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GAF Indie Game Development Thread 2: High Res Work for Low Res Pay

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Aha, nice! I really like the idea of using ambient enemies and core mechanics to make unobtrusive little puzzles like that. I'm trying out a few similar things too, having bits where the player will have to 'ride' a creature by bouncing on it repeatedly, stuff like that. And that floating guy looks great, like a nicer phantoon.

Oh, interesting little puzzle. Though hopefully it doesn't take too long to actually complete, considering the slow pace of the floating creature.

thanks :)

I may make him faster or slower, but although that creature is unique, the concept of boarding and using enemies to stay airborne is not. A power you get in the game is what allows dashing enemies to refresh your dash and air jumps.

The above example is a sink or swim moment, the player has to devise a way to get over that water, and that's the way. The reason it's like that is not only to ensure you have the power to access the area, but also to make sure the player understands this maneuver so it can be used in a boss fight.


thanks :)

I may make him faster or slower, but although that creature is unique, the concept of boarding and using enemies to stay airborne is not. A power you get in the game is what allows dashing enemies to refresh your dash and air jumps.

The above example is a sink or swim moment, the player has to devise a way to get over that water, and that's the way. The reason it's like that is not only to ensure you have the power to access the area, but also to make sure the player understands this maneuver so it can be used in a boss fight.

I'm not necessarily sold on that, conceptually. Maybe it's because it's out of context. Is it just flat out you're exploring, here's this spot, figure this out or you're done? The dash-refresh is an incredibly interesting mechanic, but I worry that players may feel you're "hiding" that information from them, rather than teaching them. As I hinted at here, players are kinda stupid. Not because they, as people are stupid, but because we didn't give them the tools necessary to succeed. We failed them. A player should never go "that's idiotic, no one would ever think of that." It should *always* be "damn, why didn't I think of that?"

However, I'm fairly certain these are unwarranted comments. I'm sure in context it'll click rather nicely.

Jobbs/Matt! Your stuff continues to look incredible. The atmosphere and exploration looks pretty much perfect.

On our end, we've finally released a new trailer for Hollow Knight! After PAX Aus we got annoyed at seeing our crummy old trailers from last year appearing in press articles, so we gave ourselves some time to put a proper new trailer together, one that actually shows off the game as it currently looks.


The focus is on combat/enemies, which makes me really happy cos I've spent the last three weeks or so getting all of the enemy behaviours done.

Looks fantastic. Saw this pretty high up on Reddit the other day as well, so your marketing is probably in a pretty great spot right now!


Halloween's long over but I'm trying to maintain momentum on this idea

This looks fantastically old-school. Art style is on point, certainly.

Making Babel's second dungeon destroyed me. I've been exhausted the past 3 days or so. But.. gives me time to watch Jessica Jones! And plenty of interesting boss concepts. You will fight a house cat. As in someone's pet. As a boss fight. Considering the somewhat-serious nature of the rest of the game, I hope it doesn't seem too out of place. 3/9 bosses are 100% done, just balancing changes left. 2 are very close to ready. Hopefully going into December, my next build will have 5 bosses included.

Since we're talking bosses, I'd like to get some of my design decisions out there. First: Babel is a turn-based RPG. With that said, I've got some rules I try and make these bosses adhere to. First is transparent phase changes. There are very clear "phases" in my boss battles. I will ALWAYS try and represent this visually, as a visual cue to the player that shit has changed. They may get their face kicked into the dirt. It is above ALL ELSE a warning. They're never warned WHAT to expect, but to expect something. This is to ensure a sense of discovery in the bosses. That "oh, shit, I wasn't expecting that, wtf was that?" feeling.

Phases also allow for very clear progress indicators. "How're you doing on that boss?" "I get him to 50% and then he kills me, man." This conversation, which I've personally had countless times, sucks. You don't know what happened. You're frustrated. It's always followed by the player eventually realizing what move killed them, and is followed by some "oh I know what you're talking about, this is what you do" discussion. Phases will hopefully ensure the first conversation never happens. "How're you doing on that boss?" "I get him to phase 2, but after the transition I'm dying." Now, the first person has a BUNCH more context and can more efficiently help their friend. Additionally, the second person will quickly start to recognize a transition when they see it, and as they attempt the fight, get more used to it, and make it into deeper phases. You try to get to phase 3 a bunch of times, can't do it. Finally make it to phase 4, you have a damn fine reminder of exactly how far you made it.

