I always love point and click adventure game, but hate programming after doing two semester, what would be the best software to try my hands on games developement?
It's true, I am adding a bunch of stuff. I just know that I'm doing it more for my benefit than anyone else, you know?I don't think what you're doing at the moment is any kind of an issue. You're going to be launching on new platforms, and are adding a load of new content right?
I think it only becomes a problem if you polish something obsessively, to the degree where you're not actually making any real progress.
I always love point and click adventure game, but hate programming after doing two semester, what would be the best software to try my hands on games developement?
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object objPlayerCharacter:
is_array argument 1 incorrect type (5) expecting a Number (YYGI32)
at gml_Object_objPlayerCharacter_Step_0 (line 1) - {
with (_newIdleMask)
var _weapon;
_weapon = script_execute(objPlayer.equippedWeapon[ITEM_MOVESET]);
equippedWeapon = ItemGetFireSword();
var _newItem;
_newItem = ItemExtractArray(slots, selection);
switch (_newItem[ITEM_TYPE])
// Equip a weapon
ItemInsertArray(slots, selection, objPlayer.equippedWeapon);
objPlayer.equippedWeapon = _newItem;
Oh wow that's cool.Someone I follow on twitter posted this free sound effect pack. 16 GB of royalty-free, attribution-free SFX.
It looks legit, but I've never heard of this company before so I'm not 100% sure.
Something to do with AI.Sàmban;199057716 said:What kind of game does the name ASIDEUS make you guys think of? I want something iconic or at the very least "different" for the game I'm working on.
// TODO eventually use a more efficient system instead of so many for loops?
// TODO: This is especially (and horribly) inefficient once many IDs are
// used.
New addition: the basic PowerUp! I made a test to see how it interacts with moving semisolid platforms:
BTW, I´m having a problem with GIFCam where it puts weird green effects in the images, I could onyl solve it by recording the GIF at 10FPS and 256 colors :S Does anyone know any solution for this? or any other simple apps for recording GIFs? Even the green platforms appear transparent in the GIF.
I GOT IT! Guess what? It was a classic example of: "Keep it simple, stupid!", since I was making it more complicated then I needed to! As soon as I made it so I was only using one mask object and one mask variable, everything just fell into place. There is still something wrong with the walking north (the weapon seemingly detaches from the hand at one point, creating a one pixel empty line space for a hair of a second?.)
Now I just need to figure out how to fix that error that doesn't allow me to change equipment and then I can get to work on making my secondary weapon. To which, I wonder, should I have an entire sprite set for off-hand and mainhand for the same weapon or should I try and figure out how to get it to "reverse"?
Still need to figure out this error:
This is where the error is occuring:
I noticed that in the split second after leaving the pause menu, the sprite hasn't changed. So, something is happening when I switch weapons at this part. I want to say it's because it happens in a milisecond since this is within the step...
There's something... I just don't know why. If I do in a F10:
This works.
However something about this in objInventory:
Is causing an issue that I just don't get. Even if I put an alarm to delay events, the error always happens.
spending an hour on a head turn... thug life
In what engine are you making your game in?
It's true, I am adding a bunch of stuff. I just know that I'm doing it more for my benefit than anyone else, you know?
Not sure if that is a healthy way forward.
Well that's the thing I've never really made a full game on my own. My only point of reference has been my professional work (games that I made at Ubisoft, Microsoft, etc.) but that's a totally different experience.I wouldn't say it's bad to have the experience of doing a large scale product update under your belt. Only time will tell if it was actually worth it![]()
Let's see how quickly I fail cert
What's the plus-minus
I'm giving it six hours
I don't think you can pass a local "var" into a script - that's what's causing the crash. You'll need to initialise _weapon = noone in the objPlayerCharacter create eventStill need to figure out this error:
This is where the error is occuring:
I noticed that in the split second after leaving the pause menu, the sprite hasn't changed. So, something is happening when I switch weapons at this part. I want to say it's because it happens in a milisecond since this is within the step...
There's something... I just don't know why. If I do in a F10:
Fonts are rough at 192x108 resolution. Considering breaking it for a clean font. Anything legible at the game's resolution is huge and I either stick with the scaling or go 100% against it for native resolution.
