your roots can often be inescapable and how despite however hard you may try, you maybe a lot more like your parents (and where you came from) than you think.
Dexter, right?
I've heard really, really bad things which makes me sad. Saw that treadmill gif which made me laugh.
USA Network is the GOAT TV Network right now.
Suits, Psych, White Collar, Covert Affairs and from what my little brother tells me, Burn Notice. I think Graceland sounds pretty good too.
im amazed pepole still watch American Horror Story as well
toku its not just pacing though, its about not wasting my time - a lot more might go down in a season of Arrow than say Mad Men but the former's an action show where typically dangling plotlines will be wrapped up in a tidy bow for the status quo of the season finale, regardless of how many deus ex's are needed to get there. lots of things happen but how many are memorable? how much character is actually developed/affected in a meaningful way? did anyone other than the protagonist have any real developments, or where they just waiting around for stuff to happen to them? etc
it's great...season 2 isnt as good as 1 but still great. if youve already seen Deadwood & the Wire, you should hit it up
eh, by meat i mean the exciting bits. and yeah, the season 1 to 2 shakeup was interesting, i guess ive been waiting for something on that level to go down & keep me interested?
last season for instance was all over the place, but largely focusing on the coke heist thing but i dunno, what's the challenge for Raylin next season? parenthood? deal with shane complaining bout his locked up wife?
overcoming your roots is great, but an action show like this is made by its nemesis as well, and outside of boyd we've had...dixie mafia? old lady poisoning people? coked-up quickdraw blonde dude? theres the detroit mob or whatever in the background but nothing really interesting for me
yeah, dex. and i bailed before that subplot, seemed like a good time
USA Network is the GOAT TV Network right now.
Suits, Psych, White Collar, Covert Affairs and from what my little brother tells me, Burn Notice. I think Graceland sounds pretty good too.
im amazed pepole still watch American Horror Story as well
AHS is what it is. From the jump it was about throwing crazy at you. If you dig that, then what's not to love? It's also the only looslely horror related television series currently airing to my knowledge.
Well to be fair I don't remember anything from the first half of BB s5 either so I guess you're right.
Nothing? I find that hard to believe considering that you talked aboutMike dying
Same. I should try to catch up. But am super lazy. Started watching super natural, got bored of that to. Thinking about watching that new Netflix series Derek or something.Only one I like is Suits, and even that I got tired of and havnt seen the last 4 episodes.
Hannibal is lowkey S tier rank. We'll see how it holds up next season.
^true but aren't you worried about what'll happen when they run out of flashback material from his time on the island? arrow's actually not a great example in my favor because that one feels like it's clearly building an overarching plot from one season to the next, whereas the last season or two of Justified didn't strike me as such (though they were enjoyable enough to stay on)
I gotta finish that to. Oh and adventure time. Haven't seen any of the episodes of season fiveHannibal is lowkey S tier rank. We'll see how it holds up next season.
Current TV dramas:
Tier 1:
Breaking Bad
Tier 2:
Boardwalk Empire
Game of Thrones
Mad Men
I'm loving Hannibal. I have two episodes left. Mads Mikkelsen's acting is amazing.Hannibal is lowkey S tier rank. We'll see how it holds up next season.
How hot? I'm in the mood for something new
Just you wait. Walking Dead and Revolution will kill it this season
I love TWD for the zombie killing, daryl, and the music (Bear McCreary da gawd). The rest is mostly terrible. I dont know why i got through that whole season of Revolution. The actual deus ex machina for the whole thing was so overwhelmingly dumb. I guess i like the Fallouty vibe and watching Billy Burke indiscriminately murder people. But yeah, dog tier is correct.I love supernatural man so I was hyped to see Kripke was getting his chance to shine on a major network but Revolution is dog tier. Walking Dead is dog tier ouside of the ballin' pilot.
I really love TWD for the zombie killing, daryl, and the music (Bear McCreary da gawd). I dont know why i got through that whole season of Revolution. The actual deus ex machina for the whole thing was so overwhelmingly dumb. I guess i like the Fallouty vibe and watching Billy Burke indiscriminately murder people. But yeah, dog tier is correct.
edit: I havent watched much of Supernatural. Seemed too episodic, does that change?
I gotta finish that to. Oh and adventure time. Haven't seen any of the episodes of season five
as a fan of the book, Walking Dead is tier 1. if you expect mad action like the pilot though it's gonna drag because it's about the living, not the dead
tokus i see your points about Justified...for real though, you kinda nailed it: Boyd is a big part of what brings me back. i just remembered he has to deal with that good ol' boys wiseman's circle next season (presumably)
really don't know why im still watching Sons of Anarchy though...its just, season 2 had Ron Perlman's biker gang vs Henry Rollins' skinheads, ive been hanging on ever since for a moment half that awesome
oh yeah if we're counting outside shit i also put Adventure Time & Whose Line is it Anyway on tier 1 personally
still flyin solo with Ray Donovan
edit yeah tokus just jumped on that HBB for your Mark of the Ninja + FTL + Fez, goddamn was that bundle good
I'm stilll watching Ray Donovan. It's still missing something I can't put my figure on it though. I haven't gone back to SoA since s3 broke me.
I'll give it a shot a bit later.
Is Supernatural worth watching past season 5? I stopped then because it seemed like the perfect way to end the show.I love supernatural man so I was hyped to see Kripke was getting his chance to shine on a major network but Revolution is dog tier. Walking Dead is dog tier ouside of the ballin' pilot.
I'm stilll watching Ray Donovan. It's still missing something I can't put my figure on it though. I haven't gone back to SoA since s3 broke me.
It didnt really pick up after that. Shit sucks
I started ep 1 of Revolution but was told it wasn't that good, so I gave up.Just you wait. Walking Dead and Revolution will kill it this season
House of Cards is great.
I'll give it a shot a bit later.
Is Supernatural worth watching past season 5? I stopped then because it seemed like the perfect way to end the show.
Ray's wife does it for me man. Idk what it is, maybe knowing she's actually irish (iirc) and my weakness for pale red heads because she's not all that banging.i was gonna make a hugh jackman joke here, but i still have scars from wolvy: origins
for real though, i don't know how long they can play ray vs mickey but anything that keeps his wife from doing the low-rent carmella soprano take on "I LOVE THIS LIFE BUT YOURE SCAHREN ME RAHY"
was that the one when they went to ireland? yeah, nothing really much since then...some big shit went down last season but it was all long overdue
I started ep 1 of Revolution but was told it wasn't that good, so I gave up.
Ray's wife does it for me man. Idk what it is, maybe knowing she's actually irish (iirc) and my weakness for pale red heads because she's not all that banging.
I really need to see both of those too. Damn. Might try catchin up to Hannibal in time for the new season. Is Orphan Black on Netflix?Hannibal was new favorite show form last season outside of Orphan Black. Hannibal is cvlt show of the year 2013.