To this end, most of my boss fights have 3 or 4 phases. There are potentially a couple that are 2 phase bosses, but they may end up being cut, who knows. I can pretty much say, I'm fairly certain you can never have too much player feedback. You can just have "bad feedback."



Love the KOF type-look.

Does anyone have any experience with momentum? I'm trying to make it so that there's a "build up" to max speed. This was my original attempt:

unless @move_force.to_s.to_i >= @move_speed.to_s.to_i then
@move_force=(move_force.to_s.to_i+(move_force.to_s.to_i*0.05))+(dash? ? 1 : 0)
@move_speed + (dash? ? 1 : 0)
@move_force = 1

However, this just caused exponential growth until the player stopped, then they'd move at a snails pace. I know that this is normally done with some form of time-keeping method. I feel like I'm missing something, though, because I'm struggling to envision how this should work.

Edit: Nope, the above code just continually loops at the initial speed without upping momentum. I'm retarded, just don't know how yet.



Halloween's long over but I'm trying to maintain momentum on this idea

Just a quick UI suggestion, three different buttons for walk/interact/look looks a bit cumbersome. Maybe use LMB for moving and RMB for interact/look(if you're aiming for Mouse controls).
Even if you stick with three different modes, it might be a good idea to make the character walk automatically next to the thing player wants to interact with. That would reduce some of the unnecessary switching between the modes.
Just a quick UI suggestion, three different buttons for walk/interact/look looks a bit cumbersome. Maybe use LMB for moving and RMB for interact/look(if you're aiming for Mouse controls).
Even if you stick with three different modes, it might be a good idea to make the character walk automatically next to the thing player wants to interact with. That would reduce some of the unnecessary switching between the modes.

I get that, but pathfinding on the bad guy is going to be a big enough headache without also having to pathfind the player at the same time. This was a limitation I resigned myself to ages ago, and I realize it's a bit clunky. The only other option is to create a bunch of rooms that don't require pathfinding to get around, or risk clicking on an item and having the player get hung up when they bump in to a table or a couch or whatever.

This project was not intended to take this long. The original idea was to release a short-yet-complete game, with a window being left open that if it looked like people enjoyed it enough, I'd go back and do things "properly" for sort of a bigger, better, expanded "Director's Cut" release (or whatever).

Some of that stuff is starting to clash as we get farther from Halloween, but for now, this is the way it is, and it's not like it wasn't uncommon in old adventure games -- the specific inspiration here was Hugo's House of Horrors, and that definitely has "I'm not close enough!" things in it.
"Why is he beating up women? Is the player character male? :( I may be in the minority but I'm not a fan of the female design, especially combined with the male character's violence."

In the beat-em-up genre it's pretty common to have at least one or two "bad girl" enemies, often brandishing a whip of some sort.

My only beef with the look of your game, Xtra Mile, is that the animation seems like it's quite a bit slower and stiffer than the old classics (which I consider the gold standard by which all beat-em-ups are compared, so I am admittedly being closeminded and picky about this). If you go back and look at them, their animations are really short, sometimes just one or two anticipatory frames of them pulling back and then immediately going to the pose of them fully extending without any other intermediary frames. The very short and fast animations make attacks feel snappy and ultimately the short animations make the action a bit more responsive and fast paced. 2D fighting games (including SF4 and Xrd) also do this with attack animations. Just an observation from a not-animator or artist.


Neo Member
Wizard is now animated and is also packing some heat:

The physics are now working much better, turned out the welding of bones made it worse because welding a bone doesn't take over the turned off collisions. It is just a little jittery laying on the floor, probably also has to do with its cape and laying on it. But then this happened at runtime:

Was just the knight physic asset used instead. :)


Feedback time!


After quite some time of saying it'd happen, here's finally a tentative complete version of Honey's first trailer. Thoughts?

(unrepertoried video for now, as I'd like to see if it works somewhat, first, before releasing it in the wild!)

Ideally, I'd like to release it for the project's anniversary in two days, but if it's a disaster that must not be shown to anyone (except you, I guess), I can reshuffle my planning around to rework it... again :-D

Xtra Mile

Neo Member
"Why is he beating up women? Is the player character male? :( I may be in the minority but I'm not a fan of the female design, especially combined with the male character's violence."

In the beat-em-up genre it's pretty common to have at least one or two "bad girl" enemies, often brandishing a whip of some sort.

