It's funny because they claimed to care about the "end product" and the music itself, when they can't even handle something different from their usual shit.
Had to wait a bit for a work break but what you wrote brought this mind. Around '06 - '07 DJ Shadow responded to fan criticism of The Outsider in his newsletter with this quote:
DJ Shadow said:
Repeat Endtroducing over and over again? That was never, ever in the game plan. Fuck that. So I think it’s time for certain fans to decide if they are fans of the album, or the artist.
He ended up walking that statement back a few times, mostly for PR reasons, but it resonated with me and I think it's a valid lens into fan/artist relationships. There are artists whose work I follow and will always follow because of what they, individually, bring to the table. Whether that is their creativity, passion, style, effort, or any other element that shines through in their music. I will always, always, always follow Bjork projects. Straight up. I think she is an incredibly perceptive musician who is uniquely able to form her abstract ideas into dope records. Her emotions and passion translate directly into what she makes even on collaborative efforts. You can feel exactly what she wants you to feel at all times. And she has done this successfully time and time again. Regardless of
where she takes her music, I will be interested and receptive because of that.
There are also artists whose releases I don't care about beyond individual albums. A thread-relevant example of that, personally, is Chance. Dude dropped a dope project but I have zero interest in him going forward. Next release could be good, don't get me wrong, but I'm not looking for it. A better example (but less relevant) is The National. I loved High Violet but I absolutely do not care beyond it. I don't care about TV On the Radio beyond Desperate Youth, Bloodthirsty Babes. I don't care about RJD2 beyond Dead Ringer. And so on and so forth. In many cases they have released good albums prior to those and good albums after those...I just don't really care. Those were singular experiences for me.
My long, drawn out point is that a lot of Bjork fans are really into her individual records but not Bjork herself. That crowd is always dismissing Biophilia, Medulla, and her collaborative works. Especially her remix albums. To be clear there is nothing wrong with that at all. I just think people should be aware of what they're about when it comes to artists and what their expectations should be. You can be a fan of a record and not necessarily the artist who made it.
MF Doom is someone I've had trouble fitting into a mindset like Shadow's though. I will always give Doom albums a shot because I respect him as an artist. That run of Operation Doomsday, Take Me to Your Leader, Vaudeville Villain, MM...Food, and Madvillainy...fuck that was incredible. But dude hasn't dropped anything I've enjoyed since...probably Madvillainy. Creative genius in a whole lot of different ways but I think he's sapped. Hard to reconcile. Probably speaks to how pointless absolute frames of mind can be. No ideology fits perfectly together.