Now that I've got my own Imgur account and worked a bit more on stuff... just felt like sharing a bunch of things here now, if only to say that I'm doing some work... at least graphics and UI-wise.
Some of the characters, used in the title screen:
I think it looks sorta OK, if a bit lumpy... any tips on smoothing out pixel art?
The title screen itself, still a WIP
Very empty

I think it needs a bit more presence, and since I have only added the characters. And an actual title... the green box is for a subtitle when I can think of one. (No worries, it uses an automatically tiled UI element.)
The latest field/system UI revision as of now
The two stray windows behind are the location name box that is called when one moves to a new location and the dialogue window box (dialogue itself unimplemented yet) - they should be hidden in the actual game when the system menu is up.
It covers the entire scene now when the system menu is up. Still thinking about the flavour of menu options that would show up on the right side... I probably will need to make good use of the button class, though if they looked like actual buttons, things might look a bit ugly... There's also doesn't seem to be enough space for text, though that's why the help box is there.
Thinking of using 56x16 graphics for the possible system menu options. Does that sound good?
If you have noticed anything from my past posts about working with the UI, yeah, I also added a pattern to all UI windows, as well as some window frame gradient shading. They look a lot nicer when it's not entirely solid.