You guess? Both of them have a very southern soundI feel you with the bolded, but I feel like (for me) the stigma with the south and all that wasn't really fully formed. Lil Jon was after Luda and Outkast was before. Those were my landmarks at like age 12. I guess Big Tymers carried a pretty distinctly southern sound and I didn't really look at them and Luda as being cut from the same cloth.
It's weird, but then again I was fucking 12, I didn't really "care" about music until I heard TCD and The Documentary.
Maybe theyll remember my quotes when I fade to black.....To borrow from Tguy (I think?): a legend, just not my legend.
No surprise to anyone here but I genuinely believe this dude wants to do good in the world but he's either implicitly or consciously convinced himself the relevance pillar can't be moved when it comes to infrastructure. Maybe I'm just sympathetic for my artbros. He's saying fuck the system but is acutely aware it's everpresent. If he really said fuck the system, he would not try to weave into it to try to blow it from the inside out the hard way. Now he's out announcing his shots before he takes them. It's a cocktail of all of the above, mixed with not thinking before you speak and having those outbursts of grandeur.
sup gaf hop. Although I been lurking for a minute it's my first post here so I'll go through the initiation gauntlet. I hope I don't detract too much from the routine kanye west controversy.
Pick a coast to rep - East Coast
Favorite Artist - atm it's Blu all time it would be A Tribe Called Quest
Favourite producer - tie between Kanye West, Madlib, and Nujabes. Tofubeats is up there though
Favourite album - Midnight Marauders
What's in your playlist right now? - Give Me Flowers While I can Still Smell Them, Yeezus, Government Plates, My Name is My Name, My Room my Stage
Rank Kanye's albums: Late Registration > College Dropout > MBDTF > 808s and Heartbreaks > Graduation
Who is the best Wu-Tang member? Gza
Optional: Raekwon or Ghostface? Ghostface
Is Illmatic > Nas' whole life? lol I guess
Who won? Nas or Nas? umm Nas
Biggie or Pac? Biggie
Lil B? Is he a genius or mentally challenged? I'm leaning towards genius but idk
How do you feel about Macklemore? He's a real life white savior trope. Like Tom Cruise in the Last Samurai, Daniel Day-Lewis in last of the mohicans, or the dude in Avatar.
Best odds on coming out before you die: Dre's Detox, GZA's Liquid Swords 2, or Jay Electronica - whatever? trick question right?
Nobody wants to be a billionaire out of some some altruistic drive.
"Nigga, check this out, I don't use the word nigga, I'm not a nigga user. Don't yell at me again on the mic". +1 Sway
Are you the person in your avatar? Just curious
That's exactly where the tween crowd lives. They artists they love ain't exactly talented, an they ain't really great, but they can sell the fuck out of a record.
They're surprisingly average. With enough gusto to make them "unique".
Are you the person in your avatar? Just curious
Did he say that later? I didn't hear this line in the video. Props to Sway."Nigga, check this out, I don't use the word nigga, I'm not a nigga user. Don't yell at me again on the mic". +1 Sway
Luda? lol
He goes so hard...
But like Busta he cant make a great album for whatever reason
Kanye isn't that hard to figure out. He's an insecure man child who uses his his above average creativity to mask his below average intelligence and common sense. And as his well of creativity began to run dry, it became harder and harder for him to mask his deficiencies to the point he now looks like a raving lunatic because he doesn't have his music to work as a smoke screen anymore. I'm just happy we got two great albums from him (even though CD aged like a crackwhore) and one decent one before he shit the bed. I'll always enjoy my memories of riding around south florida listening to CD my senior year of college with my girlfriend next to me. The constant stream of garbage music he's made in the last few years don't erase that. So go on Kanye and be the joke that you now are. Dress like a blind stripper who walked into a hot topic/forever 21 super combo store in the mall. Have babies with some media whore whose only talent is getting fucked. Make pretentious bullshit that sounds like 80 producers spent a week trying to angrily shove their own style into one 4 minute song. Sell ugly clothes to stans and children who don't know better. Kanye gave me my memories and I am happy with them, so he can have Kim queef into a microphone for 8 minutes while he rhymes about penises dripping diamonds into glasses of blueberries and how it's a metaphor for the white man holding the black man down. I won't stop remarking about what a fucking dipshit he is, but I also won't ever presume to demand he stops what he's doing.
sup gaf hop. Although I been lurking for a minute it's my first post here so I'll go through the initiation gauntlet. I hope I don't detract too much from the routine kanye west controversy.
How do you feel about Macklemore? He's a real life white savior trope. Like Tom Cruise in the Last Samurai, Daniel Day-Lewis in last of the mohicans, or the dude in Avatar.
Best odds on coming out before you die: Dre's Detox, GZA's Liquid Swords 2, or Jay Electronica - whatever? trick question right?
I don't think Kanye's heart is in his music. He's making music to earn and keep himself relevant but he's fixated on the fashion stuff. But if his music isn't inspired then he'll fade out.
