A majority of classic games use a red-ish hue for the health bar, pickups aside.I mean, it is super simplistic (and therefore highly 'readable') to have pickups that fill bar be the same colour that the bar is - have you tried this with red pickups / green bar?
If you are already colour coding things elsewhere - eg red = danger - this is not helpful advice and I realise that.
Colour coding is a thing that is both surprisingly difficult and surprisingly contentious in my experience.
The main reason why we haven't nailed down the HUD colors is simply due to how colorful each level is. Until we get close to being finished, palettes are still being worked on. The HUD needs to be recognizable and readable at a glance without being too close to the colors of the levels, themselves and still fit the theme.
The lack of pixel real-estate makes it difficult as hell to come up with color schemes with such little detail that are readable. We've had to change colors and even designs for much of our geometry just to increase readability. That lessens with proper parallax but several indoor sections with back walls make it difficult to both look good and play well.
So for colors, for all I know it might be bright pink, purple, yellow, etc. I just used one of the most classic colors for a health bar as a placeholder. Nobody thinks a red health bar is bad because it's the HUD. Something red in a game, especially when a lot of our enemies are variants of red (for a reason), makes little sense to use red pickups since that won't immediately convey something useful.
Also the droplets have no design at the moment. They have a chance to spawn from enemies but every enemy gibs with pixel explosions that are permanent in-game. So there is a degree of confusion to work out with there seeing as how the health droplets and gibs are exactly the same design due to pixel real-estate.
So we have a lot more to do to making it look like something you want to pickup that makes sense for health. And seeing as how that is the only pickup you will ever see in-game - we have plenty of opportunity to get the design we need.
I was thinking of 3 swirling orbs that when activated all coalesce into a single orb as it travels to the HUD. Something that looks attractive enough to stand out without being an eye sore constantly seeing it in game.