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GAF-Hop |OTX| Long Live the Watcher

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should've known not to fuck w/ them Wyatts

...lol this makes all the sense in the world

edit: wait wtf is this ninja doing the Jeff Hardy handsign


at Kendrick trying to rap his dick off in every single post GKMC song he's put out. This is making me a little reticent for his new album. I really hope he taps into his chiller, more contemplated and laid back style as well as this rappity rap beat eating Eminem shit he's trying to do now.


I see these as one off songs appealing to that eminem, Macklemore mainstream fanbase where it's better to do that sort of thing. I expect his album to be more varied and cohesive, I expect some smooth west coast beats with Quik and I guess q-tip as well as more agressive songs like that snippet we heard from the beats commercial also no fake Nate dogg please.
Damn I posted that shit like a day or two ago and no one noticed.

Gaf-Hop ain't shit

But yea Kendrick's been using the Eminem (yelling) a bit too much where it doesn't really fit. Here's not that bad, but the Backwards track he did for that other movie (Divigent or some shit), that verse didn't fit the tone of the track at all. We'll see where he goes with it though. This will make it his 3rd more mainstream verse that has had him using that screamish type flow. It might be that he just doesn't know how to rap over those type of tracks properly, who knows dawq.

His other guest verses on rap tracks have been good though. Really Be, Jealous and Two Presidents were all great.
I'm not saying Kanye doesn't surround himself with popular acts. However Kanye is a creative. He surrounds himself with people who have hold of the musical zeitgeist and makes good music with them. Jay is a reactive. He looks at the charts for what's hot and finds a way to attach himself to it, thus making him hot. Again, there's a difference between the creative process of bringing people together to make music (LR, Graduation, Dark Fantasy, Yeezus) and someone throwing a bunch of hot people on a record to get a verse or hook (BP3, MCHG). And yes I still think Dark Fantasy is bloated but it's definitely an ambitious record. Jay hasn't done anything ambitious since KC, and we know how that turned out.

Kanye is largely the reason Jay Z is Jay Z right now. I'm not going to deny Hov's hook writing and beat selection, but Kanye is the one who has changed hip hop. Hov was smart enough to tie himself to him, and since then what has Jay's contribution to the genre been outside of dick riding? Dude is out here swag rapping and talking about taking Advil, breh. As a 50 year old man. Fuckouttahere...


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
That's some April Fools shit there, PD. Jay was platinum several times before Ye ever submitted a beat his way. This shit isn't even ancient history

And what, Ye rapping about the same shit at 36 is still youthful enough where it isn't silly to you....lol. Just because he wilds out like a tweenager, that doesn't make him a youngin like that man. Dude is older than I am.


aka Mannny
Kanye naysayers are still salty. The name jay-z in itself is a swagger jack. The only thing jay has built on his own is his money. I can respect that. but his whole rap career has been staying relevant by jumping on what's hot at the time. It's smart, but C'mon that's the damn truth.


tagged by Blackace
While I do think 50 is blind to the quality of the music he's making and overstating his ability to make a hit (I think he uses one example in the interview where he says some song is a hit but it isn't), I think the most interesting takeaway is him just putting shit out there and seeing what sticks.

The blog era of rap works exactly how he described it. Someone sees some cool shit on a blog, and then propagates it. Then people on other venues convince each other whether it's hot or not and whether others should give a fuck. In this sense, I sort of understand his release strategy. 50 is buzzing in the blogosphere as a result of this, and it made me check out songs and actually fuck w/some off of Animal Ambition. Do I think this is enough for 50 to go plat? No, but that's not his goal either, and he's clear about that.

It's just super strange the dude can know how well the market works and misjudge how well everything has resonated so far.

Yeah lol, April Fools joke from a time a few years ago when I got like 30 different GAFers to swap avatars.


I see these as one off songs appealing to that eminem, Macklemore mainstream fanbase where it's better to do that sort of thing. I expect his album to be more varied and cohesive, I expect some smooth west coast beats with Quik and I guess q-tip as well as more agressive songs like that snippet we heard from the beats commercial also no fake Nate dogg please.

Lol, this is a funny way of saying white people like rappity rap. I hope his album is varied. I get the feeling its going to have a lot more throwback producers on it, and idk how i feel about that. I like the TDE production crew, and I hope Kendrick continues to give them shine.

Damn I posted that shit like a day or two ago and no one noticed.

