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GAF-Hop |OTX| Long Live the Watcher

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It's funny because they claimed to care about the "end product" and the music itself, when they can't even handle something different from their usual shit.

Had to wait a bit for a work break but what you wrote brought this mind. Around '06 - '07 DJ Shadow responded to fan criticism of The Outsider in his newsletter with this quote:

DJ Shadow said:
Repeat Endtroducing over and over again? That was never, ever in the game plan. Fuck that. So I think it’s time for certain fans to decide if they are fans of the album, or the artist.

He ended up walking that statement back a few times, mostly for PR reasons, but it resonated with me and I think it's a valid lens into fan/artist relationships. There are artists whose work I follow and will always follow because of what they, individually, bring to the table. Whether that is their creativity, passion, style, effort, or any other element that shines through in their music. I will always, always, always follow Bjork projects. Straight up. I think she is an incredibly perceptive musician who is uniquely able to form her abstract ideas into dope records. Her emotions and passion translate directly into what she makes even on collaborative efforts. You can feel exactly what she wants you to feel at all times. And she has done this successfully time and time again. Regardless of where she takes her music, I will be interested and receptive because of that.

There are also artists whose releases I don't care about beyond individual albums. A thread-relevant example of that, personally, is Chance. Dude dropped a dope project but I have zero interest in him going forward. Next release could be good, don't get me wrong, but I'm not looking for it. A better example (but less relevant) is The National. I loved High Violet but I absolutely do not care beyond it. I don't care about TV On the Radio beyond Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes. I don't care about RJD2 beyond Dead Ringer. And so on and so forth. In many cases they have released good albums prior to those and good albums after those...I just don't really care. Those were singular experiences for me.

My long, drawn out point is that a lot of Bjork fans are really into her individual records but not Bjork herself. That crowd is always dismissing Biophilia, Medulla, and her collaborative works. Especially her remix albums. To be clear there is nothing wrong with that at all. I just think people should be aware of what they're about when it comes to artists and what their expectations should be. You can be a fan of a record and not necessarily the artist who made it.

MF Doom is someone I've had trouble fitting into a mindset like Shadow's though. I will always give Doom albums a shot because I respect him as an artist. That run of Operation Doomsday, Take Me to Your Leader, Vaudeville Villain, MM...Food, and Madvillainy...fuck that was incredible. But dude hasn't dropped anything I've enjoyed since...probably Madvillainy. Creative genius in a whole lot of different ways but I think he's sapped. Hard to reconcile. Probably speaks to how pointless absolute frames of mind can be. No ideology fits perfectly together.


tagged by Blackace
Holy FUCK. EA was absolutely terrible. Developer diaries and prototype gameplay, Wow.
I like prototype gameplay and developer diaries. That was the best part. Show what you can of what there is to show.

The shitty part of EA's was all the games nobody gives a fuck for that are being sold to people who will buy them regardless of if they're on the E3 stage or not (sports, mostly). Which makes the conference shitty at large.


ea was aite by me. i'm down for Hardline since Rainbow Six doesn't exist anymore, and the new Criterion game sounds interesting. That's 2 AAA games I might fuck with.
MS was so boring. If I was on the fence for a console I wouldn't have been impressed at all. Everything seemed like old news.

Sony probably won't be much better. Man I would have thought MS would come out swinging since they're behind a bit right now. I expect the price cut to change that, but they probably needed a big "oh shit" title today.


please don't remind me, it still hurts.
I just wanna shoot turrists man



Stumbled in here from the Death Grips thread. Been lurking here for a bit. Decided to be a part of this nonsense.

Musical Taste:
• Pick a coast to rep - East
• Favorite Artist - Tough one. Probably Shabazz Palaces
• Best feature killer - No idea.
• Favourite producer - Madlib
• Favourite album - Madvillainy
• What's in your playlist right now? - The Ratking LP that came out a couple of months ago.

