Thanks a lot for all that feedback, folks :-D I tossed and turned all night, angsting over posting the trailer at all, but I'm glad it seems to have worked out okay :-D
Two things ...
I would say that some of the speech bubble text is too fast. I would consider myself a fast (ish) reader, and I felt like I was having to concentrate to read everything. Or maybe what my eyes wanted to do was watch your animations.
The bigger text ... "train harder", "rise to the occasion", looks a bit plain in comparison to your hand-rendered signs in-game. Especially that Big Blue graffiti piece in the alleyway. I think it would unify the whole thing a lot more if they were in a similar style. Though obviously it's a lot more work.
The game is looking ace though! I'm going to go back to lurking now ...
Yeah, the text speed is kind of an issue, looking back. It's linked to the animations, and I thought I had enough margin, but it turned out... not. Not something I can easily fix in the remaining time, but I'm definitely keeping that on priority watch for the other trailers.
The bigger text font is something I'll try fiddling with! I thought it'd be more legible that way, and offer some contrast, but maybe your way would make it more interesting. Dunno if it'll turn out into anything good (I'll admit I kind of dread working on anything typography-related) but I can try :-D
And thanks, of course!
I think it looks good! It catches attention up front, shows gameplay well, and demonstrates that this is a hybrid visual novel/fighting game.
Yay :-D Well, glad you think so! Thanks!
Trailer looks great! The only thing I would tweak is your text overlays, and during the "look at gameplay stuff!" sequence at around 1:16, maybe work on making those transitions a bit more polished.
I think the
Street Fighter IV trailers do very well to "amp up" what is actually fairly normal as far as gameplay goes.
I also love the Phoenix Wright vibes I'm getting, very much. <3
Tweak overlays, check! As said above, I'm not sure how it'll turn out, but I'll see what I can do :-D
I don't understand what you mean about transitions from 1:16 onwards, though? (I mean, I get it in a general sense, but what exactly did you have in mind about these transitions that doesn't work right now/could be more dynamic? I won't be able to do anything SF4 trailer level :-D)
And yeah, Phoenix Wright is definitely one of the main inspirations behind the VN segment! Have to battle daily the urge to use quasi facsimile sounds for emotional punch during dialog :-D
....and thanks as well :-D
Looks great and I'm loving the music, it's chill but still with a little bit of energy to it.
Regarding the trailer itself the things that jumped out:
* honey coming to her final position in the spotlight and settling at the start felt a bit long/slow for some reason.
* transition at about 0:35 would probably be better if you brought the words 'attend school to graduate' in either before you transition away from honey or during the transition. Seeing the scene first with a notable gap before the text came in left it feeling disconnected from honey's conversation with the viewer.
* not sure if I'm a fan of the quad screen stuff at 1:16 onwards. I expect there's a lot you want to show but showing it like this didn't do anything for me personally and I wasn't sure what to look at during it.
As with any feedback this is just my own perspective though, feel free to ignore it as I'm not exactly representative of most peeps
Are you considering turning that limitation into a gameplay feature perhaps? Aka the enemy constantly moves towards you when you're not acting so it effectively acts as a time-pressure element for making decisions? :3
*Noted! It is indeed a bit slow/slower than the rest, as I wanted to create an increasing rhythm, but keep the whole thing relatively slow paced as you noticed, so... needed that beginning to be slow :-D Maybe too much? Animations are going to be hard to rework at this point since it kind of breaks everything else around it if I change them, but again, I'll keep this in mind for the next time around.
*I'll give it a shot, see if it works - I'll admit, I reworked that specific transition more times than just about anything else in there :v
*Yeah, I see your point. As you say, there's lots to show, and the alternative is to show it sequentially, which lengthens the whole thing by... way too much. Also, that way, dynamism! Kapow, biff, that sort of thing! Or maybe not. Maybe with screenshake?! (definitely not with screenshake). But yeah, the way I figured, I thought it was fine to not focus on any specific quad, or any at all, it was more to showcase a general idea of juxtaposed diversity - and also, it possibly encourages re-viewing? :-D
But yeah! Thanks :-D I'll try to see what I can rework on, but even if it doesn't change much this time, that's all definitely stuff I'm keeping in mind for any and all upcoming trailers. Because there will be more!
(Also, I'll pass your words along to Morusque, the composer :-D The trailer's music is remixed from some of the game's main themes, so it should be a fairly good indicator of what to actually expect ingame!)
Final words: thanks again, y'all :-D