Gaf-Hop ain't shit

But yea Kendrick's been using the Eminem (yelling) a bit too much where it doesn't really fit. Here's not that bad, but the Backwards track he did for that other movie (Divigent or some shit), that verse didn't fit the tone of the track at all. We'll see where he goes with it though. This will make it his 3rd more mainstream verse that has had him using that screamish type flow. It might be that he just doesn't know how to rap over those type of tracks properly, who knows dawq.

His other guest verses on rap tracks have been good though. Really Be, Jealous and Two Presidents were all great.

Finally noticing your posts are auto-scroll status?

Yep. It's a wait and see I agree. Though I wish he'd attempt different flows and angles on features as well. A good feature doesn't always equal someone trying to poop all over a beat.

I'm not saying Kanye doesn't surround himself with popular acts. However Kanye is a creative. He surrounds himself with people who have hold of the musical zeitgeist and makes good music with them. Jay is a reactive. He looks at the charts for what's hot and finds a way to attach himself to it, thus making him hot. Again, there's a difference between the creative process of bringing people together to make music (LR, Graduation, Dark Fantasy, Yeezus) and someone throwing a bunch of hot people on a record to get a verse or hook (BP3, MCHG). And yes I still think Dark Fantasy is bloated but it's definitely an ambitious record. Jay hasn't done anything ambitious since KC, and we know how that turned out.

Kanye is largely the reason Jay Z is Jay Z right now. I'm not going to deny Hov's hook writing and beat selection, but Kanye is the one who has changed hip hop. Hov was smart enough to tie himself to him, and since then what has Jay's contribution to the genre been outside of dick riding? Dude is out here swag rapping and talking about taking Advil, breh. As a 50 year old man. Fuckouttahere...


I think you should take a look back at this post, and really look hard at the disingenuous spin. I've gone to the trouble of bolding it for you. Like I said, hilarious double standard for what constitutes content mining and what doesn't. You sound like Enzo right now.


Kanye naysayers are still salty. The name jay-z in itself is a swagger jack. The only thing jay has built on his own is his money. I can respect that. but his whole rap career has been staying relevant by jumping on what's hot at the time. It's smart, but C'mon that's the damn truth.

Jay-Z is the only major rapper that gets slated for collaborating and working with other people.

Does Eminem ever get trashed for being launched and supported by Dr. Dre?

Does 50 Cent ever get trashed for being launched by Dr. Dre and Eminem?

Does Kanye get trashed for being launched by Jay, Dame, and the Roc, or NO ID? Did Kanye not benefit from his association with Jay? Does he still not?

The real question is, can you name any emcee whose success or relevancy was not in turn spurred, created, or sustained by a label, rapper, or access to industry assets?

I'll wait. Nas, maybe?


tagged by Blackace
There isn't a question about Jay being reactive to keep himself hot.. I mean, he's done that his entire career, not just post-Kanye. Like 50 said too, probably the reason why he took a shot at Drake. Also probably why he signed J. Cole at all, to have his foot in the game when his attempt to sign Drake didn't work out.


Lol, this is a funny way of saying white people like rappity rap. I hope his album is varied. I get the feeling its going to have a lot more throwback producers on it, and idk how i feel about that. I like the TDE production crew, and I hope Kendrick continues to give them shine.

But that's the thing though. Its an oversimplification. No one likes Macklemore because he is a backpack rappity rapper (is he even considered that?). He got some great production which translated really well to radio and then got the perfect social message song at the right time.

I mean yeah LOL white people only like Em and Macklemore but their audiences couldn't be further apart. Or at least why they are liked.

For Kendrick, he can't come with the same concept or even another concept album but I do hope he realizes how big of a part the right production, and not necessarily production from everyone popping right now, had in making his album so good. I expect mainly their own in house team plus some Dre production.


I think you should take a look back at this post, and really look hard at the disingenuous spin. I've gone to the trouble of bolding it for you. Like I said, hilarious double standard for what constitutes content mining and what doesn't. You sound like Enzo right now.

Like most arguments about rappers here, people decide if they like or dislike the rapper first and then construct an argument to hate or support.


There isn't a question about Jay being reactive to keep himself hot.. I mean, he's done that his entire career, not just post-Kanye. Like 50 said too, probably the reason why he took a shot at Drake. Also probably why he signed J. Cole at all, to have his foot in the game when his attempt to sign Drake didn't work out.

I agree that he's reactive. What I don't agree and can't cosign here is the mental gymnastics that when Kanye uses other people's shit; hes a 'creative', that's hilarious. Using content is using content. It doesn't really matter how you do it. It doesn't matter whether your shit shifts paradigms or influences other people. Taking is taking. Jay heavily influenced all of the current relevant emcees while taking content and style and throwing his spin on it, it doesn't matter, he still took it. So it's either ok, or it isn't. Pick a side.