GAF-Hop Discusses:
• Rank Kanye's albums: LR > MBDTF > CD > GR >Yezzus > WTT > 808's
• Who is the best Wu-Tang member? GZA
• Jay Z or Nas? FUCK JAY Z
• Biggie or Pac? Biggie although i'm not the biggest fan of either
• What’s your dream album/project? FlyLo X DOOM Between Villains is the closest we'll ever get.
• Who is the next big rapper/producer? Not good with these things. But probably Issiah Rashad as he's the only one I can stand out the XXL freshman list.
• Who is the most overrated/underrated emcee? Yeezy for both.
• Have you been known to eat ass? None of yo damn business
• Favorite Artist - Tough one. Probably Shabazz Palaces
• Favourite album - Madvillainy
• What's in your playlist right now? - The Ratking LP that came out a couple of months ago.
• What’s your dream album/project? FlyLo X DOOM Between Villains is the closest we'll ever get.
• Who is the next big rapper/producer? Not good with these things. But probably Issiah Rashad as he's the only one I can stand out the XXL freshman list.

My man, welcome home. New Shabazz is going to be dope, and the Chimurenga Renaissance album was great.

• Have you been known to eat ass? None of yo damn business

That's a yes.
i think that halo collection sounds dope though. halo 2 is the goat console fps multiplayer for me (even over goldeneye) so to play that online with so many maps would be really fun.

and assassins creed looked really good but i can get that on pc.

will probably go COD over Battlefield this year.
Stumbled in here from the Death Grips thread. Been lurking here for a bit. Decided to be a part of this nonsense.

GAF-Hop Discusses:
• Rank Kanye's albums: LR > MBDTF > CD > GR >Yezzus > WTT > 808's
• Who is the best Wu-Tang member? GZA
• Jay Z or Nas? FUCK JAY Z
• Biggie or Pac? Biggie although i'm not the biggest fan of either
• What’s your dream album/project? FlyLo X DOOM Between Villains is the closest we'll ever get.
• Who is the next big rapper/producer? Not good with these things. But probably Issiah Rashad as he's the only one I can stand out the XXL freshman list.
• Who is the most overrated/underrated emcee? Yeezy for both.
• Have you been known to eat ass? None of yo damn business


Welcome, friend.


Had to wait a bit for a work break but what you wrote brought this mind. Around '06 - '07 DJ Shadow responded to fan criticism of The Outsider in his newsletter with this quote:

He ended up walking that statement back a few times, mostly for PR reasons, but it resonated with me and I think it's a valid lens into fan/artist relationships. There are artists whose work I follow and will always follow because of what they, individually, bring to the table. Whether that is their creativity, passion, style, effort, or any other element that shines through in their music.


It's an important reflection to take upon one's self in regards to the consumption of all mediums and products. I've found myself at the intersection of this very confusion from time to time. In the end I come out with a better understanding of not only the artists and the music, but my own relation with them. The artists and works that I love the most, I feel the least compelled to defend. To me they stand on their own so much, that if someone doesn't like it, then it is do to with their tastes and not the music. But furthermore engaging in soap-boxing and defense forcing to legitimize the music to others jeopardizes how legitimate the music is to one's self.

If I'm being absolutely honest with myself DG isn't all to me what others lauded it as. ExMilitary while I enjoyed, is not something I really praise outside a few tracks. Even in those I understand the limited appeal. I'm surprised those who truly seem to love them aren't more self-aware to the potential that others will find it just noise or sounding "diseased."

On the flip-side, I find it quite unfortunate that people who define their tastes with the inclusion of the "just having fun with it" mentality over in pop-gaf, have to rain on everyone's parade that equally just wants take that same mentality and laud DG in a DG thread of all things. It's quite troubling to see those sorts of interactions. It robs both parties are the chance to enjoy their tastes in legitimacy. It becomes a struggle of defense instead. Not everyone is so self-aware as to the way in which they approach both their own music and that of others.

So many people in that thread seemed to perceive their own intentions as something different than what was coming across to others. Their was nothing to be learned or proved, instead it was confrontation for the sake of legitimizing one's own tastes at the expense of undermining someone else's.

