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GAF, I need some advice about a cop harassing my wife.

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My wife and I are currently sharing a car, because the other one is in the shop, and my wife drives home from work around 9 every night.

For the past month a particular police officer has pulled her over 3-4 times. Each time he’s only asked for her license, but not the registration for the car, which I find odd. He also hasn’t threatened to give her a ticket or even a warning for a ticket, which to me is also odd. The first time he didn’t even tell her the reason for doing so, he just said she was all set and let her go. The second time he said it was because one of the tail lights was out. I looked and one of them is out, but I can’t get it fixed till later because our other car is being fixed. Also the brake lights work fine, which I think would be the real issue if those didn’t work.

Every subsequent time she’s told him we can’t get the light fixed yet. Just tonight he pulled her over again, and he told her he was recording their conversation for some reason. Even though she told him again that we have it scheduled to fix later, he said she’ll probably be pulled over until it’s fixed.

The thing is it’s the same guy pulling her over every time. She’s starting to get freaked out, and I’m about to go to the police station tomorrow and ask why this guy keeps pulling over my wife for no real reason.

Is this a good idea? I’ve never been in a situation like this but it honestly feels like she’s being harassed, but dealing with police officers can be a touchy issue, and I don’t know if this will just end up putting us on some shit list if we push back about it.


Maybe he's doing her a favour. Maybe he's not-so-subtly pointing out to get it fixed before some other less-patient cop makes an issue of it.

The light isn't going to fix itself if you wait. The fact that he hasn't already written it up is charity on his part - esp if she keeps driving past the same checkpoint every day :LOL:


Gold Member
This cop sounds like a schizo and could be dangerous to your wife
Get your light fixed ASAP or go a different way home.
Try to contact the shift supervisor about this behavior.
Don't you just need a bulb? Seems a better option than antagonizing a cop.
Get the light fixed asap and if it persists beyond that lawyer up.
I’m not sure if it’s an electrical issue or just the light bulb. I’ve honestly been too busy trying to fix the other car to look into it yet. Since the guy hasn’t even issued a warning I didn’t think he was serious the first few times but I’m just gonna have to try buy and switch the damn light on my lunch break tomorrow.


So you admit your tail light doesn’t work, which is a traffic violation, then say he pulls your wife over for no real reason? Fix the damn light! And you think 3-4 times in a month is excessive? He’s told you’re going to fix it yet weeks later it’s not fixed. This is why cops don’t give more warnings, too many people that don’t do what they say they will.

Trying to downplay the reason is a bad look. Have you ever been behind a car with no tail lights when it’s dark and raining? Incredibly hard to see and very dangerous. Even a clear night they can be hard to see.
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Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Can't fix a taillight for a month. Right. Big defund the police harassment situation right here.

No justice no peace! I and the rest of the forum stand with you.



What time is it?
-He was in the wrong for pulling her over and not giving a reason.
-Him recording is a good thing for everyone involved.
-Go to your local auto parts dealer and get a new bulb. The guy at the counter will help you. They might even help you swap it out if you ask nicely.


What are you busy with? The car is in the shop, are you the one fixing it?
You have a light that is off, I cannot imagine the mental gymnastics that goes into: “oh, yeah, can’t get it fixed yet, no problem”. Then don’t drive.

I've been in situations where i had a light off for months because I literally didn't know if I was going to have money for rent til the day before due.

I still had to drive because I had to feed myself and go to my job so I csn make the money to hopefully afford that rent.

That isnt to say he's not justified for pulling her over, but given the other details he's given, its sounding like te light might not he the problem. Especially if he's not even giving out a ticket.

OP,either get a dashcam and record the next one, go yourself and see if he operates any differently, or fix the light and see if she still gets stopped. Theres no cause yet for drastic measures but you can't be too sure these days.
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Pull up how to replace a bulb for whatever model car you have on YouTube, buy the light bulb and fix it! If it doesnt work then look at a shop.

To me, it sounds like you would rather have a unique situation to talk about instead of attempting to resolve it.
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Rodent Whores
How much does it cost to fix a tail light for you, OP? I just replaced a bulb in mine at the shop a few days ago and it cost $15.



But also tell your wife if he pulls her over again then to message you immediately as a precaution. As then it would be fishy and worth going to the station.


Gold Member
How much does it cost to fix a tail light for you, OP? I just replaced a bulb in mine at the shop a few days ago and it cost $15.
I was going to say the same thing. Long time a ago when my left headlight went out in my old car I went to Canadian Tire and bought a new bulb for like $12. First time fixing a car part ever. I never knew the bulbs were so small until I shopped for it. I thought it would be a big thing for a car. Instead it's the size of a AA battery. Fixed it in my underground condo parking spot.


Gold Member
Bro how many hints does this police officer have to give?

Fix your damn lights. How have you not been fined yet? There's a 100% zero tolerance policy where I live when it comes to broken lights, that shit is dangerous.

Imagine being this cop and seeing the same lady with the same broken light every single night, and every night you pull her over to tell her the light is busted and she just doesn't fix it. Wild to me.
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I kinda understand the cop. Please fix your light, OP. It's not only about you and your wife, it's also about the other drivers on the road. And I bet the cop's mindset is "well, I am gonna bother these motherfuckers until they fix their fucking light."

