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GAF-Hop |OTV| 2Chainz on my neck, 1Finger in my anus

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that was horrible I wanted my 2 mins back

That absurdist wordiness in tandem with the equally absurd portrait of hip-hop's softest had me rolling. Shit clicked with me.

Best answer.

Great graphics, shout outs to Cyberconnect2 but uh...lol.

Capcom mentioned giving it the PC treatment had PC players showed enough support; guess we didn't give it that support.

That UE3. Those CC2 animations. It'd look incredible.


tagged by Blackace
Capcom mentioned giving it the PC treatment had PC players showed enough support; guess we didn't give it that support.
From one of the few people who still buys Capcom games on GAF... don't trust Capcom when it comes to leaving it up to the community to show enough support to get anything done or in motion. Capcom is unpredictable, and at often times, have their plans made up 5 years in advance.

My pickups today at a local Best Buy were:
-DJ Khaled: Kiss The Ring
-Trey Songz: Chapter V
-Eminem: Recovery
-50 Cent: Get Rich or Die Tryin' ($3 so why not)
-Dr. Dre: The Chronic (I heard it was a classic and still is and found a copy)
-Jay Z: Reasonable Doubt (his first release and his best I heard from some)

I'm about to listen to Dr. Dre album now. I'm new to the original hip hop so that's why I'm kinda late listening to these older albums :/

I may have to go pay a visit to Best Buy...

Also great pickups
My pickups today at a local Best Buy were:
-DJ Khaled: Kiss The Ring
-Trey Songz: Chapter V
-Eminem: Recovery
-50 Cent: Get Rich or Die Tryin' ($3 so why not)
-Dr. Dre: The Chronic (I heard it was a classic and still is and found a copy)
-Jay Z: Reasonable Doubt (his first release and his best I heard from some)

I'm about to listen to Dr. Dre album now. I'm new to the original hip hop so that's why I'm kinda late listening to these older albums :/

meh it's alright
Chronic was the SHIT!!! God damn! I was laughing my ass off at a couple of the tracks especially towards the end when Dre was high as shit. Good shit. Definitely playing this over and over again!

Seeing as you're new to older hip hop and really liked The Chronic. Check out Snoop's Doggy Style, similar production style and more consistent IMO.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
he's right though. Japanese games have been garbage for a while. There was a time I only bought Japanese games but these days I know ill be getting a nonsensical story, ridiculous and annoying characters, gameplay that is 80% sit and watch and 20% playing, and as much depth as a poll of urine and feces.
A lot of western games aren't much better though, just endless copycats of one another and every year they seem to find more and more ways to make us pay more money than we should for their half assed half finished product.
But out of the half dozen games (if I'm lucky) that I end up loving each year, the vast majority will be western games.


nah. ya'll talkin straight booty cause you ain't followed the scene.

japenese games are still shining here & there, they're just not on top: gaf loves the vanquishes, bayonettas, mario galaxies and dark/demons souls etc, and they're fantastic no doubt, but it depends on what you liked: i dug quirky japanese shit/rhythm and JPRGs and those are on the handhelds. some of the best ever came out last gen in both.

where japan stumbled (and the west too in many cases, if we're being honest) its AAA: RE 5 was okay but no 4, MGS 4 was a mess compared to 3, etc etc. they lost or basically sat out of the cold war while production costs skyrocketed, and it's a shame to us as gamers but given the # of closed studios i dont blame so many for staying in their lane while AA titles basically died or found homes in DD services like steam, XBLA/PSN and handhelds. 3/4 of that is shit is found in platforms dudes like eshas wont know about cause master race is fantastic but limited in scope.

depends on what you play. i get way more story and exposition from my average western title right now if were comparing genres that arent RPGs. if you're a shooter fan (1st or 3rd person) i get the stance but pretty much anything else and there's quality to be found, you just gotta look around for it. western studios stepped the fuck up the last few gens but shit aint as bad as the memes make it sound like, its just a wider spread.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
I haven't enjoyed a jrpg since ff12. and even then I was wishing it was more like the older ones. The death of overworlds and push towards linear style of play has ruined the genre. And bayonetta was a clusterfuck of virgin nerd fantasies. Galaxy 2 was the last Japanese game I gave a fuck about.


Fuuuuck. I bought Force Unleashed 2, but didn't remember that I'd already played it. I thought I'd only played the first one.

Played the first level, thought shit, this looks exactly like the first level of the last game! But nope... checked my save games, and had a completed one on there. Shows how memorable those 2 games were.


siddx you might really dig Xenoblade if you can deal with SD graphics, man. i adored FF XII for similar reasons.

id swear by TWEWY but its more nomura/weeabo-y than you might dig. Radiant Historia is a great handheld one but i think theres connected maps with no overwold.

ps filler's down, hopefully not for long?


