Any of you folks know much about web site creation and WordPress in particular?
Okay, so we now own multiple domains, one for our company and others for each game. Right now each domain just points to a different sub-domain of our main site, and each sub-domain points to a sub-folder in the actual file structure. Each of these sub-folders just contains a simple index.html and some images. So we have:
If you visit those links, you'll see they are just basic html with some images.
We'd like to upgrade our sites to be able to post more useful information such as our YouTube policy (people keep asking if they can post videos of the game), more info about our studio and occasionally post news and updates on our own site instead of facebook. So it makes sense to upgrade to WordPress.
What I thought would be a good idea is for each game site to have its own look and such, with posts that relate to that game, and somewhere a link back to the main company site for people that want to see what other games we are working on. The main company site would also have its unique look, would contain links to each game's individual site, and would also contain its own news and updates that relate to the company as a whole.
However, I also thought (given how small we are) it made sense for the main site to also include all the news and updates posted on the individual games' sites. This way, one visit to the main site would tell you everything that's going on with all of our games, and if you only care about one game in particular, you can go to that game's web site and not be bothered with news and updates about other games and the studio as a whole.
At first I thought a Wordpress MultiSite install may be the way to go, but I keep seeing articles suggesting that it is overkill (especially for a small studio like ours that will likely only end up with a handful of game sites) and since each site is essentially totally separate, doesn't include the ability for the main site to have posts from the sub-sites unless they are copied over via an extra plug-in or something.
I'm a total newbie when it comes to things like this, I've always made my sites using just html (my personal site is if you want to see what I mean). The only other employee of our studio, Kris, says he would like to use something fancier like WP to pretty up our sites, but I want to figure out this arrangement of having multiple primary domains and how they might all be related before I set him loose on getting them to all look pretty.
I know this is pretty tangential to being an indie dev, but any advice on how I should set this up?