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GAF-Hop |OTX| Long Live the Watcher

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Jay wearing women's clothing

No new thread for Kanye's birthday? this is a travesty.
I randomly thought of this idea earlier, and I feel this is the best place to post it.

I was listening to Regulate while playing games on my PC, I was emulating LSD Dream Simulator and I thought a good parody of Regulate would be Emulate. I mostly got the idea from the beginning when it goes "Regulators! Mount up" because you mount CD images when you emulate.

Now I just need to think of some actual bars for this.


Man PD, if they ever make a GoT film like they sometimes talk about, they gotta have Neil Marshall direct it. All the episodes he does are bangers.


tagged by Blackace
This E3 will probably be the best in years. Minimal leaks, no Iwata, Microsoft getting their shit togethet, etc.


This E3 will probably be the best in years. Minimal leaks, no Iwata, Microsoft getting their shit togethet, etc.

yeah, hoping for a few outside niche things & some new IP's/surprises, honestly MS stands about the most to gain here if they make moves since no one seems to be expecting much of them. gonna be pretty quiet on the nintendo end i imagine, still confused as fuck as to why Sega isn't pushing PSO 2.0 hard during this early drought.


Persecution Complex
yeah, hoping for a few outside niche things & some new IP's/surprises, honestly MS stands about the most to gain here if they make moves since no one seems to be expecting much of them. gonna be pretty quiet on the nintendo end i imagine, still confused as fuck as to why Sega isn't pushing PSO 2.0 hard during this early drought.

+Shenmue 3



yeah, hoping for a few outside niche things & some new IP's/surprises, honestly MS stands about the most to gain here if they make moves since no one seems to be expecting much of them. gonna be pretty quiet on the nintendo end i imagine, still confused as fuck as to why Sega isn't pushing PSO 2.0 hard during this early drought.

rumor is that nintendo's digital event is only thirty minutes, which sucks

excited to see what microsoft shows off though


+Shenmue 3


i mean yeah, shit goes without saying

getting harder to hope for Yakuza 5 at this point...if nothing this year i'ma have to import along with Ishin when there's good YT guides up

rumor is that nintendo's digital event is only thirty minutes, which sucks

excited to see what microsoft shows off though

yeah...Smash will be great, quick Zelda trailer hopefully, some news on Fire Emblem X SMT would be awesome by me


getting harder to hope for Yakuza 5 at this point...if nothing this year i'ma have to import along with Ishin when there's good YT guides up

i've seen a bunch of walkthrough guides for it, that basically have every line translated into english

you just have to have it next to you whenever you play, which kinda sucks


i've seen a bunch of walkthrough guides for it, that basically have every line translated into english

you just have to have it next to you whenever you play, which kinda sucks

yeah, i played Kenzan! that way, but with a youtube guide fansubbing the cutscenes & important NPC stuff. as you said, it's far from ideal but until someone sorts out patching a BD ISO with fansbus there's no other options, and i really wanna play these games.

honestly, i just wanna see some more x footage

oh yeah, that'd be fucking excellent as well, wonder how that one's coming along


tagged by Blackace
Oddly, I'm looking forward to Nintendo's the most even though I have no intention of buying a Wii U. Desperate Nintendo is best Nintendo.


a jigga stan for sony, who saw that comin

Oddly, I'm looking forward to Nintendo's the most even though I have no intention of buying a Wii U. Desperate Nitnendo is best Nintendo.

they really could do some interesting wildcard shit if iwata wasn't so focused on employing the turnaround strategy that worked for the 3DS on the WU as well, despite the latter showing it's just not happening. as a big Gamecube fan i hope they put out some really interesting shit while riding out the next couple years before moving on.


tagged by Blackace
they really could do some interesting wildcard shit if iwata wasn't so focused on employing the turnaround strategy that worked for the 3DS on the WU as well, despite the latter showing it's just not happening. as a big Gamecube fan i hope they put out some really interesting shit while riding out the next couple years before moving on.
I really do think it's been over for the Wii U, the only thing that can change that is a big rebranding, which I don't think is out of the question, but I don't think they'll do it.