The errs were made on both sides. Ultimately I don't think the DG fans had anything to prove in their own thread, and it's unfortunate that those who felt otherwise mucked everything up. The irony is not lost on me however that such a scenario would egress from a DG thread.


Stumbled in here from the Death Grips thread. Been lurking here for a bit. Decided to be a part of this nonsense.

Musical Taste:
• Pick a coast to rep - East
• Favorite Artist - Tough one. Probably Shabazz Palaces
• Best feature killer - No idea.
• Favourite producer - Madlib
• Favourite album - Madvillainy
• What's in your playlist right now? - The Ratking LP that came out a couple of months ago.

GAF-Hop Discusses:
• Rank Kanye's albums: LR > MBDTF > CD > GR >Yezzus > WTT > 808's
• Who is the best Wu-Tang member? GZA
• Jay Z or Nas? FUCK JAY Z
• Biggie or Pac? Biggie although i'm not the biggest fan of either
• What’s your dream album/project? FlyLo X DOOM Between Villains is the closest we'll ever get.
• Who is the next big rapper/producer? Not good with these things. But probably Issiah Rashad as he's the only one I can stand out the XXL freshman list.
• Who is the most overrated/underrated emcee? Yeezy for both.
• Have you been known to eat ass? None of yo damn business
Another stones throw/pitchfork guy eh

Also, that new Bones is pretty decent. A lot better than Creep which made me avoid him for awhile. A bit of an improvement though it still has weak tracks due to his rapping, but due to short track times it's hard for me to really hate on the songs so much.


Turned on the radio today at work and I got bathed in DJ Mustard. I changed the station 3 separate times and he was on all of them. I don't recall any dude having this kind of presence on the radio, Hov was smart to pick him up. Wonder when that bubble ' s gonna pop.
The errs were made on both sides. Ultimately I don't think the DG had anything to prove in their own thread, and it's unfortunate that those who felt otherwise mucked everything up. The irony is not lost on me however that such a scenario would egress from a DG thread.

I think DG would love and revel in how that thread turned out. I have to imagine they're looking at the general internet reaction and having a great time with it.

My only problem with the thread was the dismissal of noise/industrial/drone in and of itself. Not everything is for everyone. It just sucks when people who like something have to be told it's barely music, if music at all, repeatedly. The fight over genre legitimacy for these things was like forty years ago and it feels like it's happening all again. I'm not the biggest DG fan (Ex Military is real, real, real good and The Money Store has massive highs) but to see people who are into them that way being told it's trash...eh. Rubs me the wrong way.

I used to be that way, highly dismissive of things I didn't like, when I was younger and I really regret it. That negativity and refusal to accept things on their own merit is a big part of the reason why I bailed out on internet music communities in college. The older I get the more I get into positivity and acceptance and general pleasantness. I really only came to GAF-Hop incidentally. Super glad I did though. There is a difference in being able to dissect and discuss music, which GAF-Hop can do, and just being an asshole and trashing something other people enjoy.

DG fans should definitely be aware of how the music can be perceived though. There is never going to be a point where they are anything more than non-music for the overwhelming majority of listeners, and that is fine. At a certain point you need to be able to realize and accept that your feelings aren't invalidated by someone elses'. Process and internalize the vibe it gives you and move on.


The physical form of blasphemy
So many memories of playing Rainbow 6 way back in the day. I just want to do tactical shit with my friends. I hope this is good, because it looked fun.
Oh my fucking lord that is Rainbow. Like R63 and Raven Shield ass Rainbow. THANK YOU UBI BEST E3 EVER

Fuck fuck fuck TS better be default competition. And that video was like a Rainbow/SWAT matchup. Fuck fuck fuck fuck


Time to put the band back together. Adult life can wait I got matches to scrim


i havent been excited for a game like this in years

cant wait to get my tactical on

play with gafhop and the bore

the king is back baby

Irrational killed it with Swat 4 and I just checked Activision owns the license fuck

SWAT overall is such an awesome series. I still play 3 and 4 to this day over and over again. Man, that mission where you are going into that dude's house to rescue the hostage? Shit was creepy as fuck!
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