Jay-Z is the only major rapper that gets slated for collaborating and working with other people.

Does Eminem ever get trashed for being launched and supported by Dr. Dre?

Does 50 Cent ever get trashed for being launched by Dr. Dre and Eminem?

Does Kanye get trashed for being launched by Jay, Dame, and the Roc, or NO ID? Did Kanye not benefit from his association with Jay? Does he still not?

The real question is, can you name any emcee whose success or relevancy was not in turn spurred, created, or sustained by a label, rapper, or access to industry assets?

I'll wait. Nas, maybe?

None of the standards and critiques which supposedly apply to most rappers, apply to Kanye for some reason.

All the rappers you mentioned. They work with pop stars they get killed by the core audience. Kanye works with various pop stars...oh he is a genius branching out bringing us new sounds!

There isn't a question about Jay being reactive to keep himself hot.. I mean, he's done that his entire career, not just post-Kanye. Like 50 said too, probably the reason why he took a shot at Drake. Also probably why he signed J. Cole at all, to have his foot in the game when his attempt to sign Drake didn't work out.

The psychoanalysis is amazing. Now we going deep into the psyche of why he signed J. Cole? I mean does it really need an explanation? So any up and coming artist he signs is because some evil plot he has to keep himself hot?

See its all in how you word it. If any other label mogul signs hot up and coming artists, then its seen as something cool, exciting, and paying it back. But when Jay Z does it, its only because he wants to remain relevant.

More than anything no one who shits on Jay so much has ever come up with some alternative path he should have taken short of just saying he should have retired because they personally don't like his music or him as a person. How is he supposed to act given his age and status? What is he supposed to rap about? What's acceptable and why?

On the one hand Ye stans champion Ye for opening the door for different types of rappers and styles, but then shit on Jay for not staying in some narrowly defined lane he is supposed to abide by.


Lol, this is a funny way of saying white people like rappity rap. I hope his album is varied. I get the feeling its going to have a lot more throwback producers on it, and idk how i feel about that. I like the TDE production crew, and I hope Kendrick continues to give them shine.
Effzee makes some good points about production but yeah I pretty much think it's true. It's funny because you've got the backpack, rappity rap guys who can barely break out of bandcamp, then you've got the mid tier that mainly consists of trap and get a lot of play in the clubs though some barely make more money on their label deals. Then you've got the guys who somehow broke through and are in the mainstream consciousness and suddenly lyrics, bars seem to matter. They don't matter in the sense of holding serious weight or being godlike, more that the mainstream love the summa lumma rap god style and it somehow makes hiphop less 'offensive' to listen to when you rap in a somewhat angry tone and fast.


tagged by Blackace
The psychoanalysis is amazing. Now we going deep into the psyche of why he signed J. Cole? I mean does it really need an explanation? So any up and coming artist he signs is because some evil plot he has to keep himself hot?

See its all in how you word it. If any other label mogul signs hot up and coming artists, then its seen as something cool, exciting, and paying it back. But when Jay Z does it, its only because he wants to remain relevant.
No? It's not that deep. Jay has a very clear foothold on the game, he makes decisions strategically. J. Cole was instrumental in building up Roc Nation and maintaining the strength of his brand that he can leverage elsewhere, be it with Roc Nation or not. Intelligent businessmen don't just sign people because they think they're hot, but because they think they'll go somewhere and do well for the business. The entire industry geared up for Drake. They knew if they couldn't have him, they needed a slice of the pie that would be created.

Jay doesn't do shit to pay homage or not make bank off of things. This isn't charity work. You're a fool if you think so; or one of these less successful label heads.


Yo the new Ratking should be listened to even by previous naysayers.

I peeped it earlier, it's kinda dope. Wiki is cutting down the "shhh" lisp shit he sometimes does. I still wish he was less nasal. The beats are hot, though.

In terms of flow he's probably the best emcee from young NY right now actually, along with eXquire . Damn shame about his delivery.


His voice sounds slightly lower too, definitely less abrasive. I don't want to hype this too much because I think people will enjoy it more if they don't expect to get what I got out of it, but this is a top three 2014 hip-hop album for me.


His voice sounds slightly lower too, definitely less abrasive. I don't want to hype this too much because I think people will enjoy it more if they don't expect to get what I got out of it, but this is a top three 2014 hip-hop album for me.