If the wildcard shit isn't with the NFC, or their NFC approach is too "safe," it's just gonna be another year of Iwata trying to move goalposts with investors and even more of a sad song for people still waiting for them to get their shit together while we see yukes do the next Zelda and shit.
The only "wildcard" stuff I could see drumming up some real interest, at least among the hardcore, is the 3D Mario and/or 3D Zelda teams making one or two big new IPs for the Wii U. Nintendo's classic franchises aren't going to pull them out of this one.


one big problem with nintendo (from a business standpoint) is that their big third party developer for a few games was platinum and while i love platinum to death (kinda bought a wii u to get bayonetta 2, but i just love the system now), it honestly wasn't the move that nintendo should had made to try to move consoles and i think they're still paying for it (of course, there are a bunch of other issues as well)

niche games are nice to acquire for your system, once you're in a good financial state


oh agreed on both counts - i don't expect any pokemon type shit to manifest & pull them outta the fire. i just don't really do sales-age; as a gamer i was barely aware of how bad the GC was tanking but loved the shit out of the library it built. The WU's looking to maintain that strong first party quality but the usual 3rd party gems late in the game are mostly dried up, so i'm just hoping for something interesting to show up, even if it continues the trend of selling like booty.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
What's funny is that MK8 showed that the WiiU is a viable platform, but surprise, people sort of want to do more than stare at their consoles. You sort of need games to play on them.

Same goes with the others, though Nintendo has had more time to rectify their mistakes.


They should just release the final scraps for the WiiU (Zelda, Smash Bros, whatever) and start gearing up for a new console announcement. There's no coming back from this massive failure.


one big problem with nintendo (from a business standpoint) is that their big third party developer for a few games as platinum and while i love platinum to death (kinda bought a wii u to get bayonetta 2, but i just love the system now), it honestly wasn't the move that nintendo should had made to try to move consoles and i think they're still paying for it (of course, there are a bunch of other issues as well)

niche games are nice to acquire for your system, once you're in a good financial state

ehh i tend to agree but platinum is a pretty decent hardcore draw (like Treasure or Clover - much beloved, but they don't sell well sadly), and based on how tight they run things with 2nd party type deals i assume they prolly didn't pay too much for what they got. going in, they seem to have legit thought they had rebuilt 3rd party relationships with EA etc (obviously that didn't pan out), so i could see from that perspective where they prolly thought it was a good way to round off their resume & stand out to the core they were trying to get back.

of course, if they paid a lot for W101, Bayo 2 etc then i'm totally wrong here. but if you're looking at eastern developers who still can put together a title as well as nintendo usually wants to see from such partnerships (Sora, Rare, Retro, etc) they're pretty high up the list, i figure

They should just release the final scraps for the WiiU (Zelda, Smash Bros, whatever) and start gearing up for a new console announcement. There's no coming back from this massive failure.

there's no doubt in my mind they're lining up the next big thing, but no way they don't ride it out. they did so for 4 years or so with the GC, and the last thing they wanna do is pull a classic Sega move & burn the meager base they did maintain like that.
Platinum's an "easy" choice because they're a great group of devs that are experienced and not expensive relative to other potential deals. So while it won't help them in sales, it's a very "Nintendo" partnership.

Whether they ride out the current situation or not, I just don't think they can afford to lean on classic IPs anymore. Retro has to come out the gate with something big and new next time out. A Metroid Prime-esque caliber title, just without the Metroid branding.


a jigga stan for sony, who saw that comin
Stop it 5, I play PC exclusively. But the only one moving sufficient units and games in this environment with even higher development costs is Sony. Either way, AAA console gaming is flabby and sick and not too far for the casket. The proof in that pudding is the games period. Hasn't really been a smash hit type game that brings people over to the next gen yet and I don't suspect there will be till like 2015. Shit is just not viable anymore.

I can't wait to see the announcements for any game with giant robots in it, a new onimusha or a new shinobi.

Posts from 2005?



oh man, i could totally fuck with a new onimusha or shinobi

id really love it if acquire got out a new tenchu or way of the samurai too, but neither feel very likely

Did you ever play Nightshade breh? Game was mad disappointing. I'd play a shinobi reboot for sure but after that one....

was it? i tracked it down for like $5 and have been meaning to get around to it, that's a bummer to hear though


tagged by Blackace
What's funny is that MK8 showed that the WiiU is a viable platform, but surprise, people sort of want to do more than stare at their consoles. You sort of need games to play on them.

Same goes with the others, though Nintendo has had more time to rectify their mistakes.
MK8 didn't prove anything. It's another Mario Kart game. On another Nintendo platform. No risks, still considerably behind in the genre, nothing. Nintendo thinking the status quo will get them by still is the reason they're in the predicament they're in.

Next thing they're gonna do is announce another 2D/3D Mario for the Wii U and you'll see the same fanboys with clenched buttcheeks thinking now everything will change for the better.

EDIT: The best part about the reaction MK8 to me is people going gaga over the MKTV addition, like PGR3 didn't have something like that but with even more features at the launch of the 360. Expectations are so low right now, it's crazy.
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