James Blake is a genius brehs, an absolute genius. I would say he's in the top ten most talented active musicians. Toward the high end of that list, too. The Self-Titled debut was amazing, shit floored me the first time I hear it. Perfectly emotional songwriting paired with beats that learned so much from dub and evolved past it in a way that isn't at all dismissive.
I Never Learnt To Share is perfect.
To Care (Like You) is perfect. The record itself is perfect. Listen to how tenderly this dude introduces elements to his tracks. How he constantly builds onto the initial framework he lays out. How all of those sounds meld into rolling waves and crash into you.
But then, to drop two super dope EPs THE SAME YEAR as that record (Enough Thunder and Love What Happened Here)?
James Blake and
Enough Thunder are both in my top five for 2011.
Fall Boys Creek Choir?
Not Long Now? Wheeeeeewwwwww.
That's not to mention his material prior to that.
Klavierwerke is ultra dope. CMYK...
what can you even say about CMYK? If I hear CMYK as I bleed out after a horrific car accident, I might feel alright. That is probably my ideal way to go out actually. Drifting away into a cosmic consciousness with CMYK filling the space around me. Non James Blake material--can we talk about his Harmonimix shit? Because if there's a competitor to CMYK for my life-outro, it might be his
Changes remix.
There aren't too many people out there who have his patience and the ability to swell an idea from something small to something that fills your entire soul with longing. Just gradually playing out these small motifs into quasars of sound. NOBODY is on this mans level when it comes to vocal edits (lol I know some of you heard the shit Aphex is pushing now). NOBODY is on this mans game when it comes to loops. I could talk about Blake all day but in the end he's just super dope. idk how anyone could say otherwise, even if Overgrown was a little mediocre. He stepped away from what he is the best at (literally the best. Like, the best in the world) and tried to flip it into more conventional singer/songwriter material. That's worth trying. That's worth messing up for. So you learn your lesson and move on. Love that he tried. But to disrespect his debut record? That beautifully understated masterpiece? Naw. Never.
Sidenote: Blake was the first artist that super bummed me out because he's younger than me and about a billion times more talented than I will be at anything, ever. Less than a year younger, too. Sent me into a quarter life crisis when I was struggling with school/work and this fucker was out there dropping classics left and right.