Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Macklemore remains the awkwardest guy to ever make an entertaining record. Unruly Mess is good, not as good as The Heist, but it's a fun listen. I mean, he puts his cat on a track, then talks about how pills fuck up lives, then ends his album with a song that basically encapsulates every white dude's feelings about BLM. Okay, every CAC without a Trump bumper sticker, that is.
Call him corny, lame, whatever, but he's at least being real to himself. Not that it makes for a better record, but it helps make the inclusion of some topics seem earnest.
7/10 ish
Call him corny, lame, whatever, but he's at least being real to himself. Not that it makes for a better record, but it helps make the inclusion of some topics seem earnest.
7/10 ish