Only 1 year older than youYou old Still got 6 yrs til 40...whew!!!
Of courseyou got a lady down there?
High yellowHe looks more like Ray Ray than Melo.
any of your parents like hip hop?
i talked to my dad today and he swears Life Is Good is the album Jay-Z doesnt have the balls to make.
i dont really feel one way or the other, but i thought it was a funny observation.
Look out for coming soon.My mother really likes hip hop. She's into backpacker stuff though lol. Although she appreciates poppy stuff for it's danceability.
My father fronts like he hates rap music but I'll catch him grooving out to some rap music once in a while and he admits he loves the beats but can't get past the lyrics a lot of the time.
He listened to e.1999 eternal more than I did though. He had that shit in his car for a year straight listening every single day.
I've mentioned it before but my mother has said on more than one occasion she thinks rap music is the most significant and powerful form of music to ever be created.
And lol at the talk about burning CD's back in the day. I was also that dude people asked to make mixes. And before that it was all on cassette tape. Goddamn that was some fucking work. Cue it up to the right spot, hit record, hit stop, switch the tape out, cue it up, hit record, do it over and over and over 50 fucking times only to realize one of the songs cut off halfway through because the tape ran out. Shit.
Same thing with DJ school dances. Spending the whole dance just cuing up the right song on cassette that everyone was requesting. Don't even get to enjoy the music because you spend the entire time with hearphones off trying to get the tape at the right random Sade song you've never heard before.
my dad always says It Was A Good Day is the greatest hip-hop song of all time, lol. Only thing else he really listens to is Fugees-related stuff, and that Distant Relatives album.
Mom doesn't really check for hip-hop unless one of those sappy "I love mama so much" songs comes out. She's all about that shit.
Oh yeah, they both dig Welcome to Jamrock as well, which is kinda hip-hop I guess...basically, the more carribean the hip-hop, the better for them (mom is Jamaican)
So I'm the only one who's feeling this? It's like a cheap MotM1 song but I fucks with it.
who the hell is this fool
I've been listening to that song heavy for the past two weeks.hes
I've been listening to that song heavy for the past two weeks.
...I can't believe a Flocka verse has me coming back to a song over and over.
One of these things doesn't belong. One of these things isn't like the other.
Yes but its on my desktop. It should be on my minus. But I can't find it.hey complex do you have that gif of some girl giving wale something and he's just not having it, takes it out of her hand and throw it?
Man, that Kendrick performance wasn't great. Dunno what I expected but it was pretty boring.
And yea hah, that Flocka verse on Wild Boy is awesome.
Be happy its not the One Blood remix.....
Me after the third minute:
Anyone got to fuck with that new Prodigy album(Bumpy Johnson)?
High yellow
Douchebag moustache
Melo all the way
mark my words, INDICUD will be the greatest album ever made. Know that I'm not lying.
hey complex do you have that gif of some girl giving wale something and he's just not having it, takes it out of her hand and throw it?
what?.....what?I loved that One Blood remix. That beat went hard, alot of people found it annoying but i loved it.
This is RayRay:
Give me Little Dragon back. Fuck a Kelly Rowland. I wonder what made Big Boi change his mind?The version of Big Boi's "Mama Told Me" with Little Dragon is better than the Kelly Rowland album version. Too bad things couldn't be worked out in time for the album release =(
Give me Little Dragon back. Fuck a Kelly Rowland. I wonder what made Big Boi change his mind?
fuck yea. ive missed so much. can't wait for this.I have my wrapup list done, should be up after I get back from work.
F&L 2 debuted with 90,000 copies sold. Lasers sold over 200,000 first week.
Can't wait for Lasers II.
Big Single, better promotion.. And your surprised??
Oh shit. F&L 2 is solid actually, 7/10 album. Lupe surprised me. I think he needs better production, and the hooks aren't very good. Cold War, Strange Fruition, Around My Way, Lamborghini Angels, Put Em Up, Form Follows Function, and Cold War are all damn good. On the other hand Lasers is like a 3/10, fuck.F&L 2 debuted with 90,000 copies sold. Lasers sold over 200,000 first week.
Can't wait for Lasers II.
On bfk? Not even.Anyone else still listening to Kush Cloud too often?