My manstill motion was 1 for me.
My manstill motion was 1 for me.
my attention gets grabbed when there is album art included... grab my attention and your links will be clicked.
Feature killer of the year is probably Vince Staples.
Feature killer of the year is probably Vince Staples.
" If this was 88 I would've signed to ruthless 94 woulda had em walking down death row first is when the best go hate is what the rest do voice inside my head told wet em if they test you so it's raging water season. "
Skool Boi "24" feat. Kimosabae
ANY form of constructive criticism would be appreciated. Hell, someone tell me it's trash. I just don't want to record anything else until I'm absolutely sure I know what measures I'm going to take to improve.
Lyrics in description.
Damn good, but if I have to give constructive criticism maybe just ease off of the multi-syllabic words a bit to make the flow more fluid. Great track though, will add to my whip music playlist.
Really liked this song and the original by Isaiah. I wonder how he'll do for TDE. His first project is going to have to be really good to live up to expectations. Sucks they couldn't get Chance like they wanted.
I'm struggling with how to approach the process of creation. I'm not musically gifted - so I'm inspired more by words and ideas when I'm writing lyrics. Very rarely does an instrumental alone inspire something, so when I write lyrics, it often tends to be without a beat in mind. Then I try to shoehorn it into a beat and it never works, due to my style of writing. This came to fruition due to the simple fact that the artist was like "I need your verse in about an hour - you'll be rapping from point A - B and I want you to do an outro". It reigned me in (though the beat was slower than I like, I managed to make it work).
I can count bars, but I have problems structuring my cadences to instrumentals in a natural way. If anyone has any ideas on how I can build a better framework in my acapella writing so I can be better prepared to fit it to an instrumental, that'd be much appreciated.
Really want to find a way to make multi-syllable words work, and I feel it's just because I don't understand the technical aspects of the process enough.
To be honest, does he have expectations?Really liked this song and the original by Isaiah. I wonder how he'll do for TDE. His first project is going to have to be really good to live up to expectations. Sucks they couldn't get Chance like they wanted.
Really liked this song and the original by Isaiah. I wonder how he'll do for TDE. His first project is going to have to be really good to live up to expectations. Sucks they couldn't get Chance like they wanted.
Most def.Isaiah > Chance
Yea, I love how he handles the laid back beat. Something I have been asking, i wish more hiphop acts would sample Tower of Power more often, really like how laid back this feels, but the rhymes have enough energy that it propels it higher than it would have gone with some sleepy ass lyrics and delivery.
If you aren't writing to the beat then don't be afraid to edit after the fact. Delete, change, or add words, stretch one bar to two, that kind of stuff. Nothing I ever write, even though I usually write while the instrumental is playing in the background, ever goes to finished product the same as I wrote it. I will practice it a billlion times before I record a single word and make as many edits as I can to make it flow right.
Really the number one thing for me is practicing. Just rapping the verse outloud over and over and over. And outloud is key. How a verse flows is completely different in your head or even rapped at low volume than it is rapped at high recording volume. Lines you thought worked fine become garbled or a mess. Its easy to spit a multi syllable lyrical miracle type line in your head. It's another thing entirely to get it into one bar without it becoming an incoherent mess.
Also be careful of shortened slang words. For instance if you write b4 instead of before. It seems irrelevant but it can fuck up your timing because it makes your bar visually appear to fit while in reality it is too long. It sounds stupid but it happens more often than you'd think where a line with a lot of shorthand fucks up the flow of the entire verse because it is way longer than your brain reading it thinks it is. I don't know if I explained that very well, sorry.
Lol Kimosabae you are so technical with it. Cracks me up. That's cool though
The TDE remix of Shot You Down is dope as hell. Another great Jay Rock verse, and perhaps Q's best of 2013. He pretty much says the album will come out in January lol.
I'm sure Rashad will put out a mixtape before an album. Should be dope but I don't see him having mainstream appeal. In fact none of their recent signings do. SZA, seriously?
I can live with this statement.Isaiah > Chance
Well, I see nothing wrong with it. I just find it interesting how different our overall approach is. I can't give any tips that would help the way you go about it. It is interesting though.sigh it's definitely a problem for me. Sometimes I think myself into paralysis instead of just doing shit and going with the flow.
Practice? We talkin' about...
Nah, but this was insightful, thanks a lot! I guess it just boils down to me needing to focus on the art more. I'm a real scatterbrain, atm.
Do you structure your lyrics as you right them? I.e., using symbols like strokes to denote a bar ending/beginning, words you want to stress, etc, etc? I often think it helps me to write in standard bar structures but it cages my thinking. Maybe that's just a lack of discipline in me, but holding to bar structures just seems to be antithetical to how I think.
Rock needs to drop a quality mix-tape to build toward another album.
Naw. Not yet.Isaiah > Chance
I think it's because they've been kinda taking turns with releases. Rock > Kendrick > Q > Soul. Idk what happened with Rocks next project but it's looking like Kendrick (GKMC) > Q (Oxymoron) > Absoul (Black lip pastor)He should have dropped one earlier this year, to capitalize off the Money Trees verse and get TDE's name out there again. I'm not sure I've ever seen a label sit back and do nothing after releasing a huge album....sure, they all went on huge tours and made money, but why not release more music? Maybe they felt 2013 was the year of Jay/Drake/Kanye/Cole/etc, and thus waiting for 2014 makes more sense.
Rock needs to keep that gruff voice and gangster shit. Maybe strive for more original sounding music I guess.
He should have dropped one earlier this year, to capitalize off the Money Trees verse and get TDE's name out there again. I'm not sure I've ever seen a label sit back and do nothing after releasing a huge album....sure, they all went on huge tours and made money, but why not release more music? Maybe they felt 2013 was the year of Jay/Drake/Kanye/Cole/etc, and thus waiting for 2014 makes more sense.
I think it's because they've been kinda taking turns with releases. Rock > Kendrick > Q > Soul. Idk what happened with Rocks next project but it's looking like Kendrick (GKMC) > Q (Oxymoron) > Absoul (Black lip pastor)
Rock gotta come up with something though. I saw an interview a while back and he said he's trying to change his sound a bit. Maybe do a transformation like when KDot went to Kendrick Lamar and starting making different sounding and generally better music.
Kendrick>rock>the other tde rejects
Kendrick>rock>the other tde rejects
Rock needs to not listen to any of you and do whatever he's gonna do.