Nah dude, it's dope for sure. I'm not overly big on the reggae sh!t because I don't really like reggae, but Wiki is pretty dope on it and you're right about him rapping less annoying. He has often reminded me a lot of Reasonable Doubt/Vol. 1 Jay in terms of how he puts together a verse and chorus, but with a whiter, more nasal voice. The beats are cool but there's some sonorous shit going on there that's stifling Wiki's verses a little bit. You know what i'm saying? This is the thing with heavily layered beats. Sometimes they get in the way of good mic work.

He sounds way, way better over the boom bap 2.0 beats than the trappier ones with claps and shit.
I hold Kanye to a different standard because as a producer, he is more in tune with the creative process than 99% of rappers or singers. That's not me dick riding Kanye's talents, I hold the same position about all noteworthy producers who aren't just "beat makers." Same applies to Timbaland, Rick Rubin, Q Tip, Madlib (when he isn't high/sending beats in email) etc.


2014 so far:

1. Gibbs x Madlib - Pinata
2. Ratking - So it Goes
3. Lil Herb -Welcome to Fazoland
4. Rick Ross - Mastermind
5. YG - My Krazy Life
6. Ev and Alc - Lord Steppington
7. Black Milk - Glitches in the Break
8. 100s - IVRY
9. Isaiah Rashad - Cilvia Demo
10. Zach Farlow - The Great Escape
I hold Kanye to a different standard because as a producer, he is more in tune with the creative process than 99% of rappers or singers. That's not me dick riding Kanye's talents, I hold the same position about all noteworthy producers who aren't just "beat makers." Same applies to Timbaland, Rick Rubin, Q Tip, Madlib (when he isn't high/sending beats in email) etc.

Copout. If it has your name on it, it's what you're presenting as your content.

T Dollarz

Rented Anchorman 2 from Redbox... it was pretty good, although many of the jokes fell flat and the cameos felt pretty forced and pointless. The overall story was done pretty well.

Got a free game rental so I picked up Tomb Raider. Any fans of the game?
lol how is it a copout, he's a producer. I'm not denying rappers are "artists" I'm saying a producer of Kanye's caliber is more in tune with the creative process. Look at Wu: is anyone going to deny RZA was the creative force behind them? Without him you get Immobilarity at best, The Lex Diamond Story at worst.

T Dollarz

2014 so far:

1. Gibbs x Madlib - Pinata
2. Ratking - So it Goes
3. Lil Herb -Welcome to Fazoland
4. Rick Ross - Mastermind
5. YG - My Krazy Life
6. Isaiah Rashad - Cilvia Demo
7. Black Milk - Glitches in the Break
8. 100s - IVRY
9. Dag Savage - E&J
10. Vince Staples - Shyne Coldchain

No Lord Steppington bruh? Drive In Theatre?


tagged by Blackace
Rented Anchorman 2 from Redbox... it was pretty good, although many of the jokes fell flat and the cameos felt pretty forced and pointless. The overall story was done pretty well.

Got a free game rental so I picked up Tomb Raider. Any fans of the game?
Tomb Raider is a pretty good ride, it's long though, perhaps longer than it should be.

To maximize fun, play with the bow only. Game is clearly not balanced around guns.


lol how is it a copout, he's a producer. I'm not denying rappers are "artists" I'm saying a producer of Kanye's caliber is more in tune with the creative process. Look at Wu: is anyone going to deny RZA was the creative force behind them? Without him you get Immobilarity at best, The Lex Diamond Story at worst.

Whatever man, I just think that your essential point is ; Kanye gets a pass for mining other peoples sounds and using hot artists because he is Kanye and Kanye is so great, and Kanye is by some unquantifiable margin more involved in his music.. I've already dismissed it as bullshit, and of course a roundabout way of hating on Jay.

No Lord Steppington bruh? Drive In Theatre?

lmfao, I forgot about both. Drive in Theatre kinda dropped off my playlist.

I'm gonna add Steppington in.


Yeah with TR just enjoy the ride. Intially I thought the artifacts were interesting and then I realised they weren't going to amount to anything so I stopped bothering.
whatever breh. You know I'm FAR from a Kanye stan, and I reiterated I apply the same criteria to other noteworthy producers including Timbaland, who you know I'm not a fan of. I don't think Kanye or Timbaland have a problem staying relevant, and both have had success with non-popular artists (Common, Nelly Furtado, etc) just as they've had success with popular artists (Hov, Justin Timberlake, etc).