My only beef with the look of your game, Xtra Mile, is that the animation seems like it's quite a bit slower and stiffer than the old classics (which I consider the gold standard by which all beat-em-ups are compared, so I am admittedly being closeminded and picky about this). If you go back and look at them, their animations are really short, sometimes just one or two anticipatory frames of them pulling back and then immediately going to the pose of them fully extending without any other intermediary frames. The very short and fast animations make attacks feel snappy and ultimately the short animations make the action a bit more responsive and fast paced. 2D fighting games (including SF4 and Xrd) also do this with attack animations. Just an observation from a not-animator or artist.

Thank you. Very helpful. Will cut down some frames to make it more snappy. I'll also experiment with speeding up the frame speed.


Neo Member
Feedback time!


After quite some time of saying it'd happen, here's finally a tentative complete version of Honey's first trailer. Thoughts?

(unrepertoried video for now, as I'd like to see if it works somewhat, first, before releasing it in the wild!)

Ideally, I'd like to release it for the project's anniversary in two days, but if it's a disaster that must not be shown to anyone (except you, I guess), I can reshuffle my planning around to rework it... again :-D

Two things ...

I would say that some of the speech bubble text is too fast. I would consider myself a fast (ish) reader, and I felt like I was having to concentrate to read everything. Or maybe what my eyes wanted to do was watch your animations.

The bigger text ... "train harder", "rise to the occasion", looks a bit plain in comparison to your hand-rendered signs in-game. Especially that Big Blue graffiti piece in the alleyway. I think it would unify the whole thing a lot more if they were in a similar style. Though obviously it's a lot more work.

The game is looking ace though! I'm going to go back to lurking now ...
Feedback time!


After quite some time of saying it'd happen, here's finally a tentative complete version of Honey's first trailer. Thoughts?

(unrepertoried video for now, as I'd like to see if it works somewhat, first, before releasing it in the wild!)

Ideally, I'd like to release it for the project's anniversary in two days, but if it's a disaster that must not be shown to anyone (except you, I guess), I can reshuffle my planning around to rework it... again :-D

I think it looks good! It catches attention up front, shows gameplay well, and demonstrates that this is a hybrid visual novel/fighting game.


Feedback time!


After quite some time of saying it'd happen, here's finally a tentative complete version of Honey's first trailer. Thoughts?

(unrepertoried video for now, as I'd like to see if it works somewhat, first, before releasing it in the wild!)

Ideally, I'd like to release it for the project's anniversary in two days, but if it's a disaster that must not be shown to anyone (except you, I guess), I can reshuffle my planning around to rework it... again :-D

Trailer looks great! The only thing I would tweak is your text overlays, and during the "look at gameplay stuff!" sequence at around 1:16, maybe work on making those transitions a bit more polished.

I think the Street Fighter IV trailers do very well to "amp up" what is actually fairly normal as far as gameplay goes.

I also love the Phoenix Wright vibes I'm getting, very much. <3
Feedback time!


After quite some time of saying it'd happen, here's finally a tentative complete version of Honey's first trailer. Thoughts?

(unrepertoried video for now, as I'd like to see if it works somewhat, first, before releasing it in the wild!)

Ideally, I'd like to release it for the project's anniversary in two days, but if it's a disaster that must not be shown to anyone (except you, I guess), I can reshuffle my planning around to rework it... again :-D

Looks great and I'm loving the music, it's chill but still with a little bit of energy to it.
Regarding the trailer itself the things that jumped out:
* honey coming to her final position in the spotlight and settling at the start felt a bit long/slow for some reason.
* transition at about 0:35 would probably be better if you brought the words 'attend school to graduate' in either before you transition away from honey or during the transition. Seeing the scene first with a notable gap before the text came in left it feeling disconnected from honey's conversation with the viewer.
* not sure if I'm a fan of the quad screen stuff at 1:16 onwards. I expect there's a lot you want to show but showing it like this didn't do anything for me personally and I wasn't sure what to look at during it.

As with any feedback this is just my own perspective though, feel free to ignore it as I'm not exactly representative of most peeps :p

I get that, but pathfinding on the bad guy is going to be a big enough headache without also having to pathfind the player at the same time. This was a limitation I resigned myself to ages ago, and I realize it's a bit clunky. The only other option is to create a bunch of rooms that don't require pathfinding to get around, or risk clicking on an item and having the player get hung up when they bump in to a table or a couch or whatever.