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
I can't stand that weaboo type shit, so any game with even a hint of that shit makes me want to burn something.

doesn't really matter anymore though, I didn't bring my xbox with me to nam and I still need to save up for a pc gaming rig. not that I have any time for games these days, haven't played d3 in a month.

also i think filler went down in that bullshit thread where some mod went all banhammer happy for no real reason.


did you catch which one did it though? i looked at this post history and it didn't jump at me; he's ornery but he's our dude, hate seeing him down.


I haven't enjoyed a jrpg since ff12. and even then I was wishing it was more like the older ones. The death of overworlds and push towards linear style of play has ruined the genre. And bayonetta was a clusterfuck of virgin nerd fantasies. Galaxy 2 was the last Japanese game I gave a fuck about.

No love for Dark Souls? Damn.

And I second the Radiant Historia recommendation, it's an amazing game.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
No love for Dark Souls? Damn.

And I second the Radiant Historia recommendation, it's an amazing game.

here's how my dark souls play experience went. loved the first part, got to a section where I died 80000000 times, started to hate it, finally got past it and was getting the hang of things and was cruising and loving the game again...and then I hit a spot where everytime I died I has to go through a ponderous and lengthy trek back that just wore away whatever patience I had left. I could see the appeal for some people but I don't have the time or patience for that shit.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
here's how my dark souls play experience went. loved the first part, got to a section where I died 80000000 times, started to hate it, finally got past it and was getting the hang of things and was cruising and loving the game again...and then I hit a spot where everytime I died I has to go through a ponderous and lengthy trek back that just wore away whatever patience I had left. I could see the appeal for some people but I don't have the time or patience for that shit.

Tried to like Demon and Dark Soul.. had some fun with them but in the end dying isn't that much fun


Did nobody play Binary Domain?

Oh yeah that's right, nobody actually did :(

bought it on PS3 and steam both, son! #NagoshiNation

Tried to like Demon and Dark Soul.. had some fun with them but in the end dying isn't that much fun

true story: i bailed on Demons in 1-2 for an entire year until my boy sat me down and showed me the ropes. i spent some time in the DS wiki and fell in love, platted both games.
im not gonna sit here and tell you guys you should necessarily do the same, i was in a gaming slump and it just clicked at some point...but i had to use mad FAQs to get back into some gems like Planescape, etc. if youre ever prepared/in the mood to really invest in some shit, im saying that's the series that will pay in spades. you will spend 100 hours bumrushing/invading like the shirtless dude outside the club holla'ing WHO WAN TES A LVL 121 IRISHNINJAS and itll be magical, fuck these pokemans and disgaea kids nahmean


bought it on PS3 and steam both, son! #NagoshiNation

true story: i bailed on Demons in 1-2 for an entire year until my boy sat me down and showed me the ropes. i spent some time in the DS wiki and fell in love, platted both games.
im not gonna sit here and tell you guys you should necessarily do the same, i was in a gaming slump and it just clicked at some point...but i had to use mad FAQs to get back into some gems like Planescape, etc. if youre ever prepared/in the mood to really invest in some shit, im saying that's the series that will pay in spades. you will spend 100 hours bumrushing/invading like the shirtless dude outside the club holla'ing WHO WAN TES A LVL 121 IRISHNINJAS and itll be magical, fuck these pokemans and disgaea kids nahmean

There should be some middle ground between beating everyone's ass in Elder Scrolls and being able to be killed by everything little thing in Dark Souls.


Despite frequently buying games 95% of my time is taken by DOTA 2 the learning curve is both steep and long so it's the game that keeps on giving.


most little (and big, too) things in Demons/Darks are fucking you up for not staying on the D and learning their pattern, though.
that's my thing with that series - if you're patient, there's a handful of camera-related deaths and obligatory "HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW" ones but 90% of it is fair, especially next to say off-screen Ninja Gaiden 2 rockets or some shit. it's not so very hard if you don't make it that way.

also, and i say this with the disclaimer of not having played Skyrim, but: Elder Scrolls games bore the living shit out of me. boring world, boring characters, boring plot, poor combat. literally nothing for me to stay for...im really tired as fuck of Tolkein-esque shit though, the only way i get into medieval shit is if its on some Berserk/lovecraftian dark shit. i was sold on Witcher 2 (mostly by tokus) for this very reason, hoping it holds up.

TL;DR if you want that middle ground? break the (souls) game with glitches or just read a wiki on your class, find that right gear and grind for a minute. honestly, i broke both of them once i got it down - the amping up of replays didnt affect me nearly as much as it should've.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
There should be some middle ground between beating everyone's ass in Elder Scrolls and being able to be killed by everything little thing in Dark Souls.

They did right before... but made it easier for platform sales.. Arena and Daggerfall were no where near as easy..

But I love knowing in WRPGs that at some point in the game I am going to be the baddest mofo in town..


