But WanderingWind, what about all the lame guys knocking his shine, downplaying his grind?
He's just upset cause he's slept on, like a mattress or spinal cord.
But WanderingWind, what about all the lame guys knocking his shine, downplaying his grind?
Yeah strange homage thing going onHuh, focusing on just the rappers, the Big Boi and 3000 comparisons are on point, almost to a point of being creepy. But overall, I get more Pharcyde vibes. Still dope.
He's underrated, like a bad test grade.He's just upset cause he's slept on, like a mattress or spinal cord.
He's underrated, like a bad test grade.
He's gotta do it, cus his daddy ain't aroundBut he's gonna do it so he can make his mama proud.
Anybody heard of Earthgang, giving me early Outkast vibes -
Feeling their release from last year, don't know how I never heard of them:
.,.These guy's are dope as fuck
Man 50 had bars on GRoDT
And "Many Men" is still hard as fuck
hitting this up next cause i don't know any better
some of the songs are meh, but i'm really digging track 13
reminder that final fantasy vi was released in the states twenty years ago today
RTJ2, KRIT, k-dot & possibly yeezy forthcoming, so i'm not talkin lists yet
I'd rather listen to Banco in reverse with Gambino featuring every track than Days Before Radio. Rasta and caco lost on that one.
Lmao, goddamn.I'd rather listen to Banco in reverse with Gambino featuring every track than Days Before Radio. Rasta and caco lost on that one.
Gonna be a good year.everything good in gaming got delayed till 2015 so i guess it's only fair
I'd rather listen to Banco in reverse with Gambino featuring every track than Days Before Radio. Rasta and caco lost on that one.
Gonna be a good year.
Re: Shadow Of Mordor:
Having a really good time with it, but traversal, world/enviornment, side quests and combat are much better in the Arkham series. I am also a fan of Bat.
I fail to see how The Love Below gets credit for what 808s did, or what this alleged bigger scale influence was because it certainly wasn't present in the dominant hip-hop culture at the time. Temporally it makes no sense. You're just saying the same stuff a different way; you can snatch credit up from under Andre 3000 too if you go with that line of reasoning. Read what I said again.The Documentary revived the west coast temporarily, sure. It remains to be seen whether GKMC has a similar short term impact or whether the west coast is here to stay beyond the typical "one guy who's hot" set up.
The Love Below did everything Kanye stans claim 808s did, on a far bigger scale. Whereas The Documentary is a standard post 90s west coast album (it might as well be The Chronic 2001, Pt II), The Love Below was quite a transformative album. It's like a Prince rap album. Which is why I'm baffled when people try to act like Kanye birthed a "style" that was quite dominant on a global scale five years earlier. The very same artists who cite 808s always cite Andre 3000 as an influence. Drake, Cole, Kendrick, KRIT, etc etc etc.
Days Before Rodeo has like twice the keepers of Banco lol what are y'all on
RTJ2, KRIT, k-dot & possibly yeezy forthcoming, so i'm not talkin lists yet
I'm playing Shadows of Mordor right now thanks to steam family share and if y'all wanted to buy it, don't until it hits $20. Combat is fun but shit is all over the place. They threw AssCreed and Batman in the blender to make a smoothie and the smoothie ain't bad but it's still a little chunky you know? Coulda used another minute or two in the mix. There is also no mode like in batman where you can just counter and ruin orcs lives. Game loses like 4 pts just for that fuckery.
You can already tell the sequel is gonna be fire though.
Speaking of bangers, I was out at the bars this weekend and i heard this new single by a local Saint Louis Legend and I couldn't help vibing to it. It's definitely trap/wubstep influenced almost like a Wild For the Night but also kinda has a three-six mafia vibe or something like a Danny Brown edm banger. I know i shouldn't fuck with this but its just so hype over subs
I'm playing Shadows of Mordor right now thanks to steam family share and if y'all wanted to buy it, don't until it hits $20. Combat is fun but shit is all over the place. They threw AssCreed and Batman in the blender to make a smoothie and the smoothie ain't bad but it's still a little chunky you know? Coulda used another minute or two in the mix. There is also no mode like in batman where you can just counter and ruin orcs lives. Game loses like 4 pts just for that fuckery.
You can already tell the sequel is gonna be fire though.
Nope gonna check it out and have it bookmarked. Relistened to the Rome Fortune, David Ashley, Sean Leon, Water, and Ceito... I'm still very much forming my top ten.ya'll gonna sleep on that dillon cooper aren't you?
Nah I think lotr combat is better than batman's. The bow and arrow mid-combo really mixes things up for me
Best assassins creed game since 2.
but the best AC game was AC: Bro, fuckouttahere m8