Work the past few days has been on developing one of the bigger beasts, a large stag. I will focus on developing this one further and create a sort of vertical slice based around hunting this creature. For now, here's a .gif of the player climbing on the stunned beast.
The climbing movement in
The Godbeast is inspired by games such as
Shadow of the Colossus and
Dragon's Dogma. You basically move, in whichever direction you wish, between nodes on the body of the monster. It's not quite as detailed as SotC itself, but it's also a lot more freeform than many other games climbing mechanics.
Once on the beast, you will have to manage your stamina a bit, as hanging upside down, moving around and using your weapon to stab the creature will all drain energy. Furthermore, shaking movement of the beast itself will also knock you down if you don't have enough stamina to withstand the blow.
The goal is for the player to move around the beast, while managing stamina as described, to stab the enemy and whittle down its health. You can do damage on various "zones", corresponding to the different limbs (e.g. the back, the torso, the neck, shoulders and hips). Not all of the zones' health has to be depleted, but there may be strategic advantages or disadvantages. E.g. damaging the hips will decrease the running speed of the beast or prevent it from doing certain stomping attacks with its hind legs.
Note that the stag shown here is also going to be one of the smallest beasts in the game.