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GAF-Hop |OT9/9/99| African Substitute Teachers Run NY

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Haven't read console wars threads in months. There's been far too much of people just following media narratives in the past few months and you can't even call that shit out because hypocritically people call YOU biased. I didn't believe Cliffy when he said it at the time but it really is the case, nearly every thread has people shifting the burden of proof. Gaming is in full stupid/GameFAQs and will be for the next year. You can't say something about the X1 is dope in isolation without people jumping on you with unrelated points about how Kinect smashed your grandmother.

MS is still in a deeply disadvantageous position from everything we know (most importantly with the stuff that won't change like hardware) but I don't like when people use assumptions as facts either. Also why I can't read Wii U threads anymore because they border on delusion. Just look at that port thread listing all those Wii U versions with cut content as the best ports.

Faulty logic is one of my pet peeves.

You really don't have any sense of schadenfreude, eh? I don't let console wars or any of that irk me I guess, it's mostly just entertainment and has little to no effect in the real world. I mean there is some degree of mindshare coming off forums, but it's not really reaching anyone out there. Does Billy's mom give a shit if Call of Duty ghosts is 720p on the Xbone? Of course not, and neither does Billy. It's actually a little absurd how much emotionally invested raging goes on when you take a look back and realize that nobody gives a shit but even a small fraction of enthusiasts, let alone gamers


tagged by Blackace
You really don't have any sense of schadenfreude, eh? I don't let console wars or any of that irk me I guess, it's mostly just entertainment and has little to no effect in the real world. I mean there is some degree of mindshare coming off forums, but it's not really reaching anyone out there. Does Billy's mom give a shit if Call of Duty ghosts is 720p on the Xbone? Of course not, and neither does Billy. It's actually a little absurd how much emotionally invested raging goes on when you take a look back and realize that nobody gives a shit but even a small fraction of enthusiasts, let alone gamers
I'm aware. Just can't bother to read it anymore because some people really are bout that pixel counting life, especially when every thread is infested with it now. It's good in very small doses like 4chan.

The thirst for native resolution to go up while IQ is still dragging is the absolute most confusing to me. Not even gonna go into that tho.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Forza 2 still my favorite racer. Played that damn game for eternity. Need for Speed Underground 2 gives it competition though. Back when open world street racers was a novel concept in a game, I fucking loved playing through NFSU2 and pimping out all my cars.


tagged by Blackace
siddx' post reminds me Midnight Club 3 was also dope as fuck and an open-world racer.

Real Big as the main menu theme to that game >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Soundtrack in general for that game was ill.

Probably the only game ever I'd let linger at the start/menu screen.


I'll wait 7 years for a next-gen console. Seems to be the safest bet.

as the dumb kid who wants to be the one on the block with new shit & then not really touch it for 6-9 months until games worth a shit show up: this is always a smart approach you have there, man


The thirst for native resolution to go up while IQ is still dragging is the absolute most confusing to me. Not even gonna go into that tho.

Because last gen, a solid amount of resources were allocated to detail. Arguably, that was the focus of last gen from a development perspective as far as graphics go. Back in 2005/6, nobody paid much attention to the people complaining about 1080p; a lot of people were in the process of getting their first HD equipment and the only option available to a lot more price conscious people was 720p. But now? Prices have fallen, new consoles, 1080 is king and the average gamer probably feels that details are fine now. Generally speaking though.... I think it would be cool if devs started to at least consider gunning for 1080p. It's 2013.

edit: Midnight Club was piff.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Yeah I liked Midnight Club 3 a lot too, although I found it irritating how many times I'd be almost done with a race and then take one wrong turn and have to do the whole damn thing over again. I tried the new Midnight Club game recently and it's seriously just MC3 with different cars. Fucking series hasn't evolved one bit since part 3.


anyways fuck next gen consoles. ps4 will be worth it by 2015. but until then we'll be playing corny shit like knack. hell nah.

exactly what im talkin bout...no gen of playstation had a great launch lineup for me (PS3 was terrible) but at least in the past there was a tekken tag or something, i got nothing this go around. Resogun is prolly gonna be my only purchase; i just cant fuck with Knack's art style & the shape its taking, no matter how awesome Cerny is.