My problem with Jay Z is that his music almost never sounds sincere. Much of his career is Diddy-esque in terms of attaching himself to a hotter person (Kane, Jaz, Biggie, Kanye) to advance his own relevance. Eminem has his own identity outside of Dre. Justin Timberlake has his own identity outside of Timbaland. What is Jay without Kanye, in 2013/2014, creatively? MCHG was largely reviewed poorly. So was BP3, which had limited Kanye influence. WTT was well received and MOST people felt Kanye carried the project.

How is it hating on Jay to say he hasn't had a good album since The Black Album? We gonna pretend like most people here won't either agree with that statement, or say American Gangster was the only good one? And most people here aren't even Nas stans like me.


whatever breh. You know I'm FAR from a Kanye stan, and I reiterated I apply the same criteria to other noteworthy producers including Timbaland, who you know I'm not a fan of. I don't think Kanye or Timbaland have a problem staying relevant, and both have had success with non-popular artists (Common, Nelly Furtado, etc) just as they've had success with popular artists (Hov, Justin Timberlake, etc).

My problem with Jay Z is that his music almost never sounds sincere. Much of his career is Diddy-esque in terms of attaching himself to a hotter person (Kane, Jaz, Biggie, Kanye) to advance his own relevance. Eminem has his own identity outside of Dre. Justin Timberlake has his own identity outside of Timbaland. What is Jay without Kanye, in 2013/2014, creatively? MCHG was largely reviewed poorly. So was BP3, which had limited Kanye influence. WTT was well received and MOST people felt Kanye carried the project.

How is it hating on Jay to say he hasn't had a good album since The Black Album? We gonna pretend like most people here won't either agree with that statement, or say American Gangster was the only good one? And most people here aren't even Nas stans like me.

Quite frankly, I don't really care what you think about Jay; you're poisoned and bitter on the issue. I'm just highlighting your hypocrisy for fun, because it's entertaining to see you put on your cape for Kanye and aggrandize an artist you would normally troll in order to put Jay down.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
whatever breh. You know I'm FAR from a Kanye stan, and I reiterated I apply the same criteria to other noteworthy producers including Timbaland, who you know I'm not a fan of. I don't think Kanye or Timbaland have a problem staying relevant, and both have had success with non-popular artists (Common, Nelly Furtado, etc) just as they've had success with popular artists (Hov, Justin Timberlake, etc).

My problem with Jay Z is that his music almost never sounds sincere. Much of his career is Diddy-esque in terms of attaching himself to a hotter person (Kane, Jaz, Biggie, Kanye) to advance his own relevance. Eminem has his own identity outside of Dre. Justin Timberlake has his own identity outside of Timbaland. What is Jay without Kanye, in 2013/2014, creatively? MCHG was largely reviewed poorly. So was BP3, which had limited Kanye influence. WTT was well received and MOST people felt Kanye carried the project.

How is it hating on Jay to say he hasn't had a good album since The Black Album? We gonna pretend like most people here won't either agree with that statement, or say American Gangster was the only good one? And most people here aren't even Nas stans like me.

And we just gonna pretend 808s, MBDTF and Yeezus weren't received with mixed receptions? People in the game fall off. One dude started about a decade before the other. In ten years, if Ye is still relevant, then I guarantee you with 100 percent certainty there will young cats who will deny he ever had an impact on the game because of their own reasons. I mean, you will because it fits in with the weird outburst of Kanye Created Jay fuckery that is some layered, PD laughing about it on a 3rd GAF spawned board somewhere.

I mean, how twisted is a point of view that attempts to rewrite the space time continuum? Jay begat Kanye. This shit isn't even up for debate.


tagged by Blackace
And we just gonna pretend 808s, MBDTF and Yeezus weren't received with mixed receptions? People in the game fall off. One dude started about a decade before the other. In ten years, if Ye is still relevant, then I guarantee you with 100 percent certainty there will young cats who will deny he ever had an impact on the game because of their own reasons. I mean, you will because it fits in with the weird outburst of Kanye Created Jay fuckery that is some layered, PD laughing about it on a 3rd GAF spawned board somewhere.

I mean, how twisted is a point of view that attempts to rewrite the space time continuum? Jay begat Kanye. This shit isn't even up for debate.
-enters stan wars-

MBDTF didn't have a mixed reception at all. It's damn near unanimously agreed from critics, Kanye fans and non-fans alike as being top class, one of the highest rated albums ever, etc.. Don't be fooled by vocal minorities.

-exits stan wars-


Did anyone listen to that trel tape? I can't download and listen to a tape that has a facial for cover art without a good reason.
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