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GAF-Hop |OTV| 2Chainz on my neck, 1Finger in my anus

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Gunplay inherited ODB's spirit.



I don't understand how people hated the change between Nostalgia/Ultra -> Channel Orange, and love the change between Section80 and GKMC, when, IMO, it's damn near the same thing.

For me, I'd rather get a more thought out expose of love and emotions rather than Kenyata and La'Resha rolling deep in a Toyota smoking dust and how fun things suck.

Not knocking GKMC, just pulling down from the astronomical heights it's raised to. I do hope it sells like a mofo (even though I liked S80 a lot more) just to put TDE on a bigger map. I know Q and Ab won't make albums telling me everything I enjoy is bad for me, so good for them. Good for Kendrick if that's his thing.

I just see a lot of similarities between those two Album 1 -> album 2 metamorphosis of Kendrick and Frank.

Swimming Pools never did much for me since I don't drink. Not because it's a vice, but because it's a shitty buzz. Recipe automatically didn't get play from me because it featured a NuDre verse. That leaves MAAD City and Backseat Freestyle as really the only two bangers on the album. Don't Kill My Vibe would be my favorite of the mellow shit (which this album has waaaay too much of, at least S80 was kinda toe tapping).

It's a 8 for me. Poetic Justice alone should push this thing out of anyone's "classic" category. Still the weakest TDE joint this year, not even trolling. HnC and Control System both spoke a lot more to me, but then again, I don't hate myself.

TDE Cycle = HnC > Control System > Section 80 > GKMC


The change between Nostalgia/Ultra to Orange was terrible. It took all the things I like about Frank (mad catchy choruses, awesome and varied sample flips) and spun all that. I dont find much of C.O catchy or memorable at all, and since the instrumentals are now monotonous, it doesnt make up for those pitfalls either.S80 to GKMC was pretty much a little more of the same, but with an overarching concept for an album, beats with more layers/better mastering, and some better hooks as well as more improved flow from Kendrick. His actual technique at what he does got better.

lol @ the hate yourself jabs though, HnC has plenty of that and so does everything Frank Ocean has ever made.

Kendrick doesn't drink either.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Listening to MBDTFISHSTICKS is like getting repeatedly punched in the dick. It doesn't surprise me that some people absolutely love it, but it does make me question their sanity.

And yeah, Poetic Justice gets skipped, largely because of Drake. It's like getting a drop of semen in your whiskey. Just a little will ruin the whole damn thing.
Real gets skipped too, the hook is just awful. And I just don't give a fuck about this Anna Wise girl, she's completely unremarkable at best, really annoying at worst. Still don't know why Cartoons and Cereal was left off, it fits the vibe of the album perfectly. Ended up adding it between mAAd city and Swimming Pools, might put it elsewhere after a few listens through. Thinking about switching The Recipe with Compton as well, Recipe just feels like it fits the vibe of the album better and works as a better "I made it" epilogue to me.

Think I really like Schoolboy Q

HnC is my second favorite TDE release behind GKMC. I thought it was pretty average at first but recent listens have made me appreciate it way more. Actually like his voice way more than Kendricks.


The main difference in Kendrick's evolution compared to Frank is Kendrick made an interesting album and wasn't boring. They both went the chilled out mellow vibe, but one didn't make me reach to skip every other track. Don't like comparing RnB albums to hip hop albums, but since it was brought up...I can barely remember 4 tracks from CO.


You missed the key part of my thoughts Esch.

drawn out expose's. Both the new albums do that much more than their previous.

N/U and S80 were both pretty concise and toe tapping. CO and GKMC are both kinda.... drawn out.
Listening to MBDTFISHSTICKS is like getting repeatedly punched in the dick. It doesn't surprise me that some people absolutely love it, but it does make me question their sanity.

And yeah, Poetic Justice gets skipped, largely because of Drake. It's like getting a drop of semen in your whiskey. Just a little will ruin the whole damn thing.
Real gets skipped too, the hook is just awful. And I just don't give a fuck about this Anna Wise girl, she's completely unremarkable at best, really annoying at worst. Still don't know why Cartoons and Cereal was left off, it fits the vibe of the album perfectly. Ended up adding it between mAAd city and Swimming Pools, might put it elsewhere after a few listens through. Thinking about switching The Recipe with Compton as well, Recipe just feels like it fits the vibe of the album better and works as a better "I made it" epilogue to me.


But yeah, fuck Drake, and that song.


Listening to MBDTFISHSTICKS is like getting repeatedly punched in the dick. It doesn't surprise me that some people absolutely love it, but it does make me question their sanity.