This project was not intended to take this long. The original idea was to release a short-yet-complete game, with a window being left open that if it looked like people enjoyed it enough, I'd go back and do things "properly" for sort of a bigger, better, expanded "Director's Cut" release (or whatever).

Some of that stuff is starting to clash as we get farther from Halloween, but for now, this is the way it is, and it's not like it wasn't uncommon in old adventure games -- the specific inspiration here was Hugo's House of Horrors, and that definitely has "I'm not close enough!" things in it.

Are you considering turning that limitation into a gameplay feature perhaps? Aka the enemy constantly moves towards you when you're not acting so it effectively acts as a time-pressure element for making decisions? :3
Thanks. Honestly, I was not really thinking about it. I was just making faces I thought look interesting/cool. Do you think it matters?

I think he only looks strange because his mouth is open in a "mouth-breather" sort of way. With his mouth closed up he'll probably look fine, in my opinion.


Thanks. Honestly, I was not really thinking about it. I was just making faces I thought look interesting/cool. Do you think it matters?

No, not really, but I tend to draw pretty faces because it's more fun, personally. I thought your body sculpt was very pretty but the face didn't seem to live up to it. XD It's probably just me. I'd have to know more about the game to give a legit opinion.
No, not really, but I tend to draw pretty faces because it's more fun, personally. I thought your body sculpt was very pretty but the face didn't seem to live up to it. XD It's probably just me. I'd have to know more about the game to give a legit opinion.

Well, I wouldn't use the word pretty, but it certainly is an idealized male physique. But I plan on having various body types; also working on an overweight one:


I think attractive game characters have their place, but I am going for variety and something that reflects the "harshness" of our game world. I also plan on having a scrawny, huge body builder, and "out of shape" physiques. For the heads, I am sure I'll eventually model something that conforms to more traditional standards of attractiveness, but these heads are for the enemy characters and I want them to have a beat-up, tough look to them.

Our female characters will be modeled with the same philosophy.

EDIT: I also feel like I want to go against the grain and not make every character sexually idealized


Well, I wouldn't use the word pretty, but it certainly is an idealized male physique. But I plan on having various body types; also working on an overweight one:


I think attractive game characters have their place, but I am going for variety and something that reflects the "harshness" of our game world. I also plan on having a scrawny, huge body builder, and "out of shape" physiques. For the heads, I am sure I'll eventually model something that conforms to more traditional standards of attractiveness, but these heads are for the enemy characters and I want them to have a beat-up, tough look to them.

Our female characters will be modeled with the same philosophy.

EDIT: I also feel like I want to go against the grain and not make every character sexually idealized

Looks good. I understand what you mean about going against the grain. I'm thinking about doing that with my own game. Normal looking characters and nothing too crazy.


Thanks a lot for all that feedback, folks :-D I tossed and turned all night, angsting over posting the trailer at all, but I'm glad it seems to have worked out okay :-D

Two things ...

I would say that some of the speech bubble text is too fast. I would consider myself a fast (ish) reader, and I felt like I was having to concentrate to read everything. Or maybe what my eyes wanted to do was watch your animations.

The bigger text ... "train harder", "rise to the occasion", looks a bit plain in comparison to your hand-rendered signs in-game. Especially that Big Blue graffiti piece in the alleyway. I think it would unify the whole thing a lot more if they were in a similar style. Though obviously it's a lot more work.

The game is looking ace though! I'm going to go back to lurking now ...

Yeah, the text speed is kind of an issue, looking back. It's linked to the animations, and I thought I had enough margin, but it turned out... not. Not something I can easily fix in the remaining time, but I'm definitely keeping that on priority watch for the other trailers.

The bigger text font is something I'll try fiddling with! I thought it'd be more legible that way, and offer some contrast, but maybe your way would make it more interesting. Dunno if it'll turn out into anything good (I'll admit I kind of dread working on anything typography-related) but I can try :-D

And thanks, of course!

I think it looks good! It catches attention up front, shows gameplay well, and demonstrates that this is a hybrid visual novel/fighting game.

Yay :-D Well, glad you think so! Thanks!

Trailer looks great! The only thing I would tweak is your text overlays, and during the "look at gameplay stuff!" sequence at around 1:16, maybe work on making those transitions a bit more polished.

I think the Street Fighter IV trailers do very well to "amp up" what is actually fairly normal as far as gameplay goes.