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
most little (and big, too) things in Demons/Darks are fucking you up for not staying on the D and learning their pattern, though.
that's my thing with that series - if you're patient, there's a handful of camera-related deaths and obligatory "HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW" ones but 90% of it is fair, especially next to say off-screen Ninja Gaiden 2 rockets or some shit. it's not so very hard if you don't make it that way.

also, and i say this with the disclaimer of not having played Skyrim, but: Elder Scrolls games bore the living shit out of me. boring world, boring characters, boring plot, poor combat. literally nothing for me to stay for...im really tired as fuck of Tolkein-esque shit though, the only way i get into medieval shit is if its on some Berserk/lovecraftian dark shit. i was sold on Witcher 2 (mostly by tokus) for this very reason, hoping it holds up.

TL;DR if you want that middle ground? break the (souls) game with glitches or just read a wiki on your class, find that right gear and grind for a minute. honestly, i broke both of them once i got it down - the amping up of replays didnt affect me nearly as much as it should've.

First of all.. I shouldn't have to "break" a game to enjoy it...

I have played Edler Scrolls so I am bias I guess but I love them... and I didn't like either Witcher too much..


ace, i aint say you had to break it to enjoy it though, i dug it plenty when it gave me a bit've a challenge. my post was to Des who was asking about that medium point - you can proper-grind in DS (actually, you don't really have to unless you're trying to plat) or if you're bout that life, you can exploit it a bit and make your life easier. i'm just saying it's a lot more open than people think, you can kinda play a few ways.

but if you're going about it the normal way and not having fun, i get dropping it. im saying though - when i did? it was my fault cause i was playing it like an old-school RPG and saving souls for armor/etc. you put that shit in stats...plenty of people finish the game wearing what they came in with, and once i found a good weapon in 4-1 of demons, it was over. i used a few souls to sharpen it but never dropped it for nearly 3 playthroughs.


They did right before... but made it easier for platform sales.. Arena and Daggerfall were no where near as easy..

But I love knowing in WRPGs that at some point in the game I am going to be the baddest mofo in town..

You can be the baddest mofo in town in the Souls games too.
The Dark Wood Grain Ring isn't that hard to obtain and it makes the game a lot easier/more fun/
. It's basically a must in PvP.

It's all in the right equipment/stat choices.
I basically blazed through the game on my first playthrough with the Black Knight Sword (the first Black Knight dropped it for me), upgrading it and raising my strength stat (the sword scales with it).
Killed most bosses on the fist try, even Ornstein and Smough, Nito was the only one who gave me problems, but that was my fault, I was playing impatiently.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
You can be the baddest mofo in town in the Souls games too.
The Dark Wood Grain Ring isn't that hard to obtain and it makes the game a lot easier/more fun/
. It's basically a must in PvP.

It's all in the right equipment/stat choices.
I basically blazed through the game on my first playthrough with the Black Knight Sword (the first Black Knight dropped it for me), upgrading it and raising my strength stat (the sword scales with it).
Killed most bosses on the fist try, even Ornstein and Smough, Nito was the only one who gave me problems, but that was my fault, I was playing impatiently.

if you say so.. I feel the exploration isn't as rewarding and it is all in totally maximizing your character build via wiki which isn't exactly fun to me..


you're in the crotchedy old man haters ball when it comes to gaming, eshas
true story

wait did someone buy physical shit at best buy? man that's...that's crazy


not my fault japanese companies are lookin flabby n sick on everything but handhelds and are clearly a former shadow of what they once were. Not to mention they're getting whipped in graphics tech by like, 50 man dev teams out of the Eastern Bloc and shit. There are exceptions, but even look at dark souls. The game is coming out for PC with no options whatsoever. Like a game from 1998. Shit's pathetic.
You must of played like less than a hour or two in demon/dark souls if you thought the exploration wasn't rewarding. In both games you could find equipment that would have you set for quite a few levels and destroying normal enemies easily. Oh well though, it's definitely not for everyone, but I never once looked at the wikias either at least not on first playthroughs, that shit is lame.

That busta rhymes is bad, it's the first mixtape/album I've regretted getting in awhile.


but I never once looked at the wikias either at least not on first playthroughs, that shit is lame.

haha true but fucka last guy stealing soul levels, and fucka tguys while im at it

not my fault japanese companies are lookin flabby n sick on everything but handhelds and are clearly a former shadow of what they once were. Not to mention they're getting whipped in graphics tech by like, 50 man dev teams out of the Eastern Bloc and shit. There are exceptions, but even look at dark souls. The game is coming out for PC with no options whatsoever. Like a game from 1998. Shit's pathetic.

you speak on this with the opinion level of a ken masters in his prime on all things non-rozay, though: you just named half of gaming sides' memes and pointed at a single PC port dun.

its like i cant even talk at you while you're on your "I ONLY FUCKS WITH PC'S DOE" like a broke-ass one-system-havin causal tellin me ios is the best shit cause that's all they got

holla at me when gamestop accepts EBT, money



I have a PS3 and Wii

left them at home cause theyre so useless.

also dark souls is a great example because even when japan does it right they fuck up.
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