XB1 has a much better lineup for my tastes but its $100 more and looking like a goddamn mess so nuts to that. god i hope The Evil Within shows up Q1 or 2 in 2014 so my shit doesnt collect dust like PS3 did till Uncharted dropped.


anyways fuck next gen consoles. ps4 will be worth it by 2015. but until then we'll be playing corny shit like knack. hell nah.

titanfall will be best fps of the year. can't wait to get that.
Fall 2014 for me. I think we'll see some serious exclusives. Titan Fall isn't coming to PS4 though, fuck.

It's about to rain tomorrow, thank God. Moody music time.


i'm sayin doe
esh don't remember his roots, i ran with him back when he was fuckin' NOBODY
back when he was in hawaiian shirts, hittin me on that 2 way (i aint even give him my numbers)

Irish pls, you brainwashed me into following Dr. Malachi York and then tried to convince me to visit his statutory rape pyramids in the South.

T Dollarz

Anybody know a thing or two about getting hooked up with a decent car stereo/sound system? Picking up my new car today and it's pretty nice but it has the old stock car stereo and I can't last on that shit for too long.


Lou Reed on yeezus: "There are moments of supreme beauty and greatness on this record,” , “and then some of it is the same old shit."

nailed it.


Whos that 3rd dude? Hodgy, Leftbrain, then who? Is it Domo? Is he considered apart of Mellowhype now?

Edit: Wait wait wait, is Mellowhigh different from Mellowhype? Did they change the name?
Hodgy Beats + Leftbrain = MellowHigh
Hodgy Beats + Leftbrain + Domo Genesis = MellowHigh


Was watching the Grantland preview for the Golden State Warriors, and Jalen Rose gave a shout out to the old KMEL Summer Jam concerts from the early 90s. Talk about a nostalgia hit, those shows were among some of the best ever.

I still remember Ice Cube's first major solo live performance post-NWA, they let that shit run uncensored on the air. Was absolutely mindblowing at the time. Run DMC, Boyz II Men, Public Enemy, TLC, Naughty By Nature, A Tribe Called Quest, Queen Latifah, EPMD, Roger & Zapp, Rodney O and Joe Cooley, Tupac, Too Short...they don't have concerts like that anymore. :(


possible Yeezus EP later this year

come on Ye don't hold out on us.


tagged by Blackace
Rick Ross talks "The Devil is a Lie" ft. Jay Z off of Mastermind.