I also love the Phoenix Wright vibes I'm getting, very much. <3

Tweak overlays, check! As said above, I'm not sure how it'll turn out, but I'll see what I can do :-D

I don't understand what you mean about transitions from 1:16 onwards, though? (I mean, I get it in a general sense, but what exactly did you have in mind about these transitions that doesn't work right now/could be more dynamic? I won't be able to do anything SF4 trailer level :-D)

And yeah, Phoenix Wright is definitely one of the main inspirations behind the VN segment! Have to battle daily the urge to use quasi facsimile sounds for emotional punch during dialog :-D

....and thanks as well :-D

Looks great and I'm loving the music, it's chill but still with a little bit of energy to it.
Regarding the trailer itself the things that jumped out:
* honey coming to her final position in the spotlight and settling at the start felt a bit long/slow for some reason.
* transition at about 0:35 would probably be better if you brought the words 'attend school to graduate' in either before you transition away from honey or during the transition. Seeing the scene first with a notable gap before the text came in left it feeling disconnected from honey's conversation with the viewer.
* not sure if I'm a fan of the quad screen stuff at 1:16 onwards. I expect there's a lot you want to show but showing it like this didn't do anything for me personally and I wasn't sure what to look at during it.

As with any feedback this is just my own perspective though, feel free to ignore it as I'm not exactly representative of most peeps :p

Are you considering turning that limitation into a gameplay feature perhaps? Aka the enemy constantly moves towards you when you're not acting so it effectively acts as a time-pressure element for making decisions? :3

*Noted! It is indeed a bit slow/slower than the rest, as I wanted to create an increasing rhythm, but keep the whole thing relatively slow paced as you noticed, so... needed that beginning to be slow :-D Maybe too much? Animations are going to be hard to rework at this point since it kind of breaks everything else around it if I change them, but again, I'll keep this in mind for the next time around.

*I'll give it a shot, see if it works - I'll admit, I reworked that specific transition more times than just about anything else in there :v

*Yeah, I see your point. As you say, there's lots to show, and the alternative is to show it sequentially, which lengthens the whole thing by... way too much. Also, that way, dynamism! Kapow, biff, that sort of thing! Or maybe not. Maybe with screenshake?! (definitely not with screenshake). But yeah, the way I figured, I thought it was fine to not focus on any specific quad, or any at all, it was more to showcase a general idea of juxtaposed diversity - and also, it possibly encourages re-viewing? :-D

But yeah! Thanks :-D I'll try to see what I can rework on, but even if it doesn't change much this time, that's all definitely stuff I'm keeping in mind for any and all upcoming trailers. Because there will be more!

(Also, I'll pass your words along to Morusque, the composer :-D The trailer's music is remixed from some of the game's main themes, so it should be a fairly good indicator of what to actually expect ingame!)


Final words: thanks again, y'all :-D
Thanks a lot for all that feedback, folks :-D I tossed and turned all night, angsting over posting the trailer at all, but I'm glad it seems to have worked out okay :-D

The trailer was fairly good, but I am somewhat confused by what type of game it is. Is it a fighter? RPG? Narrative?


The trailer was fairly good, but I am somewhat confused by what type of game it is. Is it a fighter? RPG? Narrative?

It's both! :-D It's a narrative focused game (visual novel style) with beat'em all bits.

More complete answer at the link at the end of the trailer: http://pehesse.fr/honey/

Confused, or intrigued? How unclear are you, about what? I'd love to hear a bit more thoughts!
Are you considering turning that limitation into a gameplay feature perhaps? Aka the enemy constantly moves towards you when you're not acting so it effectively acts as a time-pressure element for making decisions? :3

There's going to be something kind of like that, yeah. Though I'm worried I've over-spec'd on this game.



I mean using easing on the transition-clip-things. Right now you use fades, but what if beyond the fades, they "slid into place" from off screen?


So, for example, first you show a clip in quadrant 1. Then, another clip comes in from *above* quadrant 1 and hits that first clip into the 2nd quadrant. Then a clip comes in and hits 1 to 2, which hits 2 to 3. Etc. Does that make sense? It gives it a bit of flair without actually changing the content really at all.


Wizard is now animated and is also packing some heat:

The physics are now working much better, turned out the welding of bones made it worse because welding a bone doesn't take over the turned off collisions. It is just a little jittery laying on the floor, probably also has to do with its cape and laying on it. But then this happened at runtime:

Was just the knight physic asset used instead. :)

I love this art style so much. It's fantastic.
Very WIPy here, but this metal slug can turn into a ball and chase the player around.


