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GAF-Hop |OT9/9/99| African Substitute Teachers Run NY

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Watching the Fast and Furious movies is going to be so strange now.

What the fuck. Condolences to his family.

The worst part is he was the fucking passenger.



Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Yea I need to go rewatch joy ride... This news is a bit too much. 2013 has been such a shit year.


tagged by Blackace
Hoes in different area codes plays when Brian begins talking to Mia in the Toretto house for the first time ;_;
Took my 14 year old nephew to a Macklemore show tonight. Big KRIT and Talib Kweli opened for him (got there too late for KRIT unfortunately), which was...interesting.

I was basically a 31 year old black dude surrounded by a bunch of 14-23 year old screaming white girls. The most out of touch moment for me was before Macklemore came out, the sound system was playing Outkast's "Ain't No Thang", and I was rapping along to the entire song, while literally no one else gave a single fuck

Easily the weirdest audience I've ever been a part of. Though to be honest, dude puts on a good show. Can't hate at all. Hell, even Talib did his thing, even though that crowd was definitely not his normal audience, lol.

edit: friend texted me about the Paul Walker news at the show, which fucked me up a little bit. Fast and the Furious movies are probably my favorite modern movie franchise, lol


for real, how is k-dot live? seeing him wednesday night


shit yeah!

As a Jew myself, kanyes comments didn't offend me or upset me but they definitely made me raise an eyebrow. It was one of those comments that makes you pause what you are doing and start listening because you can feel something actually offensive might get said next.

wasn't he just saying jews have money and control hollywood or something? i thought that was relatively known, he's at least a few months away from (publicly) saying ya'll planned 9-11

What does gaf-hop think about MMLP 2?

it dropped? i thought i heard another Rihanna album

so lame how he goes from jumping down Sway's throat on some classist shit and claiming to be his superior to some "ohh yeah bro i understand you, yeah we're all slaves" apologizing etc. What a fuck boy.

true but then i wonder if - since this was presumably some PR shit - some latent, dying jimmeny cricket voice in his head tells him to reign shit in before it gets bad, or else he'll have to do/fuck up more of these down the road

I unfollowed Lupe Fiasco on twitter. Can't take any more of his bullshit lol

which post in particular was it, fam

Gang Starr - Moment of Truth

this & the others were great nominations, lately i've been on Lords of the Underground - Here Come the Lords

God so cruel man. Take Paul Walker in his prime but let Nas post 2001 live. ='(

when you're an ab-soul fan it must be like losing friends every day = /
My one issue with Kdot live is that he skips so many lyrics and can really throw you off if your rapping along with it. Apart from that shit can get live as hell.

He usually ends with Cartoons and Cereal at his own shows and the whole place goes crazy. That and mAAd city.

Also I was never really into F&F, I only watched Tokyo Drift this year because my friends were watching it. Soo not exactly sure who Paul walker is but RIP.


I thought it was good. Better than recovery and still undecided between MMLP and Relapse.

I really liked it. Better than Relapse and Recovery and his best work since TES.

But then again I am "one of those people" so you should probably steer clear of my suggestion. I only listen to Eminem and don't really understand rap or something something...

Speaking of "those people" I find it hilarious how if after not being able to defend Kanye and his nonsense rants, Peterboy has to run away to this thread. You don't have to like his music or know his history to have an opinion about things he is saying now. A baby acting like a baby is still a baby regardless of skin color.

If he was speaking about white privilege and made sense I'd be behind him 100%. But as usual with Kanye he always just scratches the surface in a mad lunatic manner, doesn't go any deeper because its apparent he can't, and anyone who doesn't agree or just gives him things is trying to pigeon hole him into a box.

Half the time he isn't even answering the question he is asked. In his head he seems like he is just trying to remember the 10 historical figures he has heard of so he can spit them out as synonyms for himself. And seriously you are going to being in "JEWS" or "OIL PEOPLE" into this? That's why Obama hasn't done what he wanted to do? What does that even mean?

Obama has to deal with Congress and the Republicans. No president before him or after him can solve the Israel problem. its not cause he is black and doesn't come from a line of politics. Bill and Hillary couldn't get the healthcare bill passed, Obama did. Obama also killed Bin Laden. Obama also negotiated with the Iranians. What exactly is him being black holding him back from again? See if he expanded and made some sense I'd listen and maybe agree. BUT WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT KANYE?

He knows he can just throw random words and sentences out and his fans or followers can fill in the blanks with conspiracy theories and some larger picture. Like "yo you heard how they won't let Obama do what he wants? Kanye told me those Jews and Oil People won't let him because he ain't connected with them".

And at least he called the Jewish people Jews. We don't even get Arabs you dumbfuck?


You can tell that when Kanye leaves a high class party in the hills somewhere, the guests start laughing. While he's there they nod along, listen intently, etc...the minute he leaves the true feelings come out.

