Yeah, it's unjustified when Barca did it because of their (former) creativity and touch. That team, where it was so amazing, was based off of Messi and other La Masia guys that had grown up with that as their bread and butter. Bayern aren't made up of the same types. It's a lot of BvB players that have gone from playing breakneck gegenpressball to this, along with some other dudes :troll: . I fux with some of the players on there, but largely, as a unit. fuck em.
i agree with the rest of what you said though. and yeah toure and a lot of them are starting to get long in the tooth. I expect him especially to be at a smaller club soon.
I agree with you that Barcelona executes the style in a more natural way, but it's still mostly boring as fuck to watch, especially when playing against competent opponents that know how to close up space and players have to pass the ball around on their side of the field just to retain possession. Not to say it can't openup opportunities like Messi's goal today, where you just nail that string of passes and also looks exhilarating; instances like this are far in between now that coaches had time to adapt to it.
Kinda goes to show Klopp > Guardiola as of right now. Guardiola is trying to carry over tactics to a team that isn't cut for it, instead of trying to understand the team he's working with, studying the strengths and weaknesses of particular players. In reality, he probably does do this, but still ends up trying to accommodate the team to his set ways. At least Klopp's gegenpressing contains the opportunity for some exciting soccer, as it relies on aggression and counter attacking.