I really dig the style of this. well done.

Only thing I have an issue with is that the lighting on the slug looks really weird once it starts to roll, I know it's a minor thing but it sticks out.

Otherwise every time you show something off the game looks better and better, glad I backed it :p


Only thing I have an issue with is that the lighting on the slug looks really weird once it starts to roll, I know it's a minor thing but it sticks out.

Otherwise every time you show something off the game looks better and better, glad I backed it :p

thanks. :) It's always nice to hear that, since doing a fairly ambitious game like this as my first serious project turned out to be a humbling experience and my timeline is completely out of wack. The daily mixture of guilt and anxiety is probably aging me.


Right, new version !


Now with 100% more hand drawn text overlays, some revised timings (most notably for the second text overlay) and more dynamism towards the end, inspired by ZServ's masterful sketch
seriously it was great, thanks!

Better? Worse?


Right, new version !


Now with 100% more hand drawn text overlays, some revised timings (most notably for the second text overlay) and more dynamism towards the end, inspired by ZServ's masterful sketch
seriously it was great, thanks!

Better? Worse?

Those hand drawn text overlays are DOPE AS SHIT OMG

Regarding the dynamism towards the end, much much better. Only thing I would potentially tweak now is when you have that 4th quadrant video that is split into 3, maybe when that's the only one as they fade back in they should take up the whole screen? Even if that's too much to do, it feels a lot better IMO.

The part where you've got "student champion".. the flickering back and forth is alright, but any chance it could be the words almost "smacking each other" like they're fighting for the spot, and just decide on "student champion?" Like champion comes in from the left, student comes in from the right and pushes it back, champion pushes back, and the words start to bend like springs and then spring into place as "student champion."

Although that sounds like a lot of work now that I say it out loud. Maybe don't do that.



Neo Member
Right, new version !


Now with 100% more hand drawn text overlays, some revised timings (most notably for the second text overlay) and more dynamism towards the end, inspired by ZServ's masterful sketch
seriously it was great, thanks!

Better? Worse?

Yus! That's much better! The text looks much more cohesive to me.

The transitions at the end are much more effective too. I love how at 1:20 Honey slams that entire panel down into the bottom corner! I didn't notice that before. Very nice!


Those hand drawn text overlays are DOPE AS SHIT OMG

Regarding the dynamism towards the end, much much better. Only thing I would potentially tweak now is when you have that 4th quadrant video that is split into 3, maybe when that's the only one as they fade back in they should take up the whole screen? Even if that's too much to do, it feels a lot better IMO.

The part where you've got "student champion".. the flickering back and forth is alright, but any chance it could be the words almost "smacking each other" like they're fighting for the spot, and just decide on "student champion?" Like champion comes in from the left, student comes in from the right and pushes it back, champion pushes back, and the words start to bend like springs and then spring into place as "student champion."

Although that sounds like a lot of work now that I say it out loud. Maybe don't do that.


Ah, I'm glad! Thanks :-D

For the adds, I like the ideas, but I think I'll let the
/ sober moderation win this round... this sounds like it'd be a lot complex, and I barely managed to get stuff moving at all this time, so I'll take the time to really read some more tutorials before tackling that sort of dynamism :-D I'll keep the fighting overlays idea in mind for later, though, could be fun!

Yus! That's much better! The text looks much more cohesive to me.

The transitions at the end are much more effective too. I love how at 1:20 Honey slams that entire panel down into the bottom corner! I didn't notice that before. Very nice!

Great! And yeah, that's because it's one of the additions, it wasn't there before :-D
It's both! :-D It's a narrative focused game (visual novel style) with beat'em all bits.

More complete answer at the link at the end of the trailer: http://pehesse.fr/honey/

Confused, or intrigued? How unclear are you, about what? I'd love to hear a bit more thoughts!

I think the new trailer looks great, but I still feel like it doesn't convey what the game play mechanics are. Maybe it is because I've never played a visual novel game, but have you considered making a trailer that focuses on game play? Something that explains what you actually have to do to graduate, fighting mechanics; are there special moves, character progression? Your game may be amazing (and it does look interesting), but as somebody who never thought to play a visual novel game, I still don't get a sense of how the game actually plays. Without that, I would be reluctant to give it a chance.
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