2 Chainz - Fork (DECODED).

Long Kanye interview on Big Boy's Neighbourhood.
- Gonna cool down on namedropping brand name labels because it interferes with his message about the perception of luxury, mentions H&M and Zara again
- On offers he got to collaborate "it isn't clean water; they set you up only to do urban design"
- Kanye thinks 2Pac is the GOAT
He's right
- DONDA Offices are close to opening
- He feels he doesn't get the respect for his level of relevance... from billionaires
- On influential people (heads of studios, etc.) giving him advice about how he goes about things, and how Michael Jackson would never handle things like he does: "I ain't Michael Jackson. I don't do just music. I'm a christian revolutionary visionary product person. I'm not here to dance for y'all. I ain't here to do the 2-step. That was just my in."
- Talks about how in 10 years he wants to be doing Christian products, design the next Sistine Chapel
- Talks how he went about producing Through The Wire, how he differentiated his sampling production style from what was getting "played out" at the time, how Through The Wire was the anchor for The College Dropout and how it built his fanbase
- How he talked with Zuckerberg about how there are only 7 black billionaires vs. the 15kish total, and how that exemplifies the restrictions to make change that exist even when you make too much money
- Clears up Steve Jobs comparisons, "No weapon used against me shall prosper" LOL
- "I'm working on one mission, and that's one mission from GAWD"
- Uses Elon Musk as a comparison for how Elon Musk had PayPal which allowed him to get to Tesla and the Hyperloop
- "When I got my phone, it's when I saw Kim on the internet with Kris Humphries"
- Pusha T's album was partially recorded in Abu Dhabi
- Lost in the World was initially a poem written for Kim
- Why did he propose in a baseball field: "I thought it'd be dope"
- "We argue who has more or less, but we're just playing in a bigger slave field"
- Explains why he's doing interviews again, and the Jimmy Kimmel interview "I'm gonna turn all the way up on y'all. I'm going to prove to y'all this isn't just some rap stuff."
- Paparazzi yelling "WHATS UP WITH THAT PRENUP" at him lmao
- When talking about paps making money off of you "It's more patronizing when [the Paparazzi] say something positive to me"
- Knows paps are an outlet he always has to if he does need to get something out to the world
- Kanye wrote Find My Love
- While talking about creatives who hide their sketches and how DONDA's mandate is to fight for your idea "Arrogance is the overcompensation for my lack of opportunity"
- "My mind is SWOLEEEEEEE"
- Talks his Pusha T rant
- Two words for what his wedding is going to be like: "Fighter Jets"
- On Big Boy's suit that he's going to wear to Kanye's wedding "It better be the cleanest suit OF ALL TIME" lmao
- "I want to legalize paparazzi" to get it taxed and people who are getting photos taken of them paid
- On what the industry would be like if his material wasn't there "A lot of people didn't understand 808s at the time, but it's kind of the sound right now"
- Gets put on the spot and freestyles about an hour in
- Rappers that inspire him: "Kendrick, Drake, Pusha, Future."
- On records he likes that he wish he recorded: "I like [Drake's] Going Home"
- On Yeezus, "I'm not really rapping, I'm putting messages to the beat"
- Was shaken after the Zane Lowe interview, came out of it saying "What did I just do?"
- "There are limitations of being a black person, but there are also opportunities. Sometimes you get to be the token. And I'm taking that opportunity and riding it all the way."
- Can't Tell Me Nothing is Kanye's favourite song "I would put that single out now, it's not dated at all."
- Might put out 5 songs that didn't make it onto Yeezus later this year
- Talks the mental slavery allegory in Blood on the Leaves
- He doesn't like Gold Digger because the soul sample wasn't flipped slick enough for his own standards
- Made a pact with Jay Z that they will never do any WTT songs live unless they're together
- Doesn't remember the lyrics to Otis, performs it reading off a paper. (probably that tour prep)
- Talking about Kendrick as an opening act, and not treating him like any other opening act where they get sonned, thinks paying dues goes a bit too far, letting Kendrick do his own tour design and treating him as a double headline

Important Stuff tl;dr:
- Kanye thinks 2Pac is the GOAT
He's right
- "I'm a christian revolutionary visionary product person. I'm not here to dance for y'all."
- Talks how he went about producing Through The Wire, how he differentiated his sampling production style from what was getting "played out" at the time, how Through The Wire was the anchor for The College Dropout and how it built his fanbase
- Pusha T's album was partially recorded in Abu Dhabi
- Lost in the World was initially a poem written for Kim
- Kanye wrote Find My Love
- "My mind is SWOLEEEEEEE"
- Two words for what his wedding is going to be like: "Fighter Jets"
- Can't Tell Me Nothing is Kanye's favourite song "I would put that single out now, it's not dated at all."
- Might put out 5 songs that didn't make it onto Yeezus later this year
- Talks the mental slavery allegory in Blood on the Leaves
- On what the industry would be like if his material wasn't there "A lot of people didn't understand 808s at the time, but it's kind of the sound right now"
- Gets put on the spot and freestyles about an hour in
- Rappers that inspire him: "Kendrick, Drake, Pusha, Future."
- On Yeezus, "I'm not really rapping, I'm putting messages to the beat"
- He doesn't like Gold Digger because the soul sample wasn't flipped slick enough for his own standards
- Made a pact with Jay Z that they will never do any WTT songs live unless they're together
- Doesn't remember the lyrics to Otis, performs it reading off a paper. (probably that tour prep)
- Talking about Kendrick as an opening act, and not treating him like any other opening act where they get sonned, thinks paying dues goes a bit too far, letting Kendrick do his own tour design and treating him as a double headline

- - -

So so far I guess I Am Not Here is the only song that's likely to be on the new EP?


The physical form of blasphemy
dead @ Jax voice

Is that "American Jax," or "Slightly losing control of this American accent" Jax?

lol. Slightly losing control of his accent. He really doesn't give a single fuck this season. OT, but I don't think I've seen a show jump so many sharks in single episodes as Sons. The amount of fuckery is unparalleled.


lol. Slightly losing control of his accent. He really doesn't give a single fuck this season. OT, but I don't think I've seen a show jump so many sharks in single episodes as Sons. The amount of fuckery is unparalleled.

SOA dove headfirst into the fuckery this season and I love it.
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