Yep that's where I'm at right now... Wellllll I'm still drunk.too hungover for thanksgiving. fuck.
im thankful fr kanye
So there is no hangover. Just drunk.
Yep that's where I'm at right now... Wellllll I'm still drunk.too hungover for thanksgiving. fuck.
im thankful fr kanye
Imagine it. Count blackule sitting at thanksgiving decked out in a bucket hat and a been trill shirt while everyone is in khakis, button ups, dresses. The whole family has stacked their plates high with turkeys and casseroles of every kind, but count blackule waits patiently with an empty placemat. A loud BEEP sounds off and his mother opens the microwave with an effervescent cloud of steam. At last, she plops down a plate of soggy Tyson chicken tenders with a bottle of heinz in front of count. His eyes light up like Luis Garavito in front of a preschool. Relatives sigh. His brother facepalms. cousins laugh at him. his mother tells them to let her baby be, and everyone digs in after blessing, chortling as they watch a 19 year old manchild feast.Never change your avatar.
Imagine it. Count blackule sitting at thanksgiving decked out in a bucket hat and a been trill shirt while everyone is in khakis, button ups, dresses. The whole family has stacked their plates high with turkeys and casseroles of every kind, but count blackule waits patiently with an empty placemat. A loud BEEP sounds off and his mother opens the microwave with an effervescent cloud of steam. At last, she plops down a plate of soggy Tyson chicken tenders with a bottle of heinz in front of count. His eyes light up like Luis Garavito in front of a preschool. Relatives sigh. His brother facepalms. cousins laugh at him. his mother tells them to let her baby be, and everyone digs in after blessing, chortling as they watch a 19 year old manchild feast.
Happy thanksgiving guys, I'm happy I have this community to talk to.
I'm also thankful we got that schoolboy release date early this week. OH THAT'S RIGHT.
Imagine it. Count blackule sitting at thanksgiving decked out in a bucket hat and a been trill shirt while everyone is in khakis, button ups, dresses. The whole family has stacked their plates high with turkeys and casseroles of every kind, but count blackule waits patiently with an empty placemat. A loud BEEP sounds off and his mother opens the microwave with an effervescent cloud of steam. At last, she plops down a plate of soggy Tyson chicken tenders with a bottle of heinz in front of count. His eyes light up like Luis Garavito in front of a preschool. Relatives sigh. His brother facepalms. cousins laugh at him. his mother tells them to let her baby be, and everyone digs in after blessing, chortling as they watch a 19 year old manchild feast.
Imagine it. Count blackule sitting at thanksgiving decked out in a bucket hat and a been trill shirt while everyone is in khakis, button ups, dresses. The whole family has stacked their plates high with turkeys and casseroles of every kind, but count blackule waits patiently with an empty placemat. A loud BEEP sounds off and his mother opens the microwave with an effervescent cloud of steam. At last, she plops down a plate of soggy Tyson chicken tenders with a bottle of heinz in front of count. His eyes light up like Luis Garavito in front of a preschool. Relatives sigh. His brother facepalms. cousins laugh at him. his mother tells them to let her baby be, and everyone digs in after blessing, chortling as they watch a 19 year old manchild feast.
Imagine it. Count blackule sitting at thanksgiving decked out in a bucket hat and a been trill shirt while everyone is in khakis, button ups, dresses. The whole family has stacked their plates high with turkeys and casseroles of every kind, but count blackule waits patiently with an empty placemat. A loud BEEP sounds off and his mother opens the microwave with an effervescent cloud of steam. At last, she plops down a plate of soggy Tyson chicken tenders with a bottle of heinz in front of count. His eyes light up like Luis Garavito in front of a preschool. Relatives sigh. His brother facepalms. cousins laugh at him. his mother tells them to let her baby be, and everyone digs in after blessing, chortling as they watch a 19 year old manchild feast.
Speaking of Silky Johnson and Chapelle show, does anyone in here watch Key and Peele? It's no Chapelle show but they have their moments of brilliance once in a while. I feel like it's a somewhat decent substitute, even if it can't compare to the what it's supposed to be filling in for.
Speaking of Silky Johnson and Chapelle show, does anyone in here watch Key and Peele? It's no Chapelle show but they have their moments of brilliance once in a while. I feel like it's a somewhat decent substitute, even if it can't compare to the what it's supposed to be filling in for.
Happy thanksgiving to everyone except Bitchaton
For reals tho I think you got me mixed with peterboy with that been trill shi
Hahahaha fucking esch.