However, if he still continues to pull your wife over even after the light has been fixed, you can still politely ask him to stop or you report it to his superiors (have a dashcam with audio recording capabilities in your car. If you record directly with your phone, it might unnecessarily escalate the situation).
Can't fix a taillight for a month. Right. Big defund the police harassment situation right here.

No justice no peace! I and the rest of the forum stand with you.

Don’t have an issue with the police in general, just the way this guy supposedly handled the situation. Nice reactionary post though.
What are you busy with? The car is in the shop, are you the one fixing it?
You have a light that is off, I cannot imagine the mental gymnastics that goes into: “oh, yeah, can’t get it fixed yet, no problem”. Then don’t drive.

Actually I have been fixing our cars. With the price of everything going up the past few years I’ve been trying to learn to DIY it where I can. That and my wife and I work alternate shifts to take care of our 8 month old, so my free time is zilch.

That being said since the guy never even issued a warning for a ticket, I didn’t think it was that big of an issue. She even drives to a larger city to work and never gets pulled over there. If the officer just said the first time that it needed to be fixed or it would be a ticketable offense I would’ve prioritized it.
And I’ve been putting it off because I’m worried it’s an underlying electrical issue I can’t afford.

I’ve also been driving the same car around the same town and never get pulled over, even around the same area.

Granted now that I’m slightly less sleep deprived and I don’t have her freaking out, I’m also willing to consider the fact that maybe she was just to nervous and didn’t pay attention to everything he said every time, or that maybe she’s being too sensitive and overreacting.

I’m hoping replacing the light is all it needs and the guy doesn’t pull her over again if it does.

Anyways that’s why I posted here. If I’m in the wrong because my wife is just overeating, then at least I only made an ass of myself on a random video game forum, and not at a police station. So thanks for the replies.
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This reminds me of a time my dad, a smart man with a graduate degree, said the light on the back of his SUV was stuck on and he’d have to replace the whole lens assembly to fix it.

So I grabbed a flat head screwdriver, popped it off and swapped in the replacement bulb in about 30 seconds and snapped it back in.

I don’t bring that up, unless I have to


I’m not sure if it’s an electrical issue or just the light bulb. I’ve honestly been too busy trying to fix the other car to look into it yet. Since the guy hasn’t even issued a warning I didn’t think he was serious the first few times but I’m just gonna have to try buy and switch the damn light on my lunch break tomorrow.
Takes less time to swing by an auto part store and grab a bulb than it took to post a new thread and respond to comments.
That cop is doing your wife a favor and pointing out that she should be getting a ticket each time he’s pulled her over for not having the tail light fixed. Tickets aren’t one and done. They can accumulate for each time you are pulled for the same issue.
Ten minutes to find out if it’s a bulb or electrical and let’s be honest, it’s 90% chance just the bulb.

If your wife had gotten a ticket the first or second time pulled over, you’d already have that light fixed.

Just do the thing. This isn’t some conspiracy. Just a busted tail light which I’m sure that cop really doesn’t want to have to give her a ticket for.

Edit: this is what I get for posting before catching up on all the updates
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Don’t have an issue with the police in general, just the way this guy supposedly handled the situation. Nice reactionary post though.

Actually I have been fixing our cars. With the price of everything going up the past few years I’ve been trying to learn to DIY it where I can. That and my wife and I work alternate shifts to take care of our 8 month old, so my free time is zilch.

That being said since the guy never even issued a warning for a ticket, I didn’t think it was that big of an issue. She even drives to a larger city to work and never gets pulled over there. If the officer just said the first time that it needed to be fixed or it would be a ticketable offense I would’ve prioritized it.
And I’ve been putting it off because I’m worried it’s an underlying electrical issue I can’t afford.

I’ve also been driving the same car around the same town and never get pulled over, even around the same area.

Granted now that I’m slightly less sleep deprived and I don’t have her freaking out, I’m also willing to consider the fact that maybe she was just to nervous and didn’t pay attention to everything he said every time, or that maybe she’s being too sensitive and overreacting.

I’m hoping replacing the light is all it needs and the guy doesn’t pull her over again if it does.

Anyways that’s why I posted here. If I’m in the wrong because my wife is just overeating, then at least I only made an ass of myself on a random video game forum, and not at a police station. So thanks for the replies.

If you don't have time just drop it off at a local garage or take it to the dealership and have them change it for you.

You don't need to spend your time faffing around with attempting to DIY if you're too busy and can better utilise that time elsewhere.


If you don't have time just drop it off at a local garage or take it to the dealership and have them change it for you.

One of my break lights was out, I was informed. I went out the same day and got the bulb but I could not get the old one out. So I drove to my regular garage told them "I know I've got to hand in my man card but I can't get this bulb out". Two minutes later the guy had swapped the bulb, didn't want any payment but I gave him a tenner for a beer (or two) anyway. Safety or getting a fine would have been a much more worse outcome.
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