Just started F&LII. Dat Intro!! Brings back so many memories.
Edit: Holy shit "Strange Fruition" is such a good start.
Edit2: ITAL isnt that bad. Besides the goofy hook, it actually is a good track. Also, I will be using this post as my initial impression of the album.
Ayesha Say's: It works as an intro, sets the right tone.
Strange Fruition: Definitely a good way to start of the album. Beat is pretty nice, and lupe brings it.
ITAL: I liked it, though I see some of you dont. I think the hook is kinda bad though.
Around My Way: Great track, love the sample, though I know the history of it makes some of you butt hurt.
Audubon Ballroom: The beat..OMG! Lupe really came back. I had my doubts after LASERS. I had some hope after her dropped "Friend Of The People", but wasnt crazy on his beat selection. This track erases all doubts.
Bitch Bad: Like Dumb It Down, I dont really fuck with this track, but I like the message. Also, the Video is one of the best of the year.
Lamborghini Angels: This is one of those "What the fuck is going on" type tracks, and I love it. Shit is crazy, and Lupe just spits it all matter of fact.
Put Em Up: What can I say, just pure dopeness. Beat has that weird 80's-90's electronic feel. Very nice.
Heart Donor: The beat is a nice switch up from the previous tracks, but it seems a bit out of place. I like it, just seems to clash with what came before.
How Dare You: Has a nice old school feel to it. I find it fucking hilarious some of you were dreading this thinking it was some conspiracy track based on its "supposed" release date and title. Man, I am really loving this album so far. Has some classic tracks so far.
Battle Scars: I said awhile back, that I thought Lupe would do a few label mandated singles, and the rest of the album would be dope. I called that shit, and as far as singles go, this is pretty good.
Brave Heart: This beat...man...I dont even care if no one else likes this album, Lupe made an album that is almost perfect to me, at least so far.
I will finish the album in a few. Gonna smoke.