School me about rapping breh. I wish more of my favorite rappers had the technique of Travis da God.HRD has brainwashed you with all his bandcamp D tier rapper gaslighting
School me about rapping breh. I wish more of my favorite rappers had the technique of Travis da God.HRD has brainwashed you with all his bandcamp D tier rapper gaslighting
I dl'd cawm dwnya'll gonna sleep on that dillon cooper aren't you?
im gonna need you to discuss the #facts of tying with Wasteman Brom and the CL / Clasico on the other place, breh.![]()
edit: also that's dope
My favorite song on there tbh. Simple but super effective beat. That's that 40 influence. Blessed.
That GRODT reminiscing made me go back and listen to their Gunit debut. Man. These dudes were the shit in middle school. Also going back to their debuts. Even though The Documentary and GRODT are arguably the best, there's still a few tracks from Banks and Bucks debut I fuck with. And lol Yayo.
^^^^ Hunger for More is a personal classic for me.
Banks and Bucks debut were great too. Also yayo's was fine,what was wrong with it?
Banks and Bucks debut were great too. Also yayo's was fine,what was wrong with it?
I just find it funny because CuDi's career has slowed up, and they haven't put out articles in forever and then suddenly it appears like the dude snapped out of nowhere hahaIt's DatNewCudi. What the fuck did you expect?
It's like going on KTT and reading a Kanye is the definition of music.
i guess i have to. what a shitshow![]()
Thirteen? And it's even worse because Bill Cosby has the fucking smuggest old black man public persona that I hate. Pull your pants up, black people. I was on TV in the '80s. I can talk down to you because I had a successful sitcom. Yeah, but you raped women, Bill Cosby. So, brings you down a couple notches. I don't curse on stage. Well, yeah, you're a rapist, so, I'll take you sayin' lots of motherfuckers on Bill Cosby: Himself if you weren't a rapist.[ ] I want to just at least make it weird for you to watch Cosby Show reruns. [ ] I've done this bit on stage, and people don't believe. People think I'm making it up. [ ]That shit is upsetting. If you didn't know about it, trust me. You leave here and google 'Bill Cosby rape.' It's not funny. That shit has more results than Hannibal Buress.
I wouldn't normally post this here, but Hannibal Buress was on the Open Mike Eagle track that I think talked about Nick on Nite (or it might have been the next song), but nonetheless:
Hannibal Buress on Bill Cosby: “You’re a Rapist”
It really is demonic how certain types of people will use Bill Cosby's arguments as a proof positive against black people though and Bill Cosby clearly isn't some sort of moral bastion.
Fuck Bill Cosby.
damn, Eddie Murphy tried to warn us
also Fuck Steve Harvey for good measure
Side note: Brehs, might be done supporting any and all comic book shit on silver screen from here. Look at that shit. It's ridiculous. Has there ever been this much saturation in a subgenre of action movies before? Even the hairiest of comic book neckbeards can't be excited for all of that shit.
Like any other subgenre of film, it'll go away and stay that way for like 2-4 decades. Just wait until nerd culture stops being cool again. I love myself some comic book movies, but yeah, it's a bit much, and a lot of those movies are unwarranted (mostly talking about Sony and WBlol). I've found myself pretty much only watching comic book movies as a result.Side note: Brehs, might be done supporting any and all comic book shit on silver screen from here. Look at that shit. It's ridiculous. Has there ever been this much saturation in a subgenre of action movies before? Even the hairiest of comic book neckbeards can't be excited for all of that shit.
Also, people should take a look at El-P's twitter right now. Some Taylor Swift stan (A 44 year old man) is suing El-P for disliking Taylor Swift. P's entire timeline is fucking hilarious.
I think MJ being a pedo was the hardest thing for me to come to terms with. It was shaky for a while, but after he died and they started finding all that CP and one of the kids he abused offed himself etc. that's when the fire got a bit much.
Side note: Brehs, might be done supporting any and all comic book shit on silver screen from here. Look at that shit. It's ridiculous. Has there ever been this much saturation in a subgenre of action movies before? Even the hairiest of comic book neckbeards can't be excited for all of that shit.
But he brought back Family Fued...
Ive been to a Taylor swift concert.
Side note: Brehs, might be done supporting any and all comic book shit on silver screen from here. Look at that shit. It's ridiculous. Has there ever been this much saturation in a subgenre of action movies before? Even the hairiest of comic book neckbeards can't be excited for all of that shit.
Speak now world tour 2012
I'm excited for some of them definitely. Not all of them, that's too many. Batman V Superman will be a fun event to be on the Internet for.Side note: Brehs, might be done supporting any and all comic book shit on silver screen from here. Look at that shit. It's ridiculous. Has there ever been this much saturation in a subgenre of action movies before? Even the hairiest of comic book neckbeards can't be excited for all of that shit.
I love a few of their movies for sure, Neighbors was very solid, loved This is the End. They're better/smarter writers than given credit for. I love Edgar Wright too, but that's one guy.James Franco and crew are carrying comedy movies on their back right now
If you don't like those guys then sadly there's like nothing in theaters ever for the genre
Sus.44 year old male taylor swift fan
Speak now world tour 2012
Yeah w the gf.But why tho, unless it was with ur girlfriend or somethin