I don't think you can pass a local "var" into a script - that's what's causing the crash. You'll need to initialise _weapon = noone in the objPlayerCharacter create event
To reverse the sprite horizontally use image_xscale=-1 (set it to 1 to get the normal version). As for your error, it´s hard to tell without knowing hoe the whole system works, sorry.
slots = ds_grid_create(invWidth*invHeight, 9);
slots = ds_grid_create(invWidth*invHeight, 11);
New addition: the basic PowerUp! I made a test to see how it interacts with moving semisolid platforms:
BTW, I´m having a problem with GIFCam where it puts weird green effects in the images, I could onyl solve it by recording the GIF at 10FPS and 256 colors :S Does anyone know any solution for this? or any other simple apps for recording GIFs? Even the green platforms appear transparent in the GIF.
I use GPU vertex displacement and physics to create high performance, high quality grass with believable movement.
This is probably one of these "quickie" questions:
How do I resize an existing window in Unity 5.3.x?
It appears that I can read the exact window sizes from the attached RectTransform on the windows, but there doesn't seem to be a way to actually set them.
Why? Menu animations. Thinking of doing expanding/shrinking when a window displays or closes. And as something "btw": how does one ensure that anything within that "spills out" is not drawn when the message box is too small, as part of the animation?
I like working with constraints, tbh. I also wanted to stay away from traditional pixel art scaling used in most games. I'm glad I only chose the look because its difficult to convey information on a dude 7 pixels tall.Readability triumphs everything else in my opinion.
Out of curiosity, was there a specific reason why you chose 192x108?
Fonts are rough at 192x108 resolution. Considering breaking it for a clean font. Anything legible at the game's resolution is huge and I either stick with the scaling or go 100% against it for native resolution.
Thanks. I am pretty sure it has to do with my pixels to units and ortho settings. The game renders at the screen's resolution but all artwork is 1:1 for 192x108Your game feels a lot smoother than that. I don't remember any of the normal judder you get with low resolution games.
In any case, I think you just have to use a LOT of the screen and keep messages short.
True.Sounds about right
That's really nice looking - it's making me want to do something with deformable fur though XD
You can just change the Rect Transforms localscale value if you want to do it via script; in terms of doing UI stuff though, I always like to stay WYSIWYG so I would probably actually have two versions of a UI element, a 'before' and 'after' and then transition from one to the other voer time, rather than relying entirely on script, so that I can visually see my layout while working on it in the editor.
e: (bear in mind Recttransforms are Vector 2s rather than Vector 3s if c+ping that scale code from the manual)
For stopping text spillover, the best way would probably be to set the text element properties to overflow, and add a mask (although honestly I don't think anyone would particularly notice if you had an animated menu transition that only displays text once the animation has completed)
Recommendations for pixel art tutorials/courses guys?
I'm not the person who asked, but thanks! This looks like a good resource.Try the Pixeljoint forums.
Try the Pixeljoint forums.
I fixed my old inefficiencies.I started adding some code, and my game started taking 1 second longer to boot. Very odd! I dug into it and found some comments.
Code:// TODO eventually use a more efficient system instead of so many for loops?
Code:// TODO: This is especially (and horribly) inefficient once many IDs are // used.
THANKS, PAST ME. Guess it's time for an improvement.
Picked up a couple of Udemy courses recommended by a friend to help brush up on C++ and get familiar with the basics:
Used this coupon code which reduced them to $15 each, so they came to $30 instead of nearly $400: MACMAGAZINE
Asiedu is a Ghanaian surname so I think of something taking place in Africa.Sàmban;199057716 said:What kind of game does the name ASIDEUS make you guys think of? I want something iconic or at the very least "different" for the game I'm working on.
I personally do resource indexing in self-balancing binary trees. Quick to find an index via ID or string, fast to delete.I fixed my old inefficiencies.
It turns out I was doing some linear search(es) as I created resources and found unique IDs. This works fine with only a few resources. Recently I added a few thousand resources (something like simple strings) and discovered that the search time really added up since it increases for every new resource. Now I'm doing simple increments which will be fine unless I reach a situation where I start DELETING tons of resources.
At that point I will experience the joys of essentially doing garbage collection, but until then, yay progress.
in 60+ fps the grass is smooth like persian cat fur
Video about current updates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCVDWq-J9F0
Yesterday I noticed my game being pirated so I left a message asking for them to spread the word if they liked it (no point in being hostile with pirates IMO):
At least is getting a good response from people in Twitter.
Yesterday I noticed my game being pirated so I left a message asking for them to spread the word if they liked it (no point in being hostile with pirates IMO):