The funniest thing is that you just know someone in his camp, likely someone with feminine mannerisms, told him "Kanye, you need to spread your message. You should do some interviews; they'll try to trip you up, but you should be fearless. Only by taking your message to the people will they understand. Remember, ever since Eve gave Adam the apple it has been illegal to be naked." Then they took a bump of cocaine and watched Glory.

I feel like I can tell where Kanye is at right now.

He's fucked up. First was small fish around whales, then he blew up the first time and ended up getting mad mainstream hate from that VMA shit, then he got the cult-ish people yes manning him to insanity. Dude kinda realized this and married in the K family, and now he's back to being a guppy, only he can see behind the curtain of uber rich now. Jay and Dame (at the time) didn't have paper like that. Not the K's per se, but that social circle.

He's just one of those guys that's overly passionate over whatever they're into that year. One of my best friends is like that. Every 6-18 months he's on some completely new shit and 300% into it.

Now Kanye is trying to kinda rail against what he's seen since being in a royal family, but there's conflict because he was just on some real opulence shit on WTT.

The results are the same though. He's acting like a douchebag and being treated like one rightfully. You gotta control yourself. Dude needs to go on a weed and ayawaska vacation with Snoop for about 3 months, divorce Kim and forget she ever existed.


I feel like I can tell where Kanye is at right now.

He's fucked up. First was small fish around whales, then he blew up the first time and ended up getting mad mainstream hate from that VMA shit, then he got the cult-ish people yes manning him to insanity. Dude kinda realized this and married in the K family, and now he's back to being a guppy, only he can see behind the curtain of uber rich now. Jay and Dame (at the time) didn't have paper like that. Not the K's per se, but that social circle.

He's just one of those guys that's overly passionate over whatever they're into that year. One of my best friends is like that. Every 6-18 months he's on some completely new shit and 300% into it.

Now Kanye is trying to kinda rail against what he's seen since being in a royal family, but there's conflict because he was just on some real opulence shit on WTT.

The results are the same though. He's acting like a douchebag and being treated like one rightfully. You gotta control yourself. Dude needs to go on a weed and ayawaska vacation with Snoop for about 3 months, divorce Kim and forget she ever existed.

My theory is that he just needs a goal and something to hold him back as a catalyst to create.

Before it was people in the industry telling him he couldn't produce. Then we only want you as a producer but not to rap. Then he conquered and proved those people wrong. He got acceptance. He is loved by all critics. Even if a lot of people don't like his rants or personality, still put his music projects on a high pedestal. The most consistently voted rap album in the AOTY thread over in the off topic is Yeezus. People who don't even necessarily listen to or check out rap, listen to Kanye and love his music.

And I think that level of acceptance kind of works against people Kanye. He needs that reason or thing to rally against. So now he is found it. The fashion industry and whatever else he is ranting about. It gives him something to work towards. He basically is manufacturing this crazy press right now, only to use it as some energy fuel, drop a great album (hopefully) in 2014 and then turn around and say to everyone "see I told everyone I am amazing".


I feel like I can tell where Kanye is at right now.

He's fucked up. First was small fish around whales, then he blew up the first time and ended up getting mad mainstream hate from that VMA shit, then he got the cult-ish people yes manning him to insanity. Dude kinda realized this and married in the K family, and now he's back to being a guppy, only he can see behind the curtain of uber rich now. Jay and Dame (at the time) didn't have paper like that. Not the K's per se, but that social circle.

He's just one of those guys that's overly passionate over whatever they're into that year. One of my best friends is like that. Every 6-18 months he's on some completely new shit and 300% into it.

Now Kanye is trying to kinda rail against what he's seen since being in a royal family, but there's conflict because he was just on some real opulence shit on WTT.

The results are the same though. He's acting like a douchebag and being treated like one rightfully. You gotta control yourself. Dude needs to go on a weed and ayawaska vacation with Snoop for about 3 months, divorce Kim and forget she ever existed.

This is pretty much what I think too.


Jesus christ. Just found out one of my buddies from college OD'd on heroin. So tired of opiates taking the lives of people I care about.


Jesus christ. Just found out one of my buddies from college OD'd on heroin. So tired of opiates taking the lives of people I care about.

Damn man, I'm sorry. December always fucking weird about this shit. People from your past always popping up and often in the worst ways possible. Condolences.
Actually watched the whole kanye breakfast club interview.

Dude needs help, he's on the verge of a breakdown. Dude is a fucking idiot but has seriously lost it. Everything he says makes no sense.

Hope someone steps in and helps the poor guy soon.
are you blind. who da fuck likes childish gambino in this community.

and i'm so bored of cole that i didn't bother to check out the remix but i think i'll listen to it now.


tagged by Blackace
Was it expected? I see alot of Cole hate and Childish Gambino praising around here.
Cole is a feature slayer, this is known.

First I've heard of Gambino praise though. His mediocrity/derivative-ness and the reasons why is pretty well documented around these parts.
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