Kanye isn't fucking bi-polar. One lyric about people telling his mama he's bi polar is not a diagnoses. He's an asshole with an ego who is getting rich, powerful, and filled to the brim with attention which would turn anybody into a crazy prick. You better believe if I was in Kanye's shoes I'd be posting pictures of myself cumming in girls eyes with the hashtag #shouldhaveraisedherbetter and driving down the street in a ferrari with two naked women throwing bags of dogshit at pedestrians.
Definitely.Kanye's publicity tour is working very well, intentional or not :lol
Kanye isn't that hard to figure out. He's an insecure man child who uses his his above average creativity to mask his below average intelligence and common sense. And as his well of creativity began to run dry, it became harder and harder for him to mask his deficiencies to the point he now looks like a raving lunatic because he doesn't have his music to work as a smoke screen anymore. I'm just happy we got two great albums from him (even though CD aged like a crackwhore) and one decent one before he shit the bed. I'll always enjoy my memories of riding around south florida listening to CD my senior year of college with my girlfriend next to me. The constant stream of garbage music he's made in the last few years don't erase that. So go on Kanye and be the joke that you now are. Dress like a blind stripper who walked into a hot topic/forever 21 super combo store in the mall. Have babies with some media whore whose only talent is getting fucked. Make pretentious bullshit that sounds like 80 producers spent a week trying to angrily shove their own style into one 4 minute song. Sell ugly clothes to stans and children who don't know better. Kanye gave me my memories and I am happy with them, so he can have Kim queef into a microphone for 8 minutes while he rhymes about penises dripping diamonds into glasses of blueberries and how it's a metaphor for the white man holding the black man down. I won't stop remarking about what a fucking dipshit he is, but I also won't ever presume to demand he stops what he's doing.
Kanye isn't that hard to figure out. He's an insecure man child who uses his his above average creativity to mask his below average intelligence and common sense. And as his well of creativity began to run dry, it became harder and harder for him to mask his deficiencies to the point he now looks like a raving lunatic because he doesn't have his music to work as a smoke screen anymore. I'm just happy we got two great albums from him (even though CD aged like a crackwhore) and one decent one before he shit the bed. I'll always enjoy my memories of riding around south florida listening to CD my senior year of college with my girlfriend next to me. The constant stream of garbage music he's made in the last few years don't erase that. So go on Kanye and be the joke that you now are. Dress like a blind stripper who walked into a hot topic/forever 21 super combo store in the mall. Have babies with some media whore whose only talent is getting fucked. Make pretentious bullshit that sounds like 80 producers spent a week trying to angrily shove their own style into one 4 minute song. Sell ugly clothes to stans and children who don't know better. Kanye gave me my memories and I am happy with them, so he can have Kim queef into a microphone for 8 minutes while he rhymes about penises dripping diamonds into glasses of blueberries and how it's a metaphor for the white man holding the black man down. I won't stop remarking about what a fucking dipshit he is, but I also won't ever presume to demand he stops what he's doing.
Did he say that later? I didn't hear this line in the video. Props to Sway.
Kanye wants validation from the old European fucks that own high fashion, he doesn't even want it from the designers. He would probably settle for 1% of the profit as long as his brand was housed under the Louis Vuitton umbrella.
Kanye isn't that hard to figure out. He's an insecure man child who uses his his above average creativity to mask his below average intelligence and common sense. And as his well of creativity began to run dry, it became harder and harder for him to mask his deficiencies to the point he now looks like a raving lunatic because he doesn't have his music to work as a smoke screen anymore. I'm just happy we got two great albums from him (even though CD aged like a crackwhore) and one decent one before he shit the bed. I'll always enjoy my memories of riding around south florida listening to CD my senior year of college with my girlfriend next to me. The constant stream of garbage music he's made in the last few years don't erase that. So go on Kanye and be the joke that you now are. Dress like a blind stripper who walked into a hot topic/forever 21 super combo store in the mall. Have babies with some media whore whose only talent is getting fucked. Make pretentious bullshit that sounds like 80 producers spent a week trying to angrily shove their own style into one 4 minute song. Sell ugly clothes to stans and children who don't know better. Kanye gave me my memories and I am happy with them, so he can have Kim queef into a microphone for 8 minutes while he rhymes about penises dripping diamonds into glasses of blueberries and how it's a metaphor for the white man holding the black man down. I won't stop remarking about what a fucking dipshit he is, but I also won't ever presume to demand he stops what he's doing.
I'm impressed how Kanye has made everybody think he's crazy and has everybody dissecting and discussing his interviews and everyday life.
Wondering is he crazy (no), is he on drugs (probably), etc. "Everybody feel a way about K but at least yall feel something,"
It's just another part of the act to stay a hot topic and it's really funny to see how people react to it.
How do you feel about Macklemore? He's a real life white savior trope. Like Tom Cruise in the Last Samurai, Daniel Day-Lewis in last of the mohicans, or the dude in Avatar.
so jeezy has a new mixtape coming out today does anyone care besides Detox
Yeah, i like the danny brown addition if only because I get to hear more of the first part of the song.Couple tracks off of the new Lito were missing verses...
Ain't Goin Back (added verse by Young Buck)
The DUI Song(s) (added verse by Danny Brown)