Y'all are making me blush by quoting me so much!
Spine, yes. I think I should probably bite the bullet on a few more torso illustrations and maybe another one or two for the face looking in a different direction. There's no real reason I've been avoiding that, except I guess that it's easier in the short run. Your observations are really good! Thank you so much. ♥
There will definitely be enemies and characters designed around the limitations of the animation suite but this can't be one of them. Firstly because the far hand is the shield hand, and secondly because there are going to be
both swinging swords and thrusting swords in the game (as well as spears, axes, daggers and hammers), so they need to look different visually.
I think you're right. I've mostly been getting by with the stiff torso in the run animation because running with a sword you wouldn't expect a lot of gyration. You can see where I'm trying to get a lot of mileage just by translating the shoulder roots, but probably some texture swaps would help.