I don't get high much, it tends to make me sleepy, hungry, and horny. Which is a terrible combination. You don't know whether to take a nap, eat some cookies, or fuck the sanity out of some chick. And trying to do all three at once usually ends in sadness. But for years the one time I got blazed out of my mind was right before thanksgiving. One of my sisters and my ex would spend all day making a feast and I would get higher than giraffe pussy and eat like a goddamn king. Good memories.
i notice you're not denying that chain of events tho
Like people said before, it is completely 50/50 with it's hits and misses and it stays interesting just enough for me to care about it.Speaking of Silky Johnson and Chapelle show, does anyone in here watch Key and Peele? It's no Chapelle show but they have their moments of brilliance once in a while. I feel like it's a somewhat decent substitute, even if it can't compare to the what it's supposed to be filling in for.
The Bruce Willy/Liam Nessons shit I think is some of their best work and they overextend the joke in this one.the biggest problem with Key and Peele is that they always overextend a joke past its lifetime.
too hungover for thanksgiving. fuck.
im thankful fr kanye
Never change your avatar.
like Luis Garavito in front of a preschool
Speaking of Silky Johnson and Chapelle show, does anyone in here watch Key and Peele? It's no Chapelle show but they have their moments of brilliance once in a while. I feel like it's a somewhat decent substitute, even if it can't compare to the what it's supposed to be filling in for.
I lol'dI remember one if the girls I used to date had never seen Chapelle show, so we rented to first season and I was excited as fuck to watch it with her. Something really enjoyable about watching something you really like with someone whose never seen I before. Turns out she hated it. That pretty much was the end of the relationship right there.
it still cracks me up that the Clayton Bigsby thing was on the debut of Chappelle Show.
i was so sure that they were never going to let another episode of that show come on again.
Lmao. I know what you mean about showing a gf something or even a friend. It's satisfying as hell. My ex didn't like futurama. One of my pillars.I remember one if the girls I used to date had never seen Chapelle show, so we rented to first season and I was excited as fuck to watch it with her. Something really enjoyable about watching something you really like with someone whose never seen I before. Turns out she hated it. That pretty much was the end of the relationship right there.
My ex didn't like futurama. One of my pillars.
Lmao. I know what you mean about showing a gf something or even a friend. It's satisfying as hell. My ex didn't like futurama. One of my pillars.
I'm about to eat some stuffing and gravy, on some Cudder with his girls butthole.
Lmao. I know what you mean about showing a gf something or even a friend. It's satisfying as hell. My ex didn't like futurama. One of my pillars.
I'm about to eat some stuffing and gravy, on some Cudder with his girls butthole.
Yeah I had another ex who didn't like futurama, but she at least had a justifiable reason as she dated some dude who obsessed with the show who was also an abusive piece of shit.
On the subject of various entertainment sources, I just got done playing call of duty ghosts and im pretty sure I have absolutely no idea what the fuck went on in it's story. Just a mess of convoluted murder porn. Series really just needs to die already. Still better than fucking halo though.
Bout to move in to that new batman game.
Speaking of cudder and buttholes. I ate some girls asshole out the other night. Beautiful little puckered thing. Yall don't know hat your missing, it leaves quite the positive impression.
This shit cracks me up, you guys act like I eat the butt everyday lol. I can count on 2 hands how many times I've done it in 4.5 hours.
get ready to feel similarly about this game...
on point with the rest of the post.
Loved Origins. While it was more of the same, it was done very well. I will agree with Toku. Best bat game yet.
Doing a second playthrough right now.
Origins is the best Batman game though so? Best combat, best story (no stupid shit or shitting the bed in the last act) and actual challenge in it's variety and not just annoying bullshit.
Origins plays out like a really solid Detective Comics arc. Best Batman simulator released to date.
One of the best things Origins does is instead of ramping up the challenge by making some of your tools useless in later areas, they keep giving you more with interesting map layouts for you to figure out how best to work things out. Settings up traps and exploiting enemy a.i. is a lot better and more fun in Origins.
Actual combat is faster, and more challenging. Countering later enemies is actually hard (knife dudes...even by the end of game I never got timing down 100%, could still fuck it up) and enemies felt a lot more aggressive in general. Encounters were actually dangerous if you got sloppy. I died more often in Origins than in both AC and AA combined. Failing to prioritize enemies etc.
I also got killed a lot more in this one. the combat was really sped up. loved it. i found the first two to be a little robotic. this was always engaging and enjoyable.
Couple of the new gadgets really improved on the earlier could actually use it for once.The tight rope in particular!
Voice acting was stellar as always. looked fantastic on pc. great game.
Happy Thanksgiving Gaf-Hop!!! From all of us over in GAFPOP.