And sexuality.

I cant believe I'm the one riding for a Drake track. I dont see how he shitted this one up so bad.

You're right about track length though Kams, although I dont find many similarities apart from that.


The main difference in Kendrick's evolution compared to Frank is Kendrick made an interesting album and wasn't boring. They both went the chilled out mellow vibe, but one didn't make me reach to skip every other track. Don't like comparing RnB albums to hip hop albums, but since it was brought up...I can barely remember 4 tracks from CO.

Same man. Shit bored me to tears. I can't remember any actual cuts from this album, just segments of Frank crooning, some mild ass instrumentals, and remembering to skip Forrest Gump.


Same man. Shit bored me to tears. I can't remember any actual cuts from this album, just segments of Frank crooning, some mild ass instrumentals, and remembering to skip Forrest Gump.

In my opinion,GKMC earned its track length. Channel OJ was just filler mixed with more filler. It was a damn chore to get through it.
I don't understand how people hated the change between Nostalgia/Ultra -> Channel Orange, and love the change between Section80 and GKMC, when, IMO, it's damn near the same thing.

I don't hate the change, I just don't like Frank Ocean that much. I didn't really listen to either Channel Orange or Nostalgia/Ultra too much, but Pyramids is still my shit.


The actual tracks aren't even that long anyway. Take out the skits, and cut Sing For Me in half, and most would come in around the 4 minute mark I'd say.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Definitely. For me the long tracks are fine because they hold my attention. The tracks are good enough to be that long.

Thats the key difference for me. I was skeptical as fuck when I saw the track listing for GKMC. But I find myself listening all the way through entertained. Between the beat switch ups, the bridges that make it more than just chorus/verse/chorus/verse/chorus/verse/long ass outro, and the consistent vibe that makes each track feel like it has something to say rather than be a self indulgent clusterfuck of guest vocals and furious self masturbation. While with Kanye's musical abortion, I was bored 2 minutes in.


Havent even heard the Jay Elec album. Good music speaks for itself though. It is kind of an embarrasment to have your first cd sell like shit. You guys act like J. Cole never happened.
Thats the key difference for me. I was skeptical as fuck when I saw the track listing for GKMC. But I find myself listening all the way through entertained. Between the beat switch ups, the bridges that make it more than just chorus/verse/chorus/verse/chorus/verse/long ass outro, and the consistent vibe that makes each track feel like it has something to say rather than be a self indulgent clusterfuck of guest vocals and furious self masturbation. While with Kanye's musical abortion, I was bored 2 minutes in.

Definitely agree with this. I have no problems with anyone doing long tracks as long as the quality to hold my attention is there. Kendrick made these songs like you said with beat changes etc that hold your attention. Maad City couldve been two different songs.

The sequencing/arranging of this album is incredible.

Hopefully might motivate others to try something other then chorus/verse/chorus/verse etc.
I kinda wish it was. That beat in the first section is so menacing. Still love the song though.

I did for a while too. But the first time listening, and that second beat comes way out of fucking no where was a great moment on the album. Really caught me off guard. Im delighted i listened first time in the car.
I can't read Meek Mill's tweets without reading them in a yelling voice.

Also every time he mentions selling bricks on his album, take a shot.


I loved HnC, but GKMC is just the best album of the year. TDE doing their goddamn thing this year.

GKMC flows too damn well. Every song perfectly compliments the other. Don't know what my favorite track is yet, which is definitely a good thing.


channel ORANGE and MBDTF overrated? Some of you are now lifelong friends to me. I liked MBDTF, loved some parts, but as a whole didn't even have it in my top 5 hip-hop the year it came out. And channel ORANGE bores me to tears. I really need to give HnC more of a chance, and play it in the car. At work on lower volume levels just isn't doing it justice.
Y'all are killing me with hating on albums having content. How many albums and mix tapes have come out this year full of bangers? A shit ton. Yet Kendrick bores because he only has three bangers on an album full of great pproduction and chill beats? Jesus, ninjas want to hear the same shit all day every day.

I like albums full of bangers and I also like albums full of dope beats and rhymes. Banger amount is not a good way to judge albums unless that's all you care about. Do you guys listen to anything outside of rap? Smh

How many bangers are on Section80 lmao?


channel ORANGE and MBDTF overrated? Some of you are now lifelong friends to me. I liked MBDTF, loved some parts, but as a whole didn't even have it in my top 5 hip-hop the year it came out. And channel ORANGE bores me to tears. I really need to give HnC more of a chance, and play it in the car. At work on lower volume levels just isn't doing it justice.

how you gonna be like that w that avy
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