Trolling aside, what's the point of console gaming if the exclusives are wack or infrequent as hell, Japanese gaming is a shadow of itself, and all the AAA are afraid to take real risks? I'll probably cop a PS4 in 2017 or 18 though. All good things come to an end and the writings been on the wall for a while for console gaming. Nintendo? Lol. Microsoft? Not doing so hot, and there have been suggestions to sell off the Xbox. Sony is doing okay/good as far as units pushed but not enough to buoy an industry that's becoming more expensive and increasingly risk averse. AAA games make consoles and have since 2005, and without them there's no reason to get one.
Console gaming is still doing fine, look at the records PS4 is breaking. So long as the set top box is gaining momentum (which it is), they'll have a place so long as they can compete, and they're doing pretty good. Hell, even with shitty PR the X1 is breaking records, isn't it? All of those death of the console articles have been very poorly supported or selectively ignorant. The demand is there, and the money is there.
What constitutes a real risk? I feel like that's another myth that just sort of floats around. We've seen all three taking more real risks in the past three years than ever before (Nintendo beginning to license out it's IPs more and more and giving those studios more freedom, MS making promises of 10 or whatever the number was new IPs in the X1's early lifespan, Sony's WW studios consistently pushing out new IPs). And it's the beginning of the console gen too, and just like every other console gen we're seeing new IPs being pushed by first and third parties.
Realistically, what more could you want? It's not like PC gaming is free from AAA woes; that's not a platform specific issue (and at that, PCs often receive shoddy or second thought ports for a lot of AAA console games). And What used to set the PC apart late last gen was it's budding indie scene and ability to rapidly update games, but most of the barriers for that have been taken down for consoles as well and pretty much anything worth playing is also on PS4 (which also isn't new since Sony started turning up a few years ago with the PS3).
The big advantage consoles have is the first party which pushes both technology and games. People forget all of the stuff XBL put into place and standardized that is now commonplace on Steam, etc. You need that, and selling consoles/first party games is what drives/funds that and then inter-console competition accelerates how fast that spreads.