It really is, but I would have gone to see Ratking live (and probably would had left afterwards as well)What a terrible coupling. Sleigh bells really trying hard to stay in people's heads.
It really is, but I would have gone to see Ratking live (and probably would had left afterwards as well)What a terrible coupling. Sleigh bells really trying hard to stay in people's heads.
Just watched it. Thought Danny was really good, but overall didn't like it. Didn't like the white chick, and didn't like a lot of the editing.25 Bucks video is damn good.
Yeah I was just thinking that while I was listening to it last night. Perfect balance of 90s NYC callbacks and a very progressive sound. Gonna be listening to it for a while.I don't understand the So It Goes complaints, there's definitely enough homage to dusty NY hip-hop to satisfy most traditionalists I would think.
I'm watching the Justified finale right now. Man this season was the worst. Ugh. Huge letdown. At least I have both Game of Thrones and Mad Men back on Sundays!
I'd even say that Be into The Corner is the best one-two opening tracks on any rap album
I bump V.I.C.E.S. all the time. Super under appreciated release.
...I had an epiphany today after going through 2013 releases, and I think Billy Woods is my favorite lyricist in the game today. And I'd probably rate Armand Hammer's Race Music in my twenty rap albums of all time list. So rewarding, though I guess a bit inaccessible.
What were ticket prices?It really is, but I would have gone to see Ratking live (and probably would had left afterwards as well)
I disagree, Vices is way better than Oxymoron breh. Definitely at least a B project.
I recently finished Orange is the New Black (great show), and Broadchurch, which was one of the best pieces of drama I've ever seen, TV or film. I'd recommend it to anybody.
Just started watching Arrow with the gf, and Californication on my own for the times when I can't get to her place to watch Arrow. Calif. seems pretty dull so far, Entourage did the whole playboy lifestyle way better IMO, at least so far. I'll keep with it though, as I can't stand stopping something once I've started.
If there were ever more an overrated show right now, OitNB is definitely it. I want all that time I spent watching it back.Orange is alright. I found myself liking all the sideplots and characters and disliking the main girl and her storyline.
Orange is alright. I found myself liking all the sideplots and characters and disliking the main girl and her storyline.
Agreed. And considering they're getting rid of Prepon for season 2, they're probably gonna focus more on her relationship with the guy from American Pie. /shudder
Are they really? If so I'm done, Preppon has aged like a fine wine, she's one of the main reasons I tuned in.
Worst actress on that whole show, easily.Are they really? If so I'm done, Preppon has aged like a fine wine, she's one of the main reasons I tuned in.
Worst actress on that whole show, easily.
What were ticket prices?
That ain't bad at all. Worth a single act show.
Scust at the Troy ave and Ross thing... But I guess MMG is paying.
Wow lol stally is like milk carton wasn't Troy Ave taking shots at Rozay a couple weeks ago?
Ave is a pudgy version of Meek Mills, why would Ross want him. But then again Ross signed Stalley, which means he'll sign anyone.
Stally is so boring, I've been hearing his verses for about 5 years and just now realized he doesn't curse.
I started watching Breaking Bad last night, it's not too shabby
Dude the way this first episode ended I know im gonna binge haha
I don't understand the So It Goes complaints, there's definitely enough homage to dusty NY hip-hop to satisfy most traditionalists I would think.
Wiki explains it like this: "Punk sounds great live but it can often come up short on record. Rap sounds great but is not the dopest thing to see live. We're a rap group but we want to be part of the culture of punk; people coming to know songs live before they hear them on record, so they can really wile out."
Then there's Hak. Hak should never have been in a rap group. Until recently, he'd never even listened to music. He speaks with the gentle, sweet voice of a New England art student. "I was about the ethics of seeing," he says, opaquely. "I was drawing, experiencing everything on a visual level. I didn't give music any mind, any attention, any consciousness. I didn't give a fuck about music."
But that wasn't good enough for Wiki. "Hak was like my best friend, so in my ideal world I wanted us rapping together. But Hak didn't rap, so I had to make him rap." Once Hak had seen an early incarnation of Ratking, he was onboard. "Hearing them start made me want to open my mouth," he says, staring into the middle-distance as if he's playing a part in a Beat Generation movie. "For me, I had to learn to hear."
I started watching Breaking Bad last night, it's not too shabby
Dude it's not even that experimental, just not dusty.This album is dense and hard to emulate. I doubt much music will come out of RATKING's existence. Maybe just more attempts at experimentation in rap in general, but their sound is uniquely their's through obscurity.
So It Goes is still a prototypical NY boom bap album with odd flavorings added here and there
C'mon, Res. Don't go trying to fit your framework for dismissal upon what I openly admit is a subjective desire for something potentially unrealistic. Telling me to listen to 90's groups is pointless when part of my desire is to hear the voice of newer generations inspired by an old aesthetic. Havok has no new or interesting thought to express and for good reason - he's old. Wiki 93' is a new, young voice; with a raw, lyrical aesthetic I've bee clamoring for. "Wikispeaks" was an "the old is new once again" approach, almost literally embodied in a 15 years old urban mutt. That was progressive enough for me.
I've admitted the music on SiG is good; it just isn't building towards any sound I can appreciate and Wiki being forced to share so much of the spotlight with Hak and Sport is a frustrating proposition for me.
It just isn't what I wanted. It's still good stuff and I supported their endeavor with money. I just